2023-09-25 Metadata meeting notes

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Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting


  • @Elizabeth Roke

  • @Jacqueline Asaro

  • @Diane Biunno

  • @Kevin Clair


  • @Regine Heberlein

  • @Kate Bowers


  • @Elizabeth Roke


Working meeting: Finalize workplan

  • Are the tasks we currently have the ones we want to do this year?

  • Do we want to defer anything to a later date?

  • Should we add anything that isn’t already there?

Assign responsibilities and set timelines:

  • Who would like to volunteer to work on the workplan tasks?

  • By when should we plan to complete them?

Existing tasks seem to make sense, but we should add a goal around users:

  • Circling back to the user community

  • Collaboration with UAC on metadata conversations

  • Determine a process for bringing user questions or concerns about metadata back to this group (and to others in the Advisory Committees?)

Status of existing projects:

  • MARC importer--needs to be finalized; needs input from smaller institutions that use functionality out of the box and not the complicated use cases of the large institutions; need to check in on the sttus of the ticket about fields that are not imported

  • Marc exporter--not started

  • EAD importer--started, still work to do; unclear what needs to be done

  • EAD exporter--not started

To dos:

  • Find the collaborative space links and ensure everyone has access (Github, drive, etc.)

  • ERR/KC: review and report on the status of existing projects

  • KC send out links to all the existing project spreadsheets/documentation for all to review for next meeting