2024-10-14 Meeting notes

2024-10-14 Meeting notes


Oct 14, 2024

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@Austin Munsell

@Rebecca Baugnon

@Regine Heberlein

@Mary Pedraza

@Maggie Hughes

@Christine Di Bella

Unable to attend

Discussion topics









20 min

Checking in


next UAC and TAC meetings are set. UAC will be the service activity from last year and TAC will include a discussion of EAD4. Most of the teams have vice leads now, with the exception of Member Engagement and Tech Docs.

There is no need to fill the opening caused by the recent resignation of a TAC person.

TAC would like to invite the developers for a presentation about the tech-focused changes in 4.0.0. UAC may do multiple team breakouts. There will be no meetings in December.

It might be good to have a discussion of upcoming requirements for accessibility occasioned by Title II of ADA and the European Accessibility Act. This could be the topic for the joint meeting in February.

The leadership will schedule a meeting to discuss team workplans.

10 min

September Board meeting update


The meeting was fairly routine - topics included welcoming new Board members and setting an agenda for strategic discussions based on the It Takes a Village facets (Governance, Technology, Community Engagement, Resources) for the remaining meeting in the term.

10 min

Code of Conduct review update


There were some comments but no major revisions to the core value statements that were circulated for comment. There is an upcoming workshop on handling complaints and escalation [later moved from late October to later November]

5 min

Anything else?



Action items



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