2025-02-24 Meeting Agenda and Notes

2025-02-24 Meeting Agenda and Notes

Meeting Information

Monday, February 24th 10AM-11AM ET

Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting


  • @Alexander Duryee

  • @Bonnie Gordon

  • @Ojas Kadu

  • @Michelle Paquette - regrets

  • @Schmidt, Corey

  • @Thimios Dimopulos

  • @Brian Zelip

  • @Blake Carver

Helpful Links







5 minutes


  • Github monitoring calendar

    • Next few months are not taken. @Bonnie Gordon will send out an email to the subteam to task for volunteers, along with other questions brought up in Lead-Vice_Lead meeting.

10 minutes

Follow up from last meeting & topics surfaced in listserv/community discussions

  • New version changelog

    • Brian will create a page in techdocs for release notes

      • Can generate single page per changelog doc or multiple pages for each release.

      • Decision: Single page for every major release

    • Going forward, sub-team can add content for each new release.

    • TODO: @Brian Zelip will create a new structure on the techdocs website for new page(s) to list the changelog files. Also, will generate a PR that will take https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/TD-33 and put it into the techdocs website - including the changes to the website.

      • Add links to techdocs about JAVA requirements, Solr, etc. in the release notes.

    • Decision: sub team will take on adding these change notes with future releases to the techdocs website.

      • Subteam can take Brian’s PR and add links and further edits to get comfortable with it. Can also add screenshots where appropriate (PUI changes, SUI changes).

  • EAD export maps & metadata sub-team

15 minutes

ArchivesSpace Technical Documentation + https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/jira/software/projects/TD/boards/57

20 minutes

ArchivesSpace Endpoint Documentation

  • Assignments:

    • Jobs endpoints - Bonnie

    • Search endpoint - Alex

    • Agents endpoint examples - Michelle

    • Groups endpoint examples - Corey

      • This is completed and moved to done.

    • Classifications - Ojas


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