2025-03-24 Meeting Agenda and Notes

2025-03-24 Meeting Agenda and Notes

Meeting Information

Monday, March 24th 10AM-11AM ET

Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting


  • @Alexander Duryee - regrets

  • @Bonnie Gordon

  • @Ojas Kadu

  • @Michelle Paquette

  • @Schmidt, Corey

  • @Thimios Dimopulos

  • @Brian Zelip

  • @Blake Carver

Helpful Links







10 minutes


2024-2025 Techdocs Work Plan

  • Techdocs and Awesome ArchivesSpace PR monitoring; listservs monitoring for answering questions; review release notes/edits to developers.

  • Are there things we should be working on or are missing?

    • Awesome ArchivesSpace - it’s important to maintain it, though there are concerns this should not be on our responsibility.

  • Usability, table of contents, including community feedback into techdocs website - all these are done.

  • Presenting on Virtual Member forum did not happen

  • Facilitate updates upon releases has happened per new release.

  • For API documentation work

    • There is no deadline for this work - Classifications, etc.. It was removed from the agenda.

10 minutes

Follow up from last meeting & topics surfaced in listserv/community discussions

  • May be updates on how requests are made in 4.0. Michelle sent a request for info in Slack for help. TODO: add this as an item for the next meeting.

    • This is happening in the archivists working with archival data Slack space.

  • There is a Slack ArchivesSpace space and a techdocs channel. It’s never been used - consider using this channel for asynchronous discussion.

    • TODO: @Bonnie Gordon will reach out to Christine for getting Ojas access.

30 minutes

ArchivesSpace Technical Documentation + https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/jira/software/projects/TD/boards/57

  • Tech Docs Jira Board

    • Bonnie wants the Todo column changed to “Ready to Assign”.

    • Having a “Blocked” column would be nice too.

    • Have some sort of “backlog” column, where techdocs team members can draft issues and can build on and discuss later.

      • That’s what the “New” column is for.

      • The user assigned determines what team is working on it - Program Team vs. Techdocs team.

    • For tags or labels there are categories of work vs. the status of the issue (which is column based now). Are the labels shared with other ASpace boards?

      • Feel free to go wild with tags/labels - it’s ok with the nature of Jira/Confluence being what it is.

  • Reviewing issues

    • TD-21 - This is an EPIC. Each language could be its own issue and figure out specific steps for generating each language.

      • TODO: split ticket into 5 different tickets with specific languages

      • TODO: create new ticket for generating step-by-step process for doing translation and committing to core code.

      • Brian recommends using an LLM to do the translating, since Markdown is very well supported by LLMs. Make 4/5 copies of a file with the same name and when a user selects a specific language, it changes the language for the content.

    • TD-8

      • It’s doing a find_all for searching for the word “victim” and read it for context, then switch the terms.

      • Endpoints question is an additional thing - it’s not a blocker to completing this ticket. Ping Christine/Jessica to help start a conversation.

      • TODO: ready to assign

    • TD-22

      • Part 2 to translate the doc - the code part of that epic. Moved to New.

    • TD-23 - this might be blocked. Bonnie to look into this.

    • TD-25

      • This is more technical - there are Astro plugins with how to add those. Brian is available for “paired-programming” for this feature.

      • TODO: ready to assign

    • TD-27 moved to New.

      • Could be an MPN script. Robot says changes should be made locally and then it passes the CI on GitHub.

      • Creating a style guide and tooling needs to be set up first.

    • TD-36 - this needs to be closed on this board.

    • TD-33

      • Also an epic.

      • TODO: @Bonnie Gordon to build out tasks related to this - separating team responsibilities.

    • TD-26

      • TODO: @Schmidt, Corey to create a spreadsheet of pages that need descriptions and send that to Michelle to split up work on this ticket.


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