2019-04-04 Documentation meeting notes

2019-04-04 Documentation meeting notes


2019 April 4, 11:00am EDT / 10:00am CDT / 9:00am MDT / 8:00am PDT


Not in attendance


Conference call info

Topic: ArchivesSpace UAC Documentation

Time: Apr 4, 2019 9:00 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

Agenda: https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AC/pages/846790657/2019-04-04+Documentation+meeting+notes (feel free to add to it if you’d like to discuss anything!)

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Discussion items

9:00Roll call

9:05Review previous meeting minutes

9:05Documentation review updates and feedback

Brittany: Basics, Resources

  • Basic
    • Needs to be updated to include assessment records
    • Searching section needs to be updated
  • Resources
    • Rights statements images are broken.

Jamie: User Accounts, Repositories

  • Change gender pronouns from (her or his, his/her, h/her) to a consistent "their" across the entirety of the documentation.
  • Consistency and Typos

Jasmine: Reports, Importing and Exporting Data, Controlled Value Lists

  • Updates for grammar, clarity, and consistency, broken images and links.
  • Updates to reflect version 2.5.2
    • Permissions required for using these functionalities
    • Added and deleted report types and configurable and non-configurable controlled value lists
    • Added assessments as import type and export options for MARCXML

John: Accessions, Subjects

  • Slight updates and updates to broken images.

Kate: Assessments, Events

  • Update guidelines to make less detailed and more succinct.
  • Update language from events to modifications.
    • "The other comment I have is I might use the word “modifications” instead of “events” for that section, but I am not sure why that was the original word chosen, and there might be a specific reason I am not aware of. It states that:

      'Repository staff may use event records for several reasons, including: to document actions that modify archival records, to document actions that create new relationships between archival records, or to document validity and integrity checks.'

Kevin: Containers, Digital Objects, Locations

  • Updates to outdated images.
  • Kevin notes that his institution does not use locations and space calculators in-house, so could be judge of this in depth

Susan: Agents, Classifications

  • Group will submit one document of revisions to Jessica, using the documentation review wiki page
    • Beginning of document will cover style changes, then each documentation section. If no changes need to be made to a section, provide the title of the section and a note that the section was up to date. For broken images, specify where there are broken images in the section.
  • Note: ArchivesSpace may eventually move to a different system for its documentation, so that it is easier to maintain documentation.

Documentation writers' survey

Link to the survey: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1suUzK3e3OLUWRbEfMXttrTfp0bOdAETFY8b8RZ2vwso/edit

  • No additional feedback on the call. Add comments or revisions to the document by the end of this week.
  • Kevin will send survey out to user group and Google group next Monday. John also suggested the ASpace Twitter, SAA Collection Management Tools section.
  • Survey will be out for 3 weeks.
  • Sub-team will talk about results in next call (mid- to late May).