Digital Objects Exports Working Group

Digital Objects Exports Working Group

Convened beginning in March 2017, this limited time working group is evaluating and making recommendations for the existing Digital Objects exports in ArchivesSpace. As the work evolves, this group may consider other issues.

Initial charge

  • Identify a set of recommended data elements for each type of digital object export – METS, MODS, Dublin Core – currently supported by ArchivesSpace
  • Prepare data maps that indicate the recommended data elements for each and identify places where the current export does not meet the recommendations


Alicia Detelich, Yale University

Rachel Leach, Mount Holyoke College

Chris Mayo, Boston College

Steve Majewski, University of Virginia

Megan North, Texas State University

Margaret Peachy, Tufts University

Betsy Post, Boston College

Adrienne Pruitt, Tufts University

Suzanne Stasiulatis, Pennsylvania State Archives

Please comment on the draft mappings in the Google docs, leave a comment on this page or in the relevant JIRA issue, or email Christine Di Bella (christine.dibella@lyrasis.org)

Dublin Core export subgroup

Members: Adrienne Pruitt, Margaret Peachy, Megan North, Suzanne Stasiulatis

JIRA issue:  AR-921 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Draft DC mapping: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1D9AfOXv0hE9KrTiNitBq8eCT1GQ1tjFm9a0RYIL_Aq8/edit?usp=sharing

MODS export subgroup

Members: Alicia Detelich, Rachel Leach, Steve Majewski

JIRA issue:  AR-920 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Draft MODS mapping: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1hKuP3YqPRxZd9fR8c88UxRlCb2IBKslIDSsSWi4wFeA/edit?usp=sharing

METS export subgroup

Members: Betsy Post, Chris Mayo, Steve Majewski

JIRA issues:  AR-919 - Getting issue details... STATUS AR-788 - Getting issue details... STATUS AR-781 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Draft METS mapping - coming soon

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