Considerations When Translating ArchivesSpace
In addition to the considerations specific to the platform you are using to provide a translation of ArchivesSpace (GitHub or Weblate), it is also important to keep the following best practices in mind when creating a translation of ArchivesSpace.
Understand the ArchivesSpace specific definition of the word you are translating. Terms used within ArchivesSpace may have a different meaning in the context of the application than in the literal translation of the word. For example, archival object records within a resource record have what is described as a parent, child, and sibling relationship to one another. This terminology implies the level of hierarchy for each component record not a literal familial relationship. Be mindful that there could be better terms to represent this contextual meaning than those that are the direct translation in another language.
Be mindful of punctuation and capitalization within strings of text. This punctuation and capitalization should be respected within a translation.
Be consistent in word choice. If you determine an appropriate translation for an archival or ArchivesSpace-specific term, be mindful this term is likely to repeat throughout the application.
If you have questions about a translation or would like assistance translating a term or string, reach out to the community! ArchivesSpace members are encouraged to collaborate with other members via the ArchivesSpace user group listserv.
The Society of American Archivists Dictionary of Archives Terminology is a great resource to help define archival terminology (though not all ArchivesSpace specific terminology is represented).