2025-02-04 Meeting notes

2025-02-04 Meeting notes

Feb 4, 2025

12-1:30pm ET

Zoom link



  • @Matt Strauss

  • @Keli Schmid

  • @Alexander Duryee

  • @Christine Di Bella

  • @Mattie Clear

  • @Brianna McLaughlin

  • @Donald Smith

  • @Bonnie Gordon - regrets

  • @David Krah

  • @Regine Heberlein

  • @Elizabeth Peters

  • @Dalton Alves

  • @Dustin Stokes

  • @Thimios Dimopulos

  • @Jen Cwiok


  • Prioritize new and awaiting more information tickets.


Kanban boards:

Link to ArchivesSpace test server: http://test.archivesspace.org/

 Discussion topics









@Matt Strauss /all



  • Bri to lead March meeting

  • Dev Pri presentation to UAC in April

  • Keli Schmid resigning

  • Virtual Member Forum

    • Do we want to do something? What kind of outreach do we want to try? Maybe an “Ask Us Anything” type of session. Please reach out to Matt and/or Bri in the next couple weeks if you have ideas. Deadline to submit is March 3.


@Mattie Clear

1.ANW-2101: "Translation missing" for new values in (event_event_type)Ready for Implementation

2.ANW-2112: LCNAF plugin converts concatenated subject records with a name record to an agentReady for Implementation

  • ANW-2101: I was able to replicate the issue. At first I thought it may have something to do with her capitalization of the event type, but that had no bearing on the “translation missing” message. Confirmed that it is still an issue in 3.4.

  • ANW-2112: I was able to replicate this issue and confirmed that when a Name is associated with a subject that only an agent is created and not the subject.

  1. Pass

  2. Pass

@Keli Schmid

1.ANW-1907: Custom reports templates - add Resource URI to display to Resources report optionAwaiting Prioritization

2.ANW-2055: As a SUI user, I would like for the browse columns to be responsive to the width of the text in the columnAwaiting Prioritization



@Dustin Stokes

1.ANW-2081: 500 Error transferring a repository into another when there are conflicting default valuesReady for Implementation

2.ANW-2083: New feature - Mask the database password in the configuration fileReady for Implementation

  1. This is a straight forward bug where a valid workflow validation error is happening and ArchivesSpace is erroring when it attempts to show the validation information to the user. It should be passed through to dev.

  2. This is a valid concern and merits more research by developers into methods of secret value storage in Linux but that research may just result in publishing better guidance on appropriate system configurations for protecting this information.

  1. Pass

  2. Pass

@Regine Heberlein

1.ANW-2140: Digital Object links in exported EADs, but not OAI-PMHClosed-Will Not Do

2.ANW-2013: Automatically truncate the deleted_records tableReady for Implementation

  1. The behavior is confirmed; however, I believe this is coming from a configuration they may not have set, see here.

  2. While I cannot personally reproduce this, it seems that the issue of having to manually clear out this table has come up time and again. I would suggest setting the behavior Valery proposes as an optional configuration.

  1. Regine will comment the fix she describes in the notes for the reporter in the ticket

  2. Pass

@Alexander Duryee

1.ANW-1854: PUI PDF Creation Should Ideally Be A Background JobReady for Implementation

2.ANW-2094: Agent Role to be added as a column in the Linked Records table in an Agent recordReady for Implementation

  1. I agree that retrieving a PUI PDF shouldn’t time out, but I wonder if a background job is the best way to do this.

  2. Agree, and would suggest including the Relator if possible.

  1. Pass, and rewrite ticket description to incorporate that this is a problem but a background job probably isn’t the right solution so some research is needed.

  2. Pass, and rewrite ticket description to add role

@Matt Strauss

1.ANW-744: As an archivist, I want to view records created/updated by a particular userAwaiting More Information

2.ANW-2070: LCNAF Import Plugin system-generated sort name places title before fuller form of nameReady for Implementation

1.Audit functionality is now on AS roadmap. Original ticket and subsequent comments seem to point to two related features – an audit dashboard for each user and record-level audit logs. See for https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hL84AcyiNgYep3ogIEse7u2y4gk1zF1EC4ikPboO51s/edit?usp=sharing for draft of new ticket.

  1. Confirmed, recommend passing.

  1. Matt will move info in Google doc to 2 tickets in JIRA. Dev Pri will revisit this during March meeting.

  2. Pass

@Brianna McLaughlin

1.ANW-1859: As an archivist, I would like to be able to add userestrict dates to archival objects through the spreadsheet importerReady for Implementation

2.ANW-1900: Accessions importer spreadsheet - additional expansion requestsReady for Implementation


  1. I imagine this would be repeating the same work done for Conditions Governing Access, but for Conditions Governing Use. Recommend passing.

  2. There are currently a lot of tickets requesting additional fields for the bulk accession importer. ANW-410, ANW-1861, ANW-1868 to name a few. Each request sounds as good as the others to me, but we may need to prioritize considering the bulk accession import spreadsheet is already 115+ columns wide. I think we should consider scope before making any recommendation for this one.

  3. While keeping in mind notes from my second ticket, community feedback for ANW-1861 was overwhelmingly supportive. Recommend passing.

  1. Pass

  2. Pass

  3. Pass

@Dalton Alves



  1. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-1973

  1. I may be misunderstanding the ticket, but I believe after v3.4 this does exist? You don’t need to be logged in to see the “Restriction” label on the top container view.

  2. Use-case here makes sense and it’s well written. I think you can accomplish this with current functionality by checking a top container record associated with an AO that has a parent restriction. It’ll link out to the parent record that the restriction originates from. This functionality could be applied to the AO records themselves. Recommend passing.

  3. Revisiting this. Want to check if we still believe using open-ended dates is valid behavior. It maybe for agents, but it seems to be in conflict with DACS 2.4. Is there a valid use-case? As one commenter described, a (better?) approach is to use a begin date with an empty end date for these types of dates.

  1. Pass

  2. Pass

  3. Pass with recommendation that there needs to be better error reporting for date calculator

@Elizabeth Peters




  1. Essentially asking for events to function more similarly to agents and linked resources/accessions. I can see how this could be useful, but the current workflow doesn’t appear to be significantly more arduous than an adjusted one. If passed, low priority. If not passed, I would recommend changing the label “Add event” to “Create event” to better indicate the intended function.

  2. Since this is causing validation issues, it seems good to pass. The order is well-defined, so shouldn’t be overly difficult to add to the transformation. It sounds like forcing the order in ASpace instead (i.e. not allowing a form subdivision to be added after a chrono one) would cause issues with legacy data.


@David Krah



  1. Requested clarification and a use case. No response yet.

  2. Documentation seems pretty intentional that Coll. Management records should only be at the collection level. Management information for specific objects can be recorded in the collection level note - a processing plan can be entered in text or a link to local document. One an also make use of the “Repository Processing Note” in each object. The assessments module could also be used at the object level to track specific processing needs and priorities. Recommend not passing.



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