2017-05-30 Meeting Notes

2017-05-30 Meeting Notes


Call-in Number

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    Meeting ID: 447 910 518



Discussion items

TimeItemLed byNotes
5 minRoll callJason Loeffler

Mark Custer will take notes.

5 min Program update

Christine Di Bella and/or Laney McGlohon

  • HM is working on Rights Management and OAI-PMH
  • Laney is working on Reports
  • Freeze on PUI around June 9th; freeze for the other new features a week around June 16th; the next release date will depend on the testing / acceptance process.
20 min10 bugs reported and awaiting prioritizationJason Loeffler


  • Awaiting more information queue:
    • We're closing ANW-94 (JL tested in version 1.5.x and 2.0.x, and it's fixed in both versions).
    • The base issue for ANW-88 has been fixed, so it will be accepted as well.
  • Next up, the waiting prioritization queue:
    • ANW-129 (the one about digital objects missing from the tree view) Agreed to put this in the "Ready for Implementation" queue.
    • ANW-87: thorny issue, since there are a number of other related issues in the staff interface. Christine mentions that there's another group looking to revamp the staff interface. It's also a new issue, since the interface used to allow malformed XML to be in the notes and titles, but would still allow you to continue edits. Mark Custer agreed to test a few more scenarios with this ticket; and we'll add the ticket to Ready for Implementation
    • ANW-95: Fixed already! (probably another issue now with multiple dates, but if so, we'll create a new ticket).
    • ANW-92: Should this be a new feature request (i.e. allow you to use an email address as a username)? No, let's just update the error message and the tool tip to mention that there are some characters not allowed. Very minor issues, but agreed to put it in the Awaiting More Information queue. We need to come up with the error message first, before adding it to the development queue.
    • ANW-91: (EAD import issue with containers... they need id attributes right now!). Move into the "Awaiting more information" queue. documentation of this is needed, and this should also be reconsidered with the EAD3 imports/exports. Mark Custer will add a few more notes.
    • ANW-86: Known Safari bug (not an ArchivesSpace bug). Laney will write up documentation about this. We won't address this in ArchivesSpace in the core code. We'll add it to the Awaiting More Information queue for now. (We should consider a Documentation queue, or some other method, to put things into the documentation workflow moving forward). Once Laney has updated the Reports documentation, this ticket can be accepted and closed out.
    • jumping down to...
    • ANW-132: looks like 132 is fixed in the master branch as well as 2.0.1. Move to Awaiting More Information queue so that testing group can confirm it's no longer an issue.
    • ANW-133 (also the issue of the sibling record, where it goes down to the bottom of that list). The focus should shift to the preceding sibling. If no preceding siblings, then the focus should go to the parent record (not necessarily the resource record. Moving
    • ANW-90: Telephone numbers used to be a single field, but ASpace has been updated to allow multiple telephone numbers. The CSV importer should also include the other new elements related to phone numbers (e.g. telephone type, like business or fax).
    • ANW-130: Let's make this consistent with the rest of the EAD export procedure. Moving over to Ready to Implement.

Down to 5 stories that need more information now.

Adding the "Hudson Molonglo" label to the first three tickets in Ready for Implementation.

20 min9 feature requests reported and awaiting prioritizationJason Loeffler


  • Ran out of time before discussion these tickets.
5 minOther discussionJason Loeffler

Is HM aware of these two new queues?

  • Yes. We should also use the "Hudson Molonglo" label for tickets that have the highest priority.

Q&A (time permitting)All

Alas, time did not permit for much Q&A.

Next month (6/27) we'll discuss new features, etc.

Lydia will set up the next meetings (making sure to select the "Enable join before host" option, just in case she's unable to attend the next meeting.

Action items
