2017-02-28 Meeting Notes

2017-02-28 Meeting Notes


February 28, 2017

Call-in Number

Access code is 731627#


Discussion Items


Roll CallLydia Tang

Lydia Tang is the scheduled notetaker

230mAnalysis of JIRA and GitHub issue queueLaney McGlohon

35mRevision of mission statementJason Loeffler

  • Time permitting!


Currently there are two streams of JIRA tickets: AS (ArchivesSpace Support) and AR (ArchivesSpace Development).  Prior to the formation of the help desk (ArchivesSpaceHome@lyrasis.org), AS was intended to be a more in-depth trouble-shooting similar to the list serv, with bugs and other issues needing developer's attention would be internally vetted and transferred to AR.  More information: JIRA Resources

Report from Laney

As part of the cleanup to help the prioritization committee, I would like to propose the following:

1.       Merge the two projects into one and use a combination of statuses, resolutions, and affects version/s to manage the JIRA tickets

2.       Change all JIRA tickets in the AR project with an accepted status to closed so that we can ignore them when prioritizing them in the future

3.       Update the statuses on all JIRA tickets to more meaningful values based on a diagram like the one that is attached to this email. I have shown that diagram to Christine and she said she might like to add more statuses but that it is a good start.

4.       Document the process of how tickets get generated and how they go through each of the statuses and resolutions along with what the statuses and resolutions mean – maybe a glossary?

5.       For the AS JIRA tickets, I think we need more review to understand what has been completed and what hasn’t. Most of them are really old. In several of them the submitter was asked for more information, but no response was recorded.

Statistics as a results of Laney's discovery:

1.       There is a total of 1632 JIRA tickets in the AR project

2.       There are two resolutions that have been used

a.       Unresolved - 500

b.       Fixed - 1132

3.       There are nine statuses

a.       Open – 67

b.       Closed – 65

c.       Icebox – 252

d.       Not yet started – 132

e.       Started – 10

f.        Finished – 10

g.       Delivered – 18

h.       Accepted – 1067

i.         Rejected – 2

4.       Of the 1132 Fixed, 65 have a closed status, 1067 have an accepted status

5.       There are nine that are unresolved but accepted

6.       There is a total of 63 JIRA tickets in the AS project

7.       There are five resolutions that have been used

a.       Unresolved – 40

b.       Fixed – 3

c.       Won’t fix – 5

d.       Duplicate – 2

e.       Done – 13

8.       There are two statuses

a.       Ready for inclusion in release candidate – 23

b.       To do – 40

9.       The To do’s are the 40 unresolved ones, the rest are in the other status

 Take-aways: streamline and simplify the accepted status JIRA tickets into the "done" category, because it's currently too confusing to have so many statuses of open tickets. 

Action Items

  1. Jason Loeffler (Unlicensed) to revise Development Prioritization Sub-Team and shared with Gordon and Sally for review.

These action items are held over from the January meeting.

  1. Have a small group work to outline procedures and processes for the development prioritization group.
  2. Draft guidance for contributing bugs, features, etc. to JIRA.
  3. Share procedures and processes with the two Advisory Councils.

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