2016-09-27 Meeting Notes

2016-09-27 Meeting Notes


27 September 2016

Call-in Number

Access code is 731627#


Discussion items


Roll Calln/aThis meeting did not achieve a quorum and was not held.
Survey results discussionBrad Westbrook, Jason Loeffler
Core Application Stories (see below)All


● As a staff user, I want to be able to combine Boolean and Controlled Value fields in
Advanced Search using the proper AND or OR operators. See
https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/AR-1387 .
Discussion: There is a bug that occurs when combining advanced search fields in certain
sequences. When the first search field in Advanced Search is a Boolean field or a
Controlled Value field, all subsequent search fields will lack a default “AND” operator,
until a text or date field is present, after which all subsequent search fields will contain
the default AND operator. To replicate this, start an advanced search, delete the default
text box, add a Boolean search line, then a second line. The second line will lack the
“AND” operator in the first box, and any submitted searches will return the error above.
The same is true if you start an advanced search with a Controlled Value field. However,
if the second field is for a text or date field, a third field will have the default AND
operator. I can replicate this behavior in the official ASpace sandbox, so clearly there is a
bug in the core application. One caveat: the core application only includes text, date, and
Boolean fields in advanced search, so I can’t replicate the Controlled Value behavior in
the sandbox. Any development on this story should be a fix contributed to the core

● As a staff user, I want to be able to search for date fields that do not have a value.
Discussion: It would be useful to be able to search for records in which a particular date
field does not have a value assigned. Currently in the staff interface it is only possible to
search in relation to a particular date value, not in the absence of a date. For example, it
would be helpful to be able to search for any accession record which does not have a
date value in the user defined date 2 field.

● As a staff user, I want to be able to search for controlled value fields that do not have a
selected value.
Discussion: For many controlled value fields, including all of the fields included in
advanced search, it is permissible not to assign a value. It would be helpful to be able to
search for records that do not have particular controlled value terms assigned. For
example, if i want to find accessions with no accession type assigned, I currently have to
search for NOT purchase, NOT gift, NOT transfer, and NOT deposit. Being able to
search for accessions with no accession type value assigned would greatly simplify that

● As a staff user, I want to be able to search for records with empty text fields.
Discussion: It would be useful, for example, to be able to search for accession records
with an empty Title field. So for each keyword search option, it would be helpful to return
a set of records for which the selected field is empty. This would help for identifying
records that need further work before they meet minimal descriptive requirements.

Action Items

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