Reports Subteam Meeting Minutes, 2017/08/23
Reports Subteam Meeting Minutes, 2017/08/23
- Update on creating Shelflist Report from draft specification
- Hosted installation of ArchivesSpace for testing by Reports Subteam
- Access to ArchivesSpace MySQL database via JDBC connection
The following members of the committee were present:
The following members of the committee were not present:
The following guests were present:
- Laney McGlohon (Unlicensed) updated the group on her progress distilling the Shelflist Report Definition.
- The group discussed the need for a hosted installation of ArchivesSpace reserved for testing by members of the Reports Subteam. Suzanne Stasiulatis (Unlicensed) and Laney McGlohon (Unlicensed) will speak to Christine Di Bella about progress on that project.
- The group also discussed the need for read-only access a hosted version of an ArchivesSpace MySQL database via JDBC so that they can identify data sources for report definitions as well as a data dictionary.
- The group agreed to help Laney McGlohon (Unlicensed) write field descriptions and provide examples of data for specific fields in the ArchivesSpace database for an interactive data dictionary. Laney McGlohon (Unlicensed) will provide Carolyn Runyon with a CSV file with all tables and fields by close of business Friday, August 25. Carolyn Runyon will convert the data into a Google Sheet and propose a division of labor for Nancy Enneking, Nikki Thomas, and other members of the Reports Subteam by close of business Thursday, August 31.
- Carolyn Runyon will organize a Doodle poll for upcoming meetings in the next two months.