Import/Export Testing Guidelines

Import/Export Testing Guidelines

July 18, 2014
  • Use the test instance of archivesspace - this will have the latest releases:

  • Major testing points

    • Check that actual import/export match the import/export maps

    • Review the error messages for how helpful they are and give suggestions for improvement

      • Chris F. has recently added better error messages (for EAD and MARC?)

  • Issue tracking

    • add to pivotal tracker

    • check to make sure the issue is not already in PT (no dupes please)

    • tag the ticket (import/export, plus format - MARCXML, etc)

    • flag the priority (major bug, fringe case)

    • attach example files (EAD, MARC, etc.)

    • ok to submit each issue individually or group them together (though probably better to submit them as you encounter rather than grouping and saving ‘til later)

  • Who’s testing what

    • MARCXML - Rachel

    • Digital Objects - Noah

    • EAD - Michael

    • EAC - Can Chris P do?

    • Accessions - nobody yet - Michael will check with Harvard Archivists for availability

    • Cross over if you have the time and interest, or think you might have unique records

  • Additional Notes

    • Chris F. has done lots of work recently on EAD, so we should see improvement there

    • The MarcXML subjects/agents are mostly worked out, so testing the straight MarcXML is more important

    • Chris F. was interested in MarcXML examples - can Rachel provide?

    • Testing can begin any time, and we agreed (I think!) to try for a good round of testing by the end of summer.

Notes from 7/31 concall

Accession XML import

reuse /extend schema already in AS

- can subgroup do this?

(probably no xml export)

Accession export could be managed through a report (CSV)

EAD 2002

Need to import compliant ead as fully as possible

- ead2002 valid

- AS compliant are largely DACs compliant

come out schema-valid, and re-import

- may be some differences (no true round-tripping)

EAD3 - 6 months dev.

- create the ead3 data maps

- in real-life, not alot of ead3 imported except those exported


- test import and export

Digital Objects

- lots of different formats

- no mets or dublin core export

-- no events, rights

Immediate priorities



Is excel the best way to show maps? Yes.

- in the build there is doc that shows all the api names

- ead to sql mapping is sufficient


we should switch resources to concentrate on EAD


- AT migration tracer repository in test site

- - has EAD instances that should be comprehensive

- - also accessioning and digital objects

-- (no EAC)