Migration (2014-2015)


  • Michael Vandermillen, Harvard (chair)

  • Mark Custer, Yale
  • Noah Huffman, Duke

  • Rachel Maderik, VMI

  • Cory Nimer, BYU
  • Chris Prom, Illinois

  • Terry Reese, OSU
  • Nathan Stevens, NYU (AS Migration Specialist)


  • Ensure successful migration of AT and Archon to Archives Space for members and non-members, through testing, support, documentation, bug fixes and enhancement prioritization. Test import and export of various formats to ensure successful "migration" of legacy data not in AT or Archon.

Other Documentation

Documents migrated to Confluence from GoogleDrive.  

Originals and additional documentation for the Migration Subgroup can be found at: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B3aEOcCpVO6ySmRmQUxUVDFyb1U&usp=sharing