2020-05-11 Meeting notes

2020-05-11 Meeting notes


May 11, 202012 PM ET/11 CT/10 MT/9 P

Call info:

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/480879807

Or iPhone one-tap :

US: +14086380968,,480879807# or +16468769923,,480879807# Or Telephone:

Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):

US: +1 408 638 0968 or +1 646 876 9923 or +1 669 900 6833

Meeting ID: 480 879 807

International numbers available: https://zoom.us/zoomconference?m=84TFS7JsXMfyDTGBEmbXOm0WHlAnv3Zp


  • Kate Blalack

  • Johanna Carll

  • Kevin Clair

  • Lori Dedeyan - absent

  • Christine Di Bella

  • Terra Gullings - absent

  • Jasmine Jones - regrets

  • Ashley Knox

  • Dan Michelson - absent

  • Brittany Newberry

  • Julia Novakovic

  • Krista Oldham

  • Joshua Shaw

  • Kat Stefko

  • Lydia Tang

  • Althea Topek

  • Angela White - absent

  • John Zarrillo - absent


  • Update members on ArchivesSpace program activities including activities of sub-teams

  • Note taker: Ashley

  • Discussion topics









Roll Call


Icebreaker: any new hobbies/home projects


Program Update

@Christine Di Bella

@Jessica Crouch

Thanks to the Testing Team for continued testing. New release coming with lots of exciting updates, including an adaptation of the Harvard excel sheet plug in in the core code and ability to merge top containers.

Lots of attendees with the weekly coffee chats and webinars.

SAA Annual meeting shifting to online forum this year. Currently thinking about how to adapt the ASpace annual forum to online.

Will be presenting the recommendations to the Governance Board for new UAC, TAC, and Board positions.

Online forum is next week, please register!

Webinar for integrations

UAC updates

@Lydia Tang (Unlicensed)

@Brittany Newberry (Unlicensed)

  1. Google drive for UAC

  2. Member Engagement subteam update. Calls for subteams will come out soon with opportunity to join!



Sub-team Reports


Please report updates since the last UAC/TAC meeting on 3/23


Development Prioritization

@Lydia Tang (Unlicensed)

Dev. Pri. met twice since our last UAC meeting. We addressed 41 tickets. We’re seeking feedback on the following tickets:

  1. ANW-309: Improve the ability to copy/link data to various componentsClosed-Will Not Do

  2. ANW-338: As a researcher, I should be able to click a button to print any page in the new PUIClosed-Duplicate



@Jasmine Jones (Unlicensed)

Sub-team is finalizing the revision review process for documentation. Also currently working on a user documentation style guide. Updates (minor revisions and clarifications) to the user manual are being made on a continual basis.



@Joshua Shaw

Tested 14 Jira issues for the next release. Waiting to hear about future testing assignments



@Lydia Tang (Unlicensed)

Usability has been fielding some Jira tickets with the “Usability” label prior to Dev. Pri. and recently started a deep dive looking into the usability of the Collection Organization tab. Please view our draft report and comment any questions or feedback you might have!


Any TAC-reporting subteam updates?




New Vice Chair for 2020-2021

@Brittany Newberry (Unlicensed)

Vice chair duties include providing support for Council activities, liaising with and attending meetings of designated sub-teams, and acting as the Chair in meetings of the full Council in the absence of the Chair. The Vice chair is the designated successor the next time the Chair position is open, whether because the Chair’s term on the Council has expired, the Chair has resigned from the Council, or the Chair has decided to remain on the Council but resign from the Chair position. If a Vice Chair resigns or leaves the Council before the Chair position becomes available, the Chair will name a new Vice Chair.

Contact Brittany Newberry at bnewberry@auctr.edu if you are interested in volunteering for the position


Additional discussion topics?


  1. Retrospectives - please work with your subteam to publish a retrospective in your wiki space before the end of terms on July 1.


Thanks to outgoing members!


Outgoing members: Jasmine, John, Julia, Kevin, Lydia, and Terra. Thank you for all of your contributions to ArchivesSpace!


Action items


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