2020-05-27 Meeting notes

2020-05-27 Meeting notes


May 27, 202012 ET/ 11 CT/10 MT/9 PT


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  • @Lydia Tang (Unlicensed)

  • @Lori Dedeyan (Unlicensed)

  • @Alicia Detelich

  • @Christine Di Bella

  • @Edgar Garcia (Unlicensed)

  • @Maggie Hughes

  • @Randy Kuehn

  • @Mark Cooper (Unlicensed)

  • @Daniel Michelson

  • @Lora Woodford


  • Prioritize new and awaiting more info tickets related to results of the Dev Pri survey:

    1. Configurability of the public interface (38.85%)

    2. Custom Reports (37.41%)

    3. Rapid Data Entry (34.53%)

    4. Importing CSV for Resources (such as the Harvard plug in) (33.81%)

    5. Searching the public interface (33.09%)

    6. Configurability of the staff interface (31.65%)

    7. Visual Layout of the public interface (28.06%)

    8. Built-in Reports (27.34%)

    9. PDF generation for records in the staff or public interface (26.62%)

    10. Reconceptualizing the Digital Objects module (25.18%)


Kanban boards:

Link to ArchivesSpace sandbox: http://test.archivesspace.org/

Discussion topics









Roll call/ Announcements



@Lori Dedeyan (Unlicensed)

From Usability

  1. ANW-8: As a repository manager, I want to generate a list of storage units at which my repository stores materialsClosed-Will Not Do

  2. ANW-116: Create five new reports based on data in the Rights Management sub-recordClosed-Will Not Do

  3. ANW-117: Trigger notification or action for Rights Basis End Date expiration, for example copyrighted material where the copyright period is expiringClosed-Duplicate

  4. ANW-695: As a collection manager, I would like the option to export a list of top containers associated with collectionClosed-Complete

  5. ANW-878: Add an internal note field to container profile (only a field, not a full note)Closed-Complete

  6. ANW-100: Top Container navigation confusingClosed-Will Not Do

1. Addressed in Locations Report. No movement on ticket since 2017. Close.

2. No movement on this ticket since 2017. Was looked at by reports subteam but no action.

3. This ticket has been an action item on several DevPri meetings- ‘will be referred to TAC as a possible use case for a notification system’. From my experience there is demand for such a feature. (Also addressed in this ticket: ANW-923: Suggested AlertsClosed-Will Not Do .)

4. Facets of this can be drawn out with existing reports (such as Shelflist Report and Resources & Instances), though it would be more useful to be able to export a CSV directly from the collection results, rather than across all collections. Usability would like this to pass. *Note: Available ‘Download CSV’ options draw across all records of a certain type (Location, Container Profile, etc.) without specificity, so I wonder how feasible a selective Top Container CSV download could be.

5. Usability would like this to pass with an internal note.

6. Addressed and reporter recommends closing.

  1. Close.

  2. Close. Leave comment to open a new ticket if desired.

  3. Close ANW-117 as duplicate of ANW-923. Lydia will add comments to ANW-923. Needs to address: Should anything with an expiration date trigger an alert? Is the alert an email? What should be in the body of the message? A flowchart of what should happen when the date comes, who is involved and what happens when blockers come up. Staff end notification system?

  4. Pass. Add download CSV button.

  5. Pass. Add comment/body of the ticket that the decision is to create an internal note, which should be indexed and searchable.

  6. Close.

@Randy Kuehn

  1. ANW-1013: Improved error message for the Repository --> homepage URL fieldClosed-Complete

  2. ANW-1012: Allow local development to restrict access to localhost onlyReady for Implementation

  3. ANW-1021: Generate PDF should not automatically "include unpublished"Closed-Complete

  1. ANW-1013: Improved homepage URL error message

    • Error message received when new resource Home Page URL doesn't begin with "http" or "https"

    Recommendation #1: add format note to fields such as Home Page URL and Branding Image URL
    Recommendation #2: evaluate validation error messages - modify to include user-friendly message such as "wrong format" followed by specifics like "Did not match regular expression \Ahttps?://[\S]+\z"
    Priority: Low

  2. ANW-1012: Allow local development to restrict access to localhost only

    • Doesn't ArchivesSpace default to localhost only?

    • Recommend: More information?

  3. ANW-1021: Generate PDF should not automatically "include unpublished"

    • Confirmed change between v2.5.1 and 2.7.1

    • Unsure of the reasoning behind the change - perhaps to match EAD & MARCXML export defaults

    • Agree with reporter's reasoning

    • Recommend: Push - set "Include unpublished" default to unchecked (Resource: Export->Generate PDF->Include unpublished) and/or add option for users to set export preferences for EAD, MARCXML, and PDF

  1. Comment to update tool tip to say that the value should start with http or https. Change error message to: Home Page URL doesn't begin with "http" or "https". Pass as Community Developer.

  2. Pass.

  3. Pass. Comment to change all default to un-check include unpublished (not automatically include unpublished). And notify User Docs to update any documentation.

@Edgar Garcia (Unlicensed)

  1. ANW-1025: When a resource is deleted, the ARKs for the attached archival objects are not deleted from the ark_name tableClosed-Complete

  2. ANW-1026: EAD exports should distinguish ARKS from Component Unique IdentifiersClosed-Complete

  3. ANW-1027: EAD imports should handle ARKs for archival objects correctlyClosed-Complete

  4. ANW-1060: Multiple ARKs are generated for the same recordClosed-Complete

  1. I was unable to check a database for the orphaned ARK but this issue was recently reported and Laney was the reported that I am inclined to pass this issue.

  2. It appears that ANW-1027 relies on this issue to be completed. It makes sense to tag ARK IDs as ARK. Laney is the reporter. Pass

  3. This issue relies on the previous issue ANW-1026 but seems to enhance the ARK portion. This MAY even fix ANW-1060 if I read the description correctly. Pass

  4. Somehow ARKs are being generated even when one exists. It could be related to ANW-1027 but this is a definite Pass.

  1. Pass.

  2. Pass.

  3. Pass.

  4. Pass.

@Daniel Michelson

  1. ANW-949: Pretty print option for accession records in staff interfaceClosed-Complete

  2. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-1035

  3. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-817


  • This seems like a good candidate for a plugin. It is currently possible to print an accession record, it’s just ugly and spread across more pages than necessary. The use case for this is specific to the filing habits and internal reporting structure of individual people and institutions.

  • Context/Disclaimer: Maureen (who I work with) originally drafted a ticket that combined ANW-950 and this issue. She asked me to review it and I suggested breaking into two, since I didn’t (and don’t) think the accession print option is nearly as important as the PUI one.

2. Making citation information compatible with citation software certainly seems like a useful addition and I recommend moving to ready for implementation, provided there is enough information in the ticket for the developer.


  • This ticket was submitted by Blake on our behalf as part of our data remediation after migration to ArchivesSpace. The title is a little misleading, since controlled value field problems were the cause of the specific problem we encountered, which is unrelated to the requested feature.

  • Mark Cooper was able to force a regeneration in our specific situation, but this would be helpful to have as a background job for the benefit of those with limited technical support. I suggest changing to ready for implementation, but reducing priority to trivial.

  1. Pass, to add Yale plugin to core code. Community Developer. Change priority to Trivial.

  2. Pass. Community Developer. Leave a comment that this could be pulled from PUI linked data. Address what the core application needs to do to better surface this data to these types of citation managers (not just Zotero)? Change priority to Major.

  3. Close.

@Maggie Hughes

  1. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-21

  2. ANW-8: As a repository manager, I want to generate a list of storage units at which my repository stores materialsClosed-Will Not Do

  3. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-511

  4. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-536

  1. Date range parameters (and others) are possible for at least some of the reports. Ability to select sort method seems low-level need. Ticket is very generally phrased. Rec: close.

  2. Not quite sure meaning of “storage units”. Reports for: location holdings, location report, resources and location list, and shelflist report. Rec: close.

  3. Seems reasonable to move publish button up on Accession record. Rec: pass.

  4. Original accessions specification link doesn’t work. Any reason not to add to DO records? Remove from CSV accessions import or just change the label so that it no longer says “not populated by imports”? Recommend adding that when an accession record is spawned, the Repository Processing Note field should populate in the Resource rec. Rec: pass.

2. Close.

@Alicia Detelich

  1. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-158

  2. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-554

  3. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-498

1.) Last comment on this ticket was from Lora in 2018 indicating that it is still an issue for “basic” users and should be addressed. I was not able to replicate on my machine because it’s a Mac and according to ticket is a PC problem. It doesn’t seem like anything has changed here so I recommend passing the ticket. Could be ok for a community developer, though pinpointing exactly what’s happening may be tricky since the circumstances are so specific.

2.) The last activity on this ticket was in 2016, requesting detailed information on how the feature should work. This info was not provided. Could either keep it as awaiting more info, since that is true, or close it since there doesn’t seem to be much continuing interest.

3.) Given that the ticket is over 3 years old, seems to be based on an institution-specific workflow, and could be accomplished via a local plugin, recommend closing.

  1. Pass. Lydia will add link to mobile ticket. Possible for Community Developer.

  2. Close. Leave comment to say closing because lack of information create a new issue if desired.

  3. Close. Leave comment that closing and could do in a plug-in.

@Lydia Tang (Unlicensed)

  1. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-729

  2. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-744

  3. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-1000

  4. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/projects/ANW/issues/ANW-652

  1. User scenario: as a repository manager, I would like to see what has been created or updated in a given timeframe, perhaps as a CSV export?

2. This ticket has a lot of viewers (5). Selfishly, I would like this ticket to pass. I don’t think the community really engages in the Jira system, so we haven’t received any interaction on this ticket, besides these watchers, but I do think that this is getting at a desire to be able to compile records created or updated by a certain person. I’m not sure how it would work if a record is updated by someone else (if it would also stop showing up as “stats” for the earlier person, for example).

3. Selfishly, I would like this to pass, but I don’t know how this would work with multiple languages.

4. This ticket was brought up on the member list on 5/21 by people from U T Austin, Smithsonian, BYU, and Purdue U. They described “Purdue is in the same situation with slowing classifications workflows. After initiating a project earlier this year to attach a classification to each accession or resource record we have also seen a noted increase in load times when attempting to attach a classification to an accession or resource record on the staff side interface. We had an identical experience in 2.6.0 and recently upgraded to 2.7.1, where the issue persists. As others shared, the load time appears to be directly related to the number of records attached to classifications. […] This is an increasing work impairment for our unit.“ I’m not sure whether there needs to be actual specification on how to improve the load time, but it is a big problem!

4. Pass.













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