2019-12-13 Meeting notes

2019-12-13 Meeting notes


Dec 13, 2019 2 ET/1 CT/12 MT/11 PT

Call info:

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://zoom.us/j/480879807

Or iPhone one-tap :

US: +14086380968,,480879807# or +16468769923,,480879807# Or Telephone:

Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):

US: +1 408 638 0968 or +1 646 876 9923 or +1 669 900 6833

Meeting ID: 480 879 807

International numbers available: https://zoom.us/zoomconference?m=84TFS7JsXMfyDTGBEmbXOm0WHlAnv3Zp


Kate Blalack

Kevin Clair
Lori Dedeyan
Christine Di Bella

Jasmine Jones
Dan Michelson

Brittany Newberry

Krista Oldham
Joshua Shaw
Lydia Tang
Althea Topek
John Zarrillo

Not Present:

Johanna Carll

Terra Gullings

Ashley Knox

Laney McGlohon

William Modrow

Julia Novakovic

Kat Stefko

Angela White


  • Update members on ArchivesSpace program activities including activities of sub-teams

  • Note taker: Althea Topek

Discussion topics







Roll Call


  • Ice breaker: highlight plans for anything nice between now and the new year.

Program Update

Christine di Bella

  • Working on the new Help Center launch

  • Online Forum planning is starting; planning group is looking for interesting discussions and sessions; Forum will take place over a few days

  • Development: potential new release in late January; working on functionality to merge top containers and functionality to merge container profiles.

UAC updates

Lydia Tang

Welcome new members, Johanna Carll (Harvard) and Krista Oldham (Clemson)!

Submitted a joint quarterly report. Will plan to continue this in the future.

Updated position description for chair and vice chair to help document transparent duties and responsibilities for chairs and vice chairs.

Created with TAC chair Maggie Hughes:

DELETE Responsibilities and Expectations

Guidance on Council Resignations and Non-Participation

Sub-team Reports



Development Prioritization

Lydia Tang

Dev. Pri. met twice since the last UAC meeting and addressed 36 tickets. The survey closed and we are currently drafting up a blog post to share with everyone soon! Quick summary:

139 individual responses from 109 institutions. Top interests included:

  • strong interest in configurability of the PUI and staff interfaces

  • batch editing and data importing/entry

  • refining the search functionality

  • custom reports

We are seeking feedback on the following tickets! Please send feedback to Lydia before February 2020.

  1. ANW-357: As an archivist, I would like to record geolocation metadata in geographic entries in the Subject module.Awaiting More Information

  2. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-769

Board Stats:


Awaiting Prioritization: 20

Awaiting More Info: 17

Feature Requests:

Awaiting Prioritization: 127

Awaiting More Info: 86


@Jasmine Jones (Unlicensed)

The new Help Center is hoped to be launched in mid-December. Kudos to Jessica Crouch, especially, for her leadership and work on this effort. If there are future user requests for revisions to the manual, feedback can be added directly to the user manual pages as inline comments.

Revision to the following sections is in process: digital objects, events, classifications. New pages added to manual for new sub-records: languages sub-record and ARKs, released in v2.7.0.

Work plan for Docs Sub-Team: UAC Documentation Sub-Team: 2019-2020 Work Plan .

  • Currently focusing on establishing workflows and adding new pages for new system functionalities


@Brittany Newberry (Unlicensed)

The Testing sub-team is currently waiting to hear about assignments for testing of future releases.

  • Joshua will be co-lead for the rest of 2019-2020.


Lydia Tang

Usability subteam met twice as a whole group and also in our smaller staff interface and PUI sub-subteams. We’ve been looking at tickets with the Usability tag and have been working on creating mock ups and reading up on complex topics.

Currently, we’re looking at the following tickets and would appreciate your feedback:

  1. ANW-950: Pretty print option for records in the public interfaceClosed-Complete

  2. We’re also interested in custom reports. If you have thoughts about this, please let us know!

Any TAC-reporting subteam updates?






  1. UAC big-picture questions

    1. Are there things that the UAC can/should do as a unit beyond the subteams?

      1. Establish collaboration between subteams

    2. How can we best fulfill our mission? Should our mission be updated?

    3. Is there documentation or onboarding that you would like to have/wish to have had?

      1. Schedule onboarding meetings; go over how we use JIRA; add action tags in Confluence

  2. Question: should we experiment with meeting monthly starting from March -June? TAC meets monthly. Goals:

    • for members to feel more connected and involved as a Council.

    • to figure out how to be “communication conduit between the ArchivesSpace Governance Board and ArchivesSpace member users.”

    • to explore ways the Council as an entity can advise ArchivesSpace “on the design and delivery of services, such as community support services, technical support, documentation, training, migration, hosting, etc.” (quotes from mission)

  3. Any other topics? [please feel free to edit this agenda with your topics!]

  • Please fill out doodle poll by December 18.


Action items

Please fill out this poll by next Wed Dec 18 to help with scheduling the joint TAC/UAC meeting in February: https://doodle.com/poll/8f7r62sqxxrkb9zf
