2020-09-01 Meeting notes

2020-09-01 Meeting notes


Sep 1, 2020 11:30 ET / 10:30 CT / 9:30 MT / 8:30 PT


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Meeting ID: 954 7939 2806

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  • @Maggie Hughes - regrets

  • @Randy Kuehn

  • @Daniel Michelson

  • @Matthew Neely

  • @Althea Topek

  • @saron tran

  • Angela White

  • @Mark Cooper (Unlicensed)

  • @Lora Woodford

  • @Christine Di Bella


  • Prioritize new and awaiting more info tickets


Kanban boards:

Link to ArchivesSpace sandbox: http://test.archivesspace.org/

Discussion topics









  • Introductions

  • Code of conduct

  • Dev Pri meeting structure

  • Advice on approaching tickets

  • How to prepare for upcoming meetings

  • What should you to do after meetings

  • Questions





  1. ANW-1095: As an archivist, I'd like all creator agents to show up as the creator in the PUIClosed-Complete

  2. ANW-1029: When using the public interface on a mobile device, text for digital object description and other components extend off screen rather than wrapping or shrinking to fitClosed-Complete





@Maggie Hughes

  1. ANW-281: Bulk PDF PrintClosed-Will Not Do

  2. ANW-336: As a researcher, I should be able to save any record that can be returned as a search result into a bookbagAwaiting More Information





@Randy Kuehn

  1. ANW-947: CSV export/import to update locationsReady for Implementation

  2. ANW-1017: As an archivist or repository manager, I would like an option to return all preferences to the out-of-the-box defaults with one clickClosed-Complete

  1. It looks like this CSV export/import might be a good plugin candidate
    Recommend: Perhaps we could push the location import/update/export to Community Development

  2. I think a reset default preferences option would be a useful UI upgrade
    Recommend: If Usability doesn't need to weigh in, either push to Development or Community Development

  1. Passed for community developer as plugin.

  2. Passed for community developer to add to each level of preferences.

@Daniel Michelson

  1. ANW-956: Consistently Apply Date Label in PUIClosed-Complete

  2. ANW-121: Option to suppress fields not used in Staff Interface Ready for Implementation

  1. The submitter is correct that it is inconsistent for the PUI to omit date labels for creation dates. I do not see any downside to this proposal and recommend moving it forward for implementation

  2. I agree that this is a desirable feature and incorporating it into the global/repository/user preferences system would be logical from the user perspective (as suggested in the broader SIEWG recommendations referred to in the comments). Aside from the Finding Aid Data section of resource records, the ticket does not specify which parts of which records or sub-records should be able to be hidden. That would need to be determined before moving the ticket forward.

  1. Push to development

  2. Dev Pri will be investigating the possibility this type of feature

Action items


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