2020-07-14 New Members Orientation Meeting Notes


Jul 14, 2020 ​12 PM ET/11 CT/10 MT/9 P

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Meeting ID: 997 4131 6499

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  • Joanna Archer

  • Elizabeth Beckman

  • Regina Carra

  • Christine Di Bella

  • Bailey Hoffner

  • Margaret Turman Kidd

  • Matthew Neely

  • Brittany Newberry

  • Cory Nimer

  • Trevor Thornton


  • Inform new members of the mission and activities of the User Advisory Council

  • Notetaker: Brittany Newberry









@Brittany Newberry (Unlicensed)

Brief introductions from each member

ArchivesSpace Program

@Christine Di Bella

The program team works with UAC in a variety of ways. Supports the work of different sub-teams, such as User Documentation, Testing, Usability, Member Engagement, and Dev. Pri. Attends meetings of some of the sub-teams and gives a program update during the UAC meetings.

User Advisory Council Mission

@Brittany Newberry (Unlicensed)

  • Receive, suggest, discuss, and prioritize ideas for software enhancements.

  • Maintain liaison with archives communities in SAA, ALA, AAM, AASLH, DLF and other relevant professional groups

  • Advise LYRASIS on the design and delivery of user services, such as technical support, documentation, training, migration, hosting, etc.

UAC Members Responsibilities and Expectations

@Brittany Newberry (Unlicensed)

DELETE Responsibilities and Expectations

This page explains what is expected of each UAC member and work that needs to be done by each sub-team.

Council Meetings

@Brittany Newberry (Unlicensed)

Currently every other month. Will be investigating monthly meetings,. Will ask members their opinion on a set meeting time (example: third Monday of the month at noon) or to use Doodle poll

Confluence, Wiki, Google Drive, and Zoom

@Brittany Newberry (Unlicensed)

  • Atlassian accounts

    • Same account for JIRA (issue tracking) and Confluence (wiki, meeting notes)

    • New members should all have accounts

  • JIRA

    • Bugs and feature requests go through here

    • Several sub-teams work with JIRA: Testing, Usability, Dev. Pri.

  • Confluence

    • User Advisory Council

    • UAC pages

      • Rosters

      • Meeting notes

      • Sub-teams

      • Historical Files

      • Administrative pages

        • Responsibilities and Expectations

  • Google Drive

    • Can be used for sub-team work

    • Need preferred email to add to list of those who have access

  • Zoom

    • Can be used for meetings - sub-teams and council meetings

UAC Sub-Teams

@Brittany Newberry (Unlicensed)


This page gives a brief overview of each sub-team does - the purpose and major activities

Cross Council Sub-Teams

@Brittany Newberry (Unlicensed)


Development Prioritization

TAC Sub-Teams


TAC sub-teams 2020-2021
