2021-01-05 Meeting notes

2021-01-05 Meeting notes


Jan 5, 2021 3:30 GMT / 11:30 ET / 10:30 CT / 9:30 MT / 8:30 PT


Meeting ID: 954 7939 2806
Passcode: 965674
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Meeting ID: 954 7939 2806
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  • @Maggie Hughes

  • @Randy Kuehn

  • @Daniel Michelson

  • @Matthew Neely

  • @Althea Topek

  • @saron tran

  • @Angela White

  • @Mark Cooper (Unlicensed)

  • @Lora Woodford

  • @Christine Di Bella


  • Prioritize new and awaiting more info tickets


Kanban boards:

Link to ArchivesSpace sandbox: http://test.archivesspace.org/

Discussion topics









@Angela White

  1.  ANW-1062: Enhance repository processing note capabilitiesReady for Implementation

  2. ANW-942: Display suppressed tag in resource record tree for any records that are suppressedClosed-Complete

  3. ANW-1096: As an archivist or public user I want to be able to see linked deaccessions for resourcesClosed-Complete

  1.  This ticket wants to rename “Repository Processing Note” to “Internal Repository Note,” make it indexable, and be able to run reports for repository notes. This would certainly add some functionality, but I’m not sure that this is a high-priority set of changes. I’m unclear how other institutions use this note--at mine, we don’t really use it at all.

  2. This ticket seeks to have a “suppressed” indicator in the record tree in the staff interface. Currently, this is only visible within the resource record when you’ve clicked on a suppressed record (or through search results). This seems like an easy fix to make complex collections more easy to navigate in the staff interface.

  3. This ticket asks for visible deaccession records in the PUI in the same way that accessions can appear. I imagine it would be fairly simple to add a “publish” checkbox to the deaccession part of the accession record? If so, this is worthwhile to consider. I’m not sure that this deserves high priority unless it’s truly simple to accomplish. Most institutions I know using ASpace don’t display their accessions in the PUI; though my institution does, I don’t think I’d want the deaccessions to display.

  1.  Pass name change, decline rest

  2.  Pass with change to trivial

  3.  Pass

@saron tran

  1. ANW-764: Rate Limit Failed Logins To Staff SideAwaiting More Information

  2. ANW-530: In the Agent Link function, make name / title heading available for agents linked as subjectsClosed-Complete

  3. ANW-743: As an archivist, I would like the accessions browse/search listing to show related resource(s)Closed-Will Not Do

  1. There should be something in place to deter a brute force attack against the staff interface login. Possibly need more details or just copy something standard in regards to login and locking out or recaptcha.

  2. Has duplicate Jira ticket so there is interest in it. I asked Miloche about this and she suggested an alternative solution which I am not sure I agree with but she suggested to “add a filter option on the Browse results screen for Events.  Then the user can filter to records that have "Processing Complete" or "Cataloged", etc.  Would also need an option to find all accession records that do not have an Event (these are likely the unprocessed accessions).  There really isn't enough room on the browse results sceen to add this type of information.”

  3. +1 from Miloche on this – she said “I totally agree that this is necessary and should be prioritized.  Collections are more likely to have materials about a title of a work (hence subject heading), e.g. Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet than to have the work itself.”

  1.  Awaiting more information, we’ll ask Jessica to include in monthly e-mail

  2.  Pass

  3.  Pass for community development as a plugin

@Maggie Hughes

  1. ANW-1047: Relator terms export inconsistently in main/added entries $4 MARCXMLClosed-Complete

  2. ANW-1039: Bulk reorder components in the Staff InterfaceAwaiting More Information

  3. ANW-1034: EAD3 exporter should use daoset when there are multiple file versions in a digital objectReady for Implementation

  1. Kevin in comments added solution: $e for relator term AND $4 for relator code. Create companion ticket to request that role attribute in EAD2002 has the relator term.

  2. Seems like it would be useful for archivists. Can we use rules from existing sorting functionality or would we need a spec/new standard (NISO?)? Keep priority as major or change to minor?

  3. <daoset> in EAD3 is “An element for binding together two or more links to digital archival objects.” Should be a subtask of or linked to ANW-472. Could have Metadata Standards sub-team weigh in.

  1.  Pass

  2.  Awaiting more information, needs a spec

  3.  Ask Metadata Standards to confirm this the correct approach; add to ANW-472

@Randy Kuehn

  1. ANW-1006: Issue stopping ArchivesSpace service in WindowsAwaiting More Information

  2. ANW-1106: Accession Date Facet Doesn't Always Display Newest Accession YearAwaiting More Information

  3. ANW-836: Restrictions flag should apply to subordinate componentsReady for Implementation

  4. ANW-505: As a repository manager, I would like the publish setting in the preference options to be configurable to types of records.Closed-Will Not Do

  1. Recommended testing earlier version of procrun - Awaiting more info
    Alicia from Yale is testing other procure versions.

  2. Blake can’t replicate the problem on demand. He thinks “that after a certain number of records are added, the sort that builds that facet is failing”. Has anyone experienced a problem with the year facet failing?

  3. Recommendation: Add parent record restriction status (true/false/null) to child record API response.

  4. Need to review

  1.  Leave as is

  2.  Leave as is, Mark will talk to Blake

  3.  Pass ANW-836

@Daniel Michelson

  1. ANW-298: Move Subjects and Related Names from Collapsed Menus on PUIClosed-Will Not Do

  2. ANW-494: As an archivist, I would like to restrict search to only components of selected resourcesClosed-Will Not Do

  3. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-699

  1. This is part of the larger question of how much information should be “above the fold” in the PUI. I disagree with the submitter’s view that subjects and related names are more deserving of being above the fold than conditions governing access and use, language of materials, and extent. I recommend closing the ticket or referring it to the Usability Subteam.

  2. This ticket is asking for the ability to restrict search results to components of specified resources. While it is possible to limit a search to a single resource using the sidebar search in the PUI, that capability is not present in the staff interface and doesn’t allow for searching across a subset of collections. Adding an ability to filter by resource to the search results page would seem the most straightforward way to handle this.

  3. Defined lists have the “add item” button at the top of the list, while ordered lists have it at the bottom of the list. The latter is preferable, so I recommend passing this as is.

  1.  Close, long lists aren’t good above the fold

  2.  Awaiting more information, needs a spec or more details

  3.  Pass

@Matthew Neely

  1. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-518

  2. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-501

  3. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-496

  1.  This ticket is seeking to add deaccession sub records to Digital Objects. This would mirror Resource records which already have this. It seems a logical request but I do wonder if this is already handled by accessions and resource record worflows where deaccessions can already be recorded?

  2. This ticket is seeking classifications to be added to Digital Objects. The ticket was created to identify a means of mapping legacy digital object metadata into ArchivesSpace with their preference being to use classifications rather than convert to subjects. I think we could request further information on why subjects could not be used.

  3. This ticket is seeking a solution to display in linked resources within Agents all resources associated with that agent together with resources linked to any parent or child agents related to the agent being viewed. Comments in the ticket show that this could be cumbersome for some repositories. Options to search for keywords in SUI also might make this unnecessary to take forward for implementation?




@Althea Topek

  1.   https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-968

  2. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-667

  3. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-407

  1. List: all “notes” (except “preferred citation”), linked agents, linked subjects, and published external documents

  2. Published, related accessions should display in the PUI as “related unprocessed material” (similar to published related resources as “related collections”)

  3. Needs more information? No comments since 2015; is this still an issue?

  1.  @Althea Topek will compile a list of notes - will revisit at the next meeting.



Action items
