Accession Records_MasterForReview_20150202

Accession Records_MasterForReview_20150202

Accession Records
Functional overview
Accession records store information about the receipt of materials, which are typically unprocessed. An accession may be a single item or an aggregation of materials. It may be the beginning of a new resource or an accrual to an existing resource.
Accession records may also be linked to other types of ArchivesSpace records, such as existing resource, digital object, subject, name, or accession records.
Data in an Accession record can also be transferred into two types of records. It can be spawned into additional accession records to reflect a hierarchical or sibling relationship among accession records. It can also be spawned into a new Resource record. Edits to a spawned Accession or Resource record do not change the Accession record it came from. Only the first Accession record can be spawned to the Resource record; data from subsequent Accession records associated with the same resource will need to be entered manually. The process of spawning new Accession and Resource records from existing Accession records is described below.

To view an Accession record

On the main toolbar, click Browse and select Accession. Search and filter to find and select the event you wish to view.

To edit an Accession record

On the main toolbar, click Browse and select Accession. Search and filter to find and select the accession record you wish to edit.
Click the Edit button, make the changes you wish, and then click Save. The green alert bar on the screen will indicate that the record has been saved

To delete part of an accession record

  1. Find the accession record you want to edit. You can browse or search.
  2. Next to the related accession record, click Edit.
  3. On the left navigation bar of the accession record, click the sub-record section you wish to delete.
  4. At the top of the sub-record form, click on the X in the upper right corner. You will be asked confirm your intention to delete the sub-record.

To delete an entire Accession record

On the main toolbar, click Browse and select Accession. Search and filter to find the event you wish to delete.

You may delete an accession in two ways.

  1. On the accession browse screen click the checkbox next to the record you wish to delete, then in the red Delete button in the upper right corner.

  1. On the accession browse screen click the Edit button to open the accession record. Then click the red Delete button on the accession record.

In each case, the system will warn you that you are permanently deleting the record. Click Delete again to continue or click Cancel or X to exit the screen without deleting the record.

Creating Accession Records
Creating a Minimal Accession Record

  1. On the main toolbar, click Create and select Accession.

  1. ArchivesSpace requires two elements in an Accession record, Identifier and Accession Date, though you may enter many more elements if desired.

Title: (Recommended, but not required) A title, following DACS, is a combination of the creator name and a term describing the form of materials, whether general (papers, records) or specific (correspondence, diaries). The title of the accession will typically, but need not always, match the title of the resource to which the accession belongs. For example, the accession title may be John Smith Diaries, which may become part of the larger Smith Family Papers. When spawning a Resource, this field maps to the resource title.
Identifier: (Required) An accession identifier is comprised of up to four individual components. Only the first component is required. Using the other components may make data entry easier if you use multi-part accession numbers (for example, when you use the year as the first part the ID). NOTE: Identifier's must be unique within the context of a repository. If the identifier is not unique, you will receive an error message when attempting to save the accession record.
Accession Date: (Required) When you create a new accession, this field is automatically filled with the current date, so you will probably need to edit the date. The accession date in ArchivesSpace is meant to represent the date of the receipt of the materials, which is likely not the same as the date the Accession record is created or that the records were created.
3. Click Save Accession. If any required element is missing, you will be prompted to add the information.

Adding additional information to an Accession record
After the required information about an accession has been entered, you can continue to describe the accession using additional fields and sub-records indicated in the left navigation bar. Which fields you use and how you enter the data is subject to the policies and procedures of your individual repository.
When you add a sub-record, depending on the type of record, specific fields will be required. Youmay also link to other records, such as accession, resource, agent or subject records.
While entering data you should periodically click Save Accession. If any required element is missing, you will be prompted to add the information.

Additional Basic Information

Content Description: Open text field. A description of the document types and topical contents of the accession. When spawning a Resource, this field maps to the main level Scope and Content note.
Condition Description: Open text field. A description of the physical condition of the contents of the accession, including any special handling requirements. When spawning a Resource, this field maps to the main level general physical description note.
Disposition: Open text field. A note to describe how a particular accession may have been assigned to different resources.
Inventory: Open text field. A list of the containers and their contents making up an accession. The box list may be typed into the field, copied and pasted into the field, or referenced as an external document. The reference to the external document may be recorded here or in an External Documents sub-record
Provenance: Open text field. A note that provides provenance information about an accession, such as custodial history, detailed acquisition information, etc.
Retention Rule: Open text field. A note indicating the retention authority or rule for the accession.

General Note: Open text field. A catch all note field for any information that does not fit in any of the more specifically defined fields. Can be used as a memo for directing / reflecting processing activities.
Acquisition Type: Choose from a drop-down list. A categorical descriptor for the type of acquisition. Repositories may customize the list of data values.
Resource Type: Choose from a drop-down list. A list of terms for categorizing resources into basic types. Repositories may customize the list of data values.
Restrictions Apply: Select or clear the check box. A selected check box indicates that restrictions apply. The restrictions can be explained using the Access Restrictions Note and/or Rights sub-records, described below.
Publish: Select or clear the check box. A selected check box indicates that this accession will be published to public (patron) interface.
Access Restrictions: Select or clear the check box. A selected check box indicates that access to the materials is restricted.
Access Restrictions Note: Open text field. A statement indicating what materials in the accession have restrictions on access, what the authority of the restriction is, and for how long the restriction will be in effect. Additional information may also be recorded in a Rights sub-record.
Use Restrictions: Select or clear the check box. A selected check box indicates that there are use restrictions for materials in the accession. The restrictions can be explained using the Use Restrictions Note and/or Rights sub-records, described below.
Use Restrictions Note: Open text field. A statement indicating which materials have use restrictions, how the materials can be used, what the authority of the restriction is, and for how long the restriction will be in effect. Additional information may also be recorded in a Rights sub-record.

Dates sub-record Will this more or less be repeated for each place dates occur? If so, perhaps it would be better to have a primary / secondary record structure, to write a section for dates, and then to link to it from primary records to which it pertains.
Embedding this in multiple contexts creates extra editing requirements and raises the risk of error.I agree that the content for these subrecords should only exist in one place. My working assumption is that when this content gets stuffed into the documentation portal, it will be broken up into sections rather than being maintained in this 50 pg document. I included it here so that it would be written up at least once and ensure that I didn't forget anything related to Accessions. I'm thinking that if you get multiple people writing up "date" or "extent" instructions, you should use the best version you get!
This sub-record identifies and records the date(s) that pertain to the creation, assembly, accumulation, and/or maintenance and use of the materials being described. The required fields are Label and Type.
To add a Date sub-record, click Dates on the left navigation bar and then click Add Date on the right side of the screen.

Label: (Required) Choose from a drop-down list. Describes the type of activity that the date signifies. Repositories may not customize the list of data values.
Expression: Open text field. You must first select Type in the drop-down list. A natural language expression specifying the date or date range of the materials in the accession. Required when a normalized date is not recorded. Some examples: 1968; 1979-1993; 1785-1960; bulk 1916-1958; 1827; circa 1870-1879; 1906 March 1; undated.
Type: (Required) Choose from a drop-down list. Indicate the type for normalized date information, either a single date or a date range (inclusive or bulk). Repositories may not customize the list of data values.
Certainty: Choose from a drop-down list. Indicate the level of confidence for the information given in a date statement. This information is optional and should only be added when you are qualifying date information as potentially uncertain based upon the description or cataloging rules in use. Repositories may not customize the list of data values.
Era: Choose from a drop-down list. This information is optional. Period during which years are numbered and dates reckoned, such as B.C. or C.E. The value "ce" is the default. Repositories may customize the list of data values.
Calendar: Choose from a drop-down list. This information is optional. System of reckoning time, such as the Gregorian calendar or Julian calendar. The value "Gregorian" is the default. Repositories may not customize the list of data values.
Removing a Date sub-record
1. Find the date that is to be deleted.
2. Click on the X in the upper right corner of the Date record link.
3. Click on the Confirm Removal option to remove date fields, or on the Cancel option to retain the sub-record.
4. Click on Save Accession to save the context record with the date sub-record removed

Extents sub-record Ditto for Extents sub-records (and other sub-records) as noted for Dates sub-record above.Ditto, too!
This sub-record is used for recording the magnitude of the described materials in respect to volume, items, and containers. The required fields are Portion, Number, and Type. You may add as many extent records as needed, but only one for the whole of the accession.
Depending on repository practice, an example of data entry might be to enter one extent record for the whole (portion) of the accession measuring the total volume, i.e. 10 (number) linear feet (type). You might then enter a second, third, etc. extent to measure parts of the collection, for example an extent part for a count of photographs, floppy discs, or artifacts. Consistency in the use of Whole and Part extents will greatly aid a repository's ability to report out consistent statistics.
To add an Extent sub-record, click Extents on the left navigation bar and then click Add Extent on the right side of the screen.

Portion: (Required) Choose from a drop-down list. Used to specify whether an extent statement relates to the whole or part of a given accession. Only one extent statement may refer to the whole accession. All additional extent statements must refer to parts. Repositories may not customize the list of data values.
Number: (Required) Open numeric field. A numeric value for indicating the number of units in the extent statement, e.g., 5, 11.5, 245. Used in conjunction with Type to provide a structured extent statement.
Type: (Required) Choose from a drop-down list. A term indicating the type of unit used to measure the extent of materials described. Repositories may customize the list of data values.
Container Summary: Open text field. A list of container and container types housing the materials described in the component record. Example of use, if the Number and Type are 10 linear feet then the container summary might be used to record the actual number of containers (10 boxes and 4 flat files)
Physical Details: Open text field. Other physical details of the materials described, e.g., analog, black and white, negatives.

  • Dimensions: Open text field. Dimensions of the materials described.

Removing an Extent sub-record
1. Find the extent record that is to be deleted.
2. Click on the X in the upper right corner of the Extent record.
3. Click on the Confirm Removal option to remove the Extent record, or on the Cancel option to retain the sub-record.
4. Click on Save Accession to save the context record with the Extent sub-record removed

Agent links sub-record
This sub-record associates an agent as a creator, source, or subject of the materials described to provide information about their context. The required fields are Role and Agent. You may add as many Agent links as needed.
To add an Agent sub-record, click Agent Links on the left navigation bar and then click Add Agent Link on the right side of the screen.

  • Role: (Required) Choose from drop-down list. An indication of what role (creator, source, or subject) the agent has in regards to its link to a certain material description record. Repositories may not customize the list of role types. Note that if you choose a Role=Creator, the screen will present a Title field to complete or not, as you choose. In that context, Title refers to the title of a work, thereby enabling the recording of name/title statements such as "Olson, Charles. Maximus Poems".

  • Relator: Choose from drop-down list. A more specific indication of what role the agent has in respect to the materials being described. For example, an agent may be linked as a creator to a record, but with the more specific role of "illustrator."

  • Agent: (Required) Choose from drop-down list. The Agent related to the material described in the record. Agents may be searched using auto-complete, using a browse function, or may be created on demand.

1) To select an agent using the auto-complete function simply start typing in the agent box. The system will present you with matching name options with icons indicating the type of agent, person, corporate body, family, etc. Select a name to fill in the Agent box.

2) To select an agent using the Browse function, click on the drop down arrow by the agent box and select Browse.

Search for and select the desired agent on the resulting screen. Click Link to Agent to add the agent to the accession record and close the Browse Agent screen.
If you cannot find the name you need, click Cancel or the X at the upper right to exit the Browse Agents screen without selecting a name.

3) To create an agent click on the drop down arrow by the agent box, select Create, and then select the type of agent record you wish to create.

From this point follow the instructions provided in the Agent chapter of this manual. Click Create and Link to Agent when you have completed the data entry.

Removing a link to an Agent record
1. Find the agent link that is to be deleted.
2. Click on the X in the upper right corner of the Agent record link.
3. Click on the Confirm Removal option to remove the link, or on the Cancel option to retain the link.
4. Click on Save Accession to save the context record with the agent link removed

Related Resources sub-record
This field allows you link an accession to an existing Resource in your Repository. The Resource field is required. You may add as many Resource links as needed.
To add a Related Resources sub-record, click Related Resources on the left navigation bar and then click Add Related Resource on the right side of the screen.

  • Resource: (Required) Choose from drop-down list. A repository resource related to the material described in the record. Resources may be searched using auto-complete, using a browse function, or may be created on demand.

Find the resource you want to link to in one of two ways. Either use the auto-complete function in the Resource box or click the drop-down list button and then click Browse and browse the resources in your repository.

  1. To select a resource using the auto-complete function simply start typing in the Resource box. The system will present you with matching options. Simply select the resource you need and it will populate the Resource box.

  1. To select a resource using the Browse function, click on the drop down arrow by the agent box and select Browse. Search for and select the desired resource on the resulting screen. Click Link to Resource to add the resource to the accession record and close the Browse Resources screen. If you cannot find the resource you need, click Cancel or the X at the upper right to exit the Browse Resources screen without selecting a name.

Removing a link to a Related Resource record
1. Find in the context record, the subject link that is to be deleted.
2. Click on the X in the upper right corner of the Related Resource record link.
3. Click on the Confirm Removal option to remove the link, or on the Cancel option to retain the link.
4. Click on Save Accession to save the record with the link removed
Related Accessions sub-record
This field allows you link one Accession to another Accession in your Repository.We need to explain why one might want to do so. Links between accessions can be established to reflect a hierarchical or sibling relationship among associated materials. One might establish links between accessions of related material from the same donor that happened to arrive years apart. One might also link together accessions from subsidiary bodies or prior iterations of an organization.
The Accession field is required. You may add as many Accession links as neededFor what purposes? to relate your materials to one another.
To add a Related Accessions sub-record, click Related Accessions on the left navigation bar and then click Add Related Accessions on the right side of the screen.

  • Relationship type: Choose from drop-down list. The options are "Part of" relationship and Sibling relationship. Once the type is selected three required fields will be displayed.

  • This Accession: (Required) Choose from drop-down list. Select the appropriate term to describe the relationship. "Part of" relationship provides two options; Sibling Relationship provides one option.
  • Accession: (Required) Choose from drop-down list. A repository accession related to the material described in the record. Accession may be searched using auto-complete, using a browse function, or may be created on demand.
  • Relator Type: (Required) Choose from drop-down list. Select the appropriate term to describe the relationship. Each type relator currently has only one option.

Find the Accession you want to link to in one of two ways. Either use the auto-complete function in the Accession box or click the drop-down list button and then click Browse and browse the accessions in your repository:

  1. To select an accession using the auto-complete function simply start typing in the Accession box. The system will present you with matching options. Simply select the resource you need and it will populate the Accession box.

  1. To select an accession using the Browse function, click on the drop down arrow by the agent box and select Browse. Search for and select the desired accession on the resulting screen. Click Link to Accession to add the accession to the accession record and close the Browse Accessions screen. If you cannot find the accession you need, click Cancel or the X at the upper right to exit the Browse Accessions screen without selecting a name.

Removing a link to a Related Accession record
1. Find in the context record, the accession link that is to be deleted.
2. Click on the X in the upper right corner of the Related Accession record link.
3. Click on the Confirm Removal option to remove the link, or on the Cancel option to retain the link.
4. Click on Save Accession to save the record with the link removed

Subjects sub-record
This sub-record associates subjects with the materials described to provide information about their context. The required field is Subject. You may add as many Subject links as needed.
To add a Subject sub-record, click Subjects on the left navigation bar and then click Add Subject on the right side of the screen.

  • Subject: (Required) The subject related to the material described in the record. Subjects may be selected using auto-complete, using a browse function, or may be created on demand.

1) To select a subject using the auto-complete function simply start typing in the subject box. The system will present you with matching options. Select a subject to fill in the Subject box.

2) To select a subject using the Browse function, click on the drop down arrow by the subject box and select Browse.

Search for and select the desired subject on the resulting screen. Click Link to Subject to add the subject to the accession record and close the Browse Subjects screen.
If you cannot find the term you need, click Cancel or the X at the upper right to exit the Browse Subjects screen without selecting a term.Might this and what follows, and other instances like it, be set up as either back out of the option OR create a new record (with a reference / link to documentation for creating subject records)?
The way this reads now, it seems one always backs out when a target record is not found. If you are in the browse screen you have to back out – there isn't an option to create a subject from within the browse screen. Creating a subject is described on the next page – maybe that needs improvement??

  1. To create a subject, click on the drop down arrow by the subject box and select Create.

Follow the instructions from the Subjects portion of this manual documentation to fill in the resulting screen. Click Create and Link to Subject when you have completed the data entry.

Removing a link to a Subject record
1. Find in the context record, the subject link that is to be deleted.
2. Click on the X in the upper right corner of the Subject record link.
3. Click on the Confirm Removal option to remove the link, or on the Cancel option to retain the link.
4. Click on Save Accession to save the context record with the subject link removed

External Documents sub-record
This sub-record allows links to information in other description or management systems, such as donor files or processing plans. The required fields are Title and Location. You may add as many external document links as needed.
To add an external document link, click External Documents on the left navigation bar and then click Add External Document on the right side of the screen.

  • Title: (Required) Open text field. The title of an external document referenced from the accession record. The document may be of any form or content. A web accessible file, a network accessible file, a file on the same computer as the application, etc.

  • Publish: Select or clear the check box. A selected check box indicates that this External Document will be published to public (patron) interfaces. Note that this publish function operates independently from the publish box in the Basic Information

  • Removing an External Document link

1. Find the External Document that is to be deleted.
2. Click on the X in the upper right corner of the External Document record link.
3. Click on the Confirm Removal option to remove External Document fields, or on the Cancel option to retain the sub-record.
4. Click on Save Accession to save the context record with the External Document link removed

Rights Statement sub-record
This sub-record contains information about the rights status of the materials described and whether there are specific restrictions or permissions that have been indicated. The Rights Statement record allows the option of linking to an external document. The required field is Rights Type. You may add as many rights statements and/or subsidiary external documents as needed.Not sure what this is for?Not sure either – but it's there, so I tried to describe it! Maybe for a link to the (for example) text of the federal or state code in question????
To add a rights statement click Rights Statement on the left navigation bar and then click Add Rights Statements on the right side of the screen. Click on Add External Document to add an external link as needed.

  • Identifier: Uniquely identifies the rights statement within the repository domain. Rights Statement identifiers are auto-generated by the application.

  • Active: Select or clear check box. A selected check box indicates that the rights record is active.

  • Rights Type: (Required) Select from drop-down list the basis for the rights statement being made. Four bases are allowed: intellectual property; license, such as donor agreement; legal statutes such as Fair Use or FERPA, and institutional policy. Repositories may not customize the list of rights types.

Depending on which Rights Type you select, a variety of different rights related fields will appear. For detailed instructions on how to fill in these fields see the manual chapter on Rights. See also the description of External Documents (above) for instruction on filling in the external documents fields.
Removing a Rights Statement sub-record
1. Find the Rights Statement or External Document that is to be deleted.
2. Click on the X in the upper right corner of the Rights Statement or External Document record link.
3. Click on the Confirm Removal option to remove Rights Statement or External Document fields, or on the Cancel option to retain the sub-record.
4. Click on Save Accession to save the context record with the Rights Statement or External Document link removed

Instances sub-record
The instance sub-record records allows you document the type physical and digital parts of the accession and links the physical elements to the location to the location of the accession being describedwhere they may be found. An instance may document both physical and digital manifestations, for example, a box of paper correspondence and additional digital content (whether digitized or born-digital). Within each Instance you may assign one or more physical instances, assigned to a physical location, and one or more virtual locations (digital objects). In ArchiveSpace, locations are tied to each individual instance, whether that instance represents a single box, range of boxes, folder, item, or network file or folder. This needs some rephrasing, I think. This is always difficult to describe because of the duplication of the term "instance" The whole sub-record is the "Instance" but each physical element is also an "Instance"In other words, this is where you indicate where the material being described is located in your repository's storage area. You may add as many instances or digital objects as needed.
To add an instance, click Instances on the left navigation bar and then click Add Instance or Add Digital Object on the right side of the screen.
When adding an instance the required fields are Type, Container 1 Type, and Container 1 Indicator.

  • Type: (Required) Choose from drop-down list. A designation of the manifestation for the described materials. The instance designation is optional, but required to open and complete a container record for the material described. Examples: Mixed Materials; Maps; Graphic Materials; etc.

  • Container 1 Type: (Required) Choose from drop-down list. The type of the primary container in which the described material is housed. Examples: Box; Carton; Folder; Volume; Item; etc.

  • Container 1 Indicator: (Required) Open text field. An alphanumeric expression for indicating the place of a container in a sequence of containers. : 1a; 4-7; MSS 417; 2009.M.24-1

  • Container 1 barcode: Open text field. A barcode for identifying the primary container. May be used in place of the Container 1 Type and Indicator

  • Container 2 Indicator: Open text field. An alphanumeric expression for indicating the place of a container in a sequence of containers.

  • Container 3 Type: Choose from drop-down list. The type of the tertiary container in which the described material is housed. Examples: Page, Item; etc.

  • Container 3 Indicator: Open text field. An alphanumeric expression for indicating the place of a container in a sequence of containers.

  • Container Extent: (Conditionally Required Field) The extent of the container or containers described, usually in linear or volumetric units (e.g. linear feet or cubic meters). Do not confuse with an Extent sub-record. Required if Container Extent Type is specified.

  • Container Extent Type: (Conditionally Required Field) A term indicating the type of unit used to measure the extent of materials described. Required if Container Extent is specified. Values in this Controlled Value List may be modified. See DACS 2.5

Use only the number of containers that are appropriate for your instance.


To link a location to an instance click Add Location on the right side of the screen. Required fields are Status, Start Date, and Location. An accession may have multiple locations.

  • Status: (Required) Choose from drop-down list. The options are Current or Previous. Repositories may not customize the list of data values.

  • Start Date: (Required) Intended to reflect the date the material was moved to the location. Use the calendar button as needed.

  • End Date: Choose from drop-down list. Intended to reflect the date the material was removed to the location. Use the calendar button as needed.

  • Note: Open text field.

  • Location: (Required) Three selection options: 1) start typing to filter the existing locations and auto-complete the field; 2) use the down arrow to browse the existing locations; 3) use the down arrow to create a new location.

1) To select a location using the auto-complete function simply start typing in the location box. The system will present you with matching options. Select a location to fill in the box.

2) To select a location using the Browse function, click on the drop down arrow by the location box and select Browse. Search for and select the desired location on the resulting screen. Click Link to Locations to add the location to the accession record and close the Browse Locations screen. If you cannot find the term you need, click Cancel or the X at the upper right to exit the Browse Locations screen without selecting a location.

  1. To create a location click on the drop down arrow by the location box and select Create. Follow the instructions from the Locations portion of this manual to fill in the resulting screen. Click Create and Link to Location when you have completed the data entry.

Removing a Instance and/or Location sub-record
1. Find the Instance and/or Location that is to be deleted.
2. Click on the X in the upper right corner of the Instance and/or Location record link.
3. Click on the Confirm Removal option to remove Instance and/or Location fields, or on the Cancel option to retain the sub-record.
4. Click on Save Accession to save the context record with the Instance and/or Location link removed

Digital Object

When adding a digital object the required field is Digital Object. You may add as many Digital Object links as needed.
To add a digital object, click Instances on the left navigation bar and then click Add Digital Object on the right side of the screen.

  • Digital Object: (Required) A digital object that is part of the accession. Digital Objects may be selected using auto-complete, using a browse function, or may be created on demand.

1) To select a digital object using the auto-complete function simply start typing in the digital object box. The system will present you with matching options. Select an object to fill in the box.

2) To select a digital object using the Browse function, click on the drop down arrow by the digital object box and select Browse.

Search for and select the desired object on the resulting screen. Click Link to Digital Objects to link the object to the accession record and close the screen.
If you cannot find the term you need, click Cancel or the X at the upper right to exit the screen without selecting an object.

  1. To create a digital object click on the drop down arrow by the digital object box and select Create. Follow the instructions from the Digital Object portion of this manual to fill in the resulting screen. Click Create and Link to Digital Object when you have completed the data entry.

Removing a Digital Object link
1. Find the Digital Object that is to be deleted.
2. Click on the X in the upper right corner of the Digital Object record link.
3. Click on the Confirm Removal option to remove Digital Object link, or on the Cancel option to retain the link.
4. Click on Save Accession to save the context record with the Digital object link removed
Deaccessioned material may have been returned to its source, transferred to another repository, stolen, discarded, etc. When a deaccession record is created before an accession has been processed, the deaccession record is linked to the accession record. When a deaccession record is created after an accession has been processed, the deaccession record is linked to the resource record. ArchivesSpace requires several elements in a deaccession record, though you may enter many more if desired. The required elements are Portion (which defines the scope of the deaccession), the Deaccession Date Label and Type, and a Description.

Create a deaccession record

  1. Find the accession record. You can browse or search.
    • To browse, on the main toolbar, click Browse and select Accession. A listing of all the accession records in the repository displays.
    • To search, on the main toolbar, type your search query into the Search box.
  2. Next to the desired accession record, click Edit.
  3. On the left navigation bar, click Deaccessions, and then in the Deaccessions box, click Add Deaccession.

Fill in the following fields as required or needed:

  • Portion: (Required) Choose Whole or Part from drop-down list. Used to specify whether an extent statement relates to the whole or part of a given accession.

  • Description: (Required) Open text field. Description of the materials that have been deaccessioned.

  • Reason: Open text field. The reason for deaccessioning the materials described

  • Disposition: Open text field. A description indicating what was done with the deaccessioned materials.

  • Notice Given: Select or clear the check box. A selected check box indicates that notification of the deaccession was given, typically to the source of the materials being described.

Deaccession date

  • Label: (Required) Choose from a drop-down list. Describes the type of activity that the date signifies. The default here is Deaccession.

  • Expression: (Required when a normalized date is not recorded) Open text field. You must first select Type in the drop-down list. A natural language expression specifying the date or date range of the materials in the accession. Required when a normalized date is not recorded. Some examples: 1968;1979-1993;1785-1960;bulk 1916-1958;1827; circa 1870-1879;1906 March 1; undated.

  • Type: (Required) Choose from a drop-down list. Indicate the type for normalized date information, either a single date or a date range (inclusive or bulk).

  • Certainty: Choose from a drop-down list. Indicate the level of confidence for the information given in a date statement. This information is optional and should only be added when you are qualifying date information as potentially uncertain based upon the description or cataloging rules in use. Repositories may not customize the list of data values.

  • Era: Choose from a drop-down list. This information is optional. Period during which years are numbered and dates reckoned, such as B.C. or C.E. The value "ce" is the default. Repositories may customize the list of data values.

  • Calendar: Choose from a drop-down list. This information is optional. System of reckoning time, such as the Gregorian calendar or Julian calendar. The value "Gregorian" is the default. Repositories not customize the list of data values.

Deaccession extent
To add an extent to a deaccession record, click the Add Extent button on the right side of the screen.

      • Portion: (Required) Choose from a drop-down list. Used to specify whether an extent statement relates to the whole or part of a given deaccession. Only one extent statement may refer to the whole deaccession. All additional extent statements must refer to parts. Repositories may not customize the list of data values.

      • Number: (Required) Open text field. A numeric value for indicating the number of units in the extent statement, e.g., 5, 11.5, 245. Used in conjunction with Type to provide a structured extent statement.

      • Type: (Required) Choose from a drop-down list. A term indicating the type of unit used to measure the extent of materials described. Repositories may customize the list of data values.

      • Container Summary: Open text field. A list of container and container types housing the materials described in the deaccession. Example of use, if the Number and Type are 10 linear feet then the container summary might be used to record the actual number of containers (10 boxes and 4 flat files)

      • Physical Details: Open text field. Other physical details of the materials described, e.g., analog, black and white, negatives.

      • Dimensions: Open text field. Dimensions of the materials described.

Click Save Accession when you are finished editing the deaccession record.
Removing a Deaccession record
1. Find the relevant accession and navigate to the Deaccession section.
2. Click on the X in the upper right corner of the Deaccession record.
3. Click on the Confirm Removal option to remove the Deaccession record, or on the Cancel option to retain it.
4. Click on Save Accession to save the context record with the Deaccession record removed.

Collection Management
This sub-record is used to add internal-only information about how the materials will be processed or have been processed. There are no required fields, though Processing Total Extent and Extent Type must be used together. You can only have one collection management record per accession.
On the left navigation bar, click Collection Management, and then click Add Collection Management Fields.

  • Cataloged Note: Open text field. A note about cataloging of the archival unit (accession, resource, digital object), including provision of catalog record identifiers.

  • Processing Hours Estimate: Open text field. The time a repository estimates that is required to process a unit of archival materials (e.g. a linear foot or an item in the case of digital objects). The estimate may factor in, or not, the production of finding aids, catalog records, and other access products.

  • Processing Total Extent: Open text field. A numerical expression for the total extent (cubic feet, linear feet, items, etc.) processed.

  • Extent Type: Choose from drop-down list. A term indicating the type of unit used to measure the extent of materials described. Repositories may customize the list of data values.

  • Total Processing Hours: Open text field. The numerical result of multiplying "Processing hours per foot estimate" by "Processing total extent"

  • Processing Plan: Open text field. For recording a plan for processing of the archival unit. The plan may include an outline of the arrangement for the archival unit, as well as instructions for how to treat particular objects in the archival unit. The plan might also specify different assignments for different repository staff.
  • Priority: Choose from drop-down list. Indicates the priority assigned to processing of an archival unit. Repositories may customize the list of data values.

  • Processing Status: Choose from drop-down list. For indicating the current status of processing for an accession. Repositories may customize the list of data values.

  • Funding Source: Open text field. Used to indicate the source of funding the processing of the described materials.

  • Processors: Open text field. For listing staff to whom processing of the archival unit (accession, resource, or digital objects) has been assigned.

  • Rights Determined: Select or clear check box. A selected check box indicates that the rights for an archival unit (accession, resource, or digital object) have been determined and there is a rights record created and linked to the archival unit.

Removing a Collection Management record
1. Find the relevant accession.
2. Click on the X in the upper right corner of the Collection Management record.
3. Click on the Confirm Removal option to remove Collection Management record, or on the Cancel option to retain it.
4. Click on Save Accession to save the context record with the Collection Management record removed.

This sub-record is used for linking an accession to a Classification or a Classification Term (e.g. a record group system) managed within the application. For instructions on how to create a classification, see the Classifications chapter in this manual. An accession may only have one classification link.You are not wrong, but I am not sure the user manual is the place for such statements.
To link to a classification, click Classifications on the left navigation bar and then click Add Classification

  • Classification: (Required) A classification to which the accession is related. Classifications may be selected using auto-complete or using a browse function. They may not be created on demand.

1) To select a classification using the auto-complete function simply start typing in the classification box. The system will present you with matching options. Select a classification to fill in the box.

2) To select a classification using the Browse function, click on the drop down arrow by the classification box and select Browse.

Search for and select the desired classification on the resulting screen. Click Link to Classifications to link the selection to the accession record and close the screen.
If you cannot find the term you need, click Cancel or the X at the upper right to exit the screen without selecting a classification.
Removing a Classification link
1. Find the classification that is to be deleted.
2. Click on the X in the upper right corner of the classification link.

  1. Click on the Confirm Removal option to remove classification, or on the Cancel option to retain the link.

4. Click on Save Accession to save the context record with the classification link removed

User defined fields
This sub-record allows for creation of user defined fields for recording additional information about an accession not supported in other sections of the accession record.

User-defined fields are 'semantically neutral' data fields available ArchivesSpace. 25 user defined fields are provided in the Accession Record and they include the following data types:
• 3 Boolean
• 3 Integer
• 3 Real (Number0
• 3 Date
• 4 String (<256)
• 5 Text (>256)
• 4 Controlled value
The purpose of the user defined fields is to enable a repository to describe materials needed by the repository but not supported elsewhere in the ArchivesSpace templates. For instance, in the Accession record, a repository might choose to record the following;
• Whether a monetary appraisal was done (Boolean 1)
• The date of the appraisal (Date 10
• The amount of the appraisal (Real 1)
• The name of the appraiser (String 10
• The appraisal statement (Text 1)
These fields can then be labeled as:
• Appraised
• Appraisal date
• Appraisal amount
• Appraiser's name
• Appraisal
To change the label, one needs to edit the en.yml file located in [archivesspace]/locales, in the server directory where you have installed ArchivesSpace.
Assigning the label to a user defined field sets the fields semantic value, e.g. Boolean 1 in the example becomes, the field for indicating if an appraisal occurred within the accession record.
The assigned semantic value applies only to the field within its context in the particular Accession record field (a user-defined field in another part of the system, such as Resources can have a different value). However, it applies to all occurrences of that field. Put differently, changing the semantic value of a user defined field later, after it has been used, will shift the meaning of all previous occurrences of the data field.
To edit user defined fields the en.yml file I would put this in a unit about customization. Agreed! Would it be better to take it out of this document and start another one on Customizations, or just leave it here for the time being??in which the values are encoded needs to be edited on your server, but here is an example of the edits made on a local installation:

Close the ArchivesSpace Application

  • Find the en.yml file in the enums folder.

  • Make a copy of the en.yml file and save it under a slightly different name (e.g., en-defaults.yml) or in a different place. If necessary, it will be easier to revert to the default en.yml file.

  • Open the en.yml file with a text editor such as Notepad or Wordpad and find the list of values to be edited: (the example below shows the editing of a controlled value list, but the principle is the same)

  • Then modify the value for an item on the list. To remove a value from the list, simply delete the relevant line. The value is the string after the colon:

  • Launch the ArchivesSpace application. The new value will appear in the system

Accession Record Toolbar functionsPerhaps closer to the top, depending on how much is moved out of the unit. I put it at the end because I assumed this who document was going to get chunked out in the documentation portal. If this is going to go up as a single document, then most of it should definitely go at the top! Spawning was a problem, though. It was on the toolbar, but the description was too heavy-duty to belong in a "overview" section.

An accession record has a unique toolbar with several features, View Published, Add Event, Spawn, Transfer, and Suppress.

View Published Accession Record
If the accession has been published to the ArchivesSpace Public Interface, click the View Published button on the accession toolbar to open the public view of the selected record in a new browser window.

Add Event to an Accession Record
For detailed information on Event records see the Events chapter of this manual. To add an event record to an accession, click the Add Event button and choose one of the event types from the drop down menu.

Then click Add Event - or Cancel if you change your mind.

The system will then open a New Event screen. Fill out the fields in this screen in accordance with the instructions in the Event chapter of this manual. After you save the Event the system will automatically return you to the Accession Record you were working with.

Spawn a resource record or an accession record

About spawning

The information in an accession record can be transferred (a new record is the "spawn") to a new accession or resource record. When spawning an accession record, the two records are not automatically linked and you will need to declare the relationship in the Linked Accessions section in each record. When spawning a resource record, ArchivesSpace does automatically link the two records, and transfers specific information from the accession record to the resource record. Edits to the spawned accession and record records do not affect the accession record from which they came.

To spawn an accession record from an accession record

Find the accession record you want to turn (spawn) into a new accession record, click View or Edit.
Once you are in the accession record, click Spawn, and select Accession. The new editable accession record displays. The new record is a duplicate of the original accession record.
Before you can save the new record, you must enter a new Accession identifier. No other change is required by the system, though you will probably want to edit the record to reflect the element that will distinguish the record from the original.
To designate the relationship between the new and the original accession records, see the Related Accessions section of this documentation.

To spawn a resource record from an accession record

Find the accession record you want to turn (spawn) into a core resource record (spawn), click View or Edit.
Once you are in the accession record, click Spawn, and select Resource. The new editable resource record displays.
The system will then open a new Resource record containing information from the accession record. Note that the screen also has a Return to Accession button. This enables you to back out of creating the Resource and is only available until you save the Resource record. Add the additional required fields (see the Resources section of this manual for details) and click Save Resource.

What information is transferred to a resource from a spawned accession record?

The following table lists all of the elements that are mapped from the accession record to a spawned resource record.
Note: Deaccession records that are linked to an accession record are not transferred to resource records spawned from the accession record.

Accession record (field labels)

Resource record (field labels)


(linked under Related Accessions)



Content Description

Note Type="Scope and content note"

Condition Description

Note Type="General physical description note"

Linked sub-records:

  • Dates
  • Extents
  • Rights

Linked sub-records:

  • Dates
  • Extents
  • Rights

Linked records:

  • Accession to Resource Names
  • Subjects
  • Agents

Linked records:

  • Resource to Accession Names
  • Subjects
  • Agents

To Transfer an Accession Record
The Transfer button allows a user to transfer an accession to another repository. This functionality is only initially available to System Administrators, though it can be assigned to other users according to the needs and polices of the repository. See the User section of this manual for more detail.

Choose the repository you wish to transfer the record to from the drop down menu, then click Transfer.

You may click cancel from either screen to stop the transfer.

To Suppress an Accession Record
A Suppressed accession record describes unprocessed material once but no longer in the custody of the repository. A Suppressed record will remain in the ArchivesSpace database, but it can be hidden or exposed to repository staff members, as well as excluded or included in reports, depending on the preferences and policies of the repository. A suppressed record is never published to the public interface. Of course, a repository can also choose to delete records for accessions no longer in its custody.
To suppress a record, click the Suppress button. You will see the following results:

Click the Unsuppress button to return the record to an editable and viewable state for most users.

Special Notes

Enable or disable public output for a particular accession

  1. Find the accession record you want to edit. You can browse or search.
  2. Next to the accession record you want to edit, click Edit.
  3. Enable or disable public output for the accession:
    • To publish information about this accession to the public, in the Basic Information form, click to select the Publish check box.
    • To refrain from publishing information about this accession, ensure that the Publish check box is not checked (or is cleared).
  4. Click Save Accession.