

Basics Workshop
Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi, Texas
December 14-15, 2015

Nancy Enneking, Getty Research Institute
Bergis Jules (Trainer-in-Training), UC Riverside

© 2015 ArchivesSpace
Table of Contents
Overview: Workshop and ArchivesSpace Application
Application Overview
Staff interface
Records and sub-records
Record template
Navigation panel
Rollovers / Tips
Data entry considerations within the staff interface
Public interface
General browsing
Filtering by text
Filtering by term
Browsing by classification
Supported Browsers
Repository Records
Functional overview
Creating and managing Repository records
Creating a Repository record
Exercise 1: Repository records
User Records
Functional overview
Creating and managing User records
Associate a User record with a permission group and a Repository record
Use the Manage Groups option to add and remove User records:
Removing User records from a user permission group
Creating user permission groups
Configuring user permission groups
Click on Save Group to save the modified settings.
Exercise 2: User records
Location Records
Functional overview
Creating and managing Location records
Creating single Location records
Creating multiple Location records
Exercise 3: Location records
Accession Records
Functional overview
Creating and managing Accession records
Adding further information to an Accession record
Exercise 4: Accession records
Resource Records: Single-Level
Functional overview
Creating and managing Resource records
Creating a Resource record
Spawning a Resource record
Spawning and linking a Resource record from an Accession record
Adding further information to a Resource record
Exercise 5: Resource records (single-level)
Resource Records: Multi-Level
Functional overview
Creating Resource component records
Adding Instances to a Resource or Resource component record
Adding Instances
Associating Instances with Location records
Using the Rapid Data Entry (RDE) tool to create multiple Resource component records
Exercise 6: Resource records (multi-level)
Agent, Subject, and Classification Records: Authorities Basics
Authorities overview
Authorities workflows
Agent Records
Functional overview
Creating and managing Agent records
Corporate Entity:
Creating Agent records
Exercise 7: Agent records
Subject Records
Functional overview
Creating and managing Subject records
Creating a Subject record
Exercise 8: Subject records
Classification Records
Functional overview
Creating and managing Classification records
Defining a classification hierarchy
Linking a Classification record to an Agent record
Linking Records
Functional overview
Creating and managing links
Linking to Agent records
Editing or updating a link to an Agent record
Removing a link to an Agent record
Linking to Subject records
Removing a link to a Subject record
Linking to Classification records
Remove a link to a Classification record
Linking to Location records
Removing a link to a Location record
Linking Accession and Resource records
Removing a link to a Resource record
Exercise 9: Linking records
Exporting Records
Exporting EAC-CPF, EAD, and MARCXML files
Exercise 10: Exporting records
Importing Records
Importing EAC-CPF and EAD files
Importing MARCXML files
Importing accessions data from a CSV file
Import summary
Exercise 11: Data imports
Data Cleanup
Cleaning up controlled value list terms after importing data
Correcting Agent and Subject record variants after importing data
Exercise 12: Data cleanup
Customizing the Application
User interfaces
Public interface
Staff interface
Controlled value lists
Default values
User-defined fields
Wrap-Up and Discussion
Exercise 13: Accession and Resource records, and exports
Appendix A: Describing Archives: A Content Standard (DACS)

Overview: Workshop and ArchivesSpace Application


  • Instructors

  • Participants

Learning objectives
Upon completing this workshop, you'll have learned how to use ArchivesSpace to:

  • Create Accession records.
  • Create Resource records.
  • Create and manage Agent and Subject records, and link them to Accession and Resource records.
  • Record and manage physical locations within a repository.
  • Produce description output files in standardized data structures such as EAD and MARCXML.
  • Import legacy data and perform data cleanup tasks.

  • You will also become more familiar with:
    • Applying a content standard, in this case DACS, where applicable, to determine the kind and form of data recorded in an ArchivesSpace record.

Technical and administrative issues relevant to customizing and managing ArchivesSpace at your repositor y.

What won't be covered
This workshop will either not cover, or only cursorily touch on, the following aspects of ArchivesSpace:

  • Installing, upgrading and repairing the application.
  • Working with the underlying database application.
  • The following specific ArchivesSpace functional areas and processes:
    • Digital objects

    • Event records.
    • Collection Management records.
    • Rights records.
    • Agent contact information / contact logs.
    • Multi-part notes.
    • Merge/Transfer functions for major record types
  • Mapping legacy data.
  • Customizing the ArchivesSpace public interface.

  • Producing administrative reports.

As noted, if time permits we may touch lightly on some of the topics listed above. You will find more information about these topics, and topics covered in more detail in this workshop, in the ArchivesSpace user manual, available to members.

Post-workshop resources
ArchivesSpace Help Center (for members only):
Downloading, installing, and running the software:
Follow-up questions:

Application Overview

ArchivesSpace is:

  • Designed as an open source, online database application to support basic collection management, archival processing, and production of access instruments, including finding aids and catalog records.

  • A publicly accessible interface for searching archival finding aids at an institution.

  • Governed by a membership community.

  • An application that promotes data standardization:

    • Informed by DACS, the U.S. national content standard for archival description; and also informed by international archival descriptive standards – ISAD(G) and ISAAR (CPF).

    • Supports the use of data value standards for subject headings, dates, languages, and other descriptive data.

    • Supports exports into common data structure standards: EAD, MARCXML, Dublin Core, MODS, METS.

  • An application that promotes efficiency:
    • Integrates a range of archival functions.
    • Facilitates repurposing of data.
    • Automates encoding and reporting.

  • An application that lowers local staff training costs.

Staff interface

The initial Staff Interface is divided into four command areas or zones:
1: Repository / Application Mgmt. ApplicationApplicationApplicationApplication Mgmt. Management2: User Permissions & Preferences, Background Jobs, Reporting 3: Creating, Editing, Deleting Records4: Searching

1.Repository / Application Management: For identifying and selecting repositories, identifying users, and configuring controlled values lists and preferences for the ArchivesSpace application (i.e. global level) and at the repository level(s).

2.User Permissions and Preferences Management, Background Jobs (including Imports), Reports, and Plug-ins: For managing groups and users associated with the repository, transferring the contents of one repository to another, running background jobs and reports, and invoking plug-in functions.

3:Creating, Editing, Deleting Records:

Accession, Resource, and Digital Object records are known collectively as archival objects or material description records. Resource and Digital Object records both allow for multi-level description, which is expressed through the use of component records.
The other records—Subject, Agent, Location, Event, and Classification—are for amplifying the description record, indicating the whereabouts of described material(s), and recording actions done to the described materials.
All of the record types for the Create option can be created independent of any other record and then later linked to other records. For example, subject and agent records can be created in advance of their linking to material description records.
The Background Jobs link that is at the bottom of the Create drop-down list (new in version 1.2.0) allows staff to go to the New Background Job page, where one option is to Import Data.

Note that Collection Management records only appear as an option on the Browse record option and not on the Create record option. That is because a Collection Management record is assumed to be about certain material and, thus, can only be created in the context of a material description record for the material, i.e., an Accession, Resource, or Digital Object record.

4:Keyword search (labelled Search All Records) and Advanced Search drop-down:
Both options permit searching every type of record in the ArchivesSpace application. With advanced search, three types of search fields can be linked together:

    1. Text
      • Creator
      • Keyword (default, searches all text fields)
      • Notes
      • Subject
      • Title
    2. Date
      • Created
      • Updated
    3. Boolean
      • Published?
      • Suppressed?

These advanced search fields can be used in any combination together, but the search must be connected with Boolean operators. AND, OR, and NOT are available, with AND being the default option for linking the search fields together. Example:

Records and sub-records

ArchivesSpace comprises a series of types of records, which are the primary vehicles for organizing data in the application. There are also sub-records, which are related to one or more of the primary record types in ArchivesSpace. These records and sub-records serve as the basis for linking among records in the ArchivesSpace database.

  • Repository record

Provides information about the repository that has custody of the resources being described. An ArchivesSpace installation can be used by a number of different repositories, each with its own Repository record. A Repository record includes sub-records that allow for the expression of a repository's data defaults and basic characteristics of the physical repository, as well as its holdings and staff users.

  • User record

Allows individual users to have ArchivesSpace accounts with varying levels of permission to access and make changes to parts of the database. Only System Administrators can create, alter, and delete User records.

  • Accession record

Records information documenting the accession transaction, and can include information about the accession and basic collection management data.

  • Resource record

Describes a unit of materials, from an item to a manuscript collection or record group, which is managed according to archival principles. Resource records can be single- or multi-level records as defined in ISAD(G) and DACS. The Resource record can contain links to Digital Object records and material instances (e.g., text, microform, tape).

  • Digital Object record

The Digital Object record is optimized for recording metadata for digitized facsimiles or born-digital resources. The Digital Object record can either be single- or multi-level, that is, it can have sub-components just like a Resource record. Moreover, the record can represent the structural relationship between the metadata and associated digital files, whether as simple relationships (e.g., a metadata record associated with a scanned image, and its derivatives) or complex relationships (e.g., a metadata record for a multi-paged item; and additionally, a metadata record for each scanned page, and its derivatives). One or more file versions can be referenced from the Digital Object metadata record. Note that ArchivesSpace does not provide native support for storing and managing files referenced from Digital Object records. The assumption is that the files will be stored and managed in an external digital asset management system or network- or web-accessible location. The Digital Object record can be created from within a Resource record or independently and then either linked or not to a Resource record.

  • Subject record

Describes the principal themes or topical contents of the records being described, as well as the format and genre characteristics or occupations that are important as access points. Subject records can be simple or compound hierarchical records, and can be applied at any level of description for Accessions, Resources, and Digital Objects.

  • Agent recordDescribes persons, families, or corporate entities that have a specified relationship to the records being described, such as creator, source (i.e., donor), subject, or rights owner, or a specified relationship to an Event. The Agent record also has the capacity to indicate how Agents relate to one another.

  • Classification record

Used to create or edit a hierarchy of record groups, subgroups or fonds, at as few or as many levels as required by a repository. Classifications define a repository's overall arrangement scheme. ArchivesSpace displays a classification in a tree structure containing a hierarchy of categories and subcategories. A tree is formed from a root term (shown in the system by the classification name) and the branches (subgroups) of the tree are the classification terms. Each classification term can itself contain zero or more classification terms.

  • Location record

Describes any storage locations – shelves, drawers, file cabinets, bins, walls, etc. – where a repository stores archival materials. Location records are designed to track both temporary locations and permanent storage locations. Location records are intended to represent physical shelving spaces and not web-accessible file locations. The latter can be represented using URIs recorded as part of Digital Object records.

  • Event record

Describes an action involving a selected object in the archival repository (at any level in a multi-level hierarchy) and an agent. Events represent a specific action that one or more agents undertook in relation to one or more archival objects at a specific date and time or a range of dates and times. Events can be used, for example, to document actions that alter archival records, create new relationships between archival records, or record validity and integrity checks for born-digital records.
Each ArchivesSpace record has available to it several sub-record types. A sub-record is a linked record that can only be created and edited through the primary record. Some sub-records are required in some contexts, such as the Extents sub-record for a Resource record. All sub-records have their own requirements. Sub-records in ArchivesSpace include:

  • Dates sub-record For recording types of dates about the material or entity being described, e.g., date of creation, of broadcast, or publication. Occurs in Accession, Resource, Resource component, Digital Object, Digital Object component records, and Deaccession sub-records.

  • Extents sub-record For recording the extent for the whole or part(s) of the described material. Occurs in Accession, Resource, Resource component, Digital Object, Digital Object component records, and Deaccession sub-records.

  • Notes sub-record For recording notes providing more detailed description of processed archival materials. Occurs in Resource, Resource component, Digital Object, and Digital Object component records.

  • Rights sub-record For indicating the rights status of the material being described. Occurs in Accession, Resource, Resource component, Digital Object, and Digital Object component records.

  • Deaccessions sub-record For indicating materials that have been removed from an accession or from a processed collection. Occurs in Accession and Resource records.

  • Collection Management sub-record For recording information about the processing of the materials being described. Occurs in Accession, Resource, and Digital Object records.

Record template

Navigation panel

The navigation panel on the left side of the ArchivesSpace staff interface provides a snapshot of the high-level sections of an ArchivesSpace record.
Clicking on any section of the navigation panel takes the staff user to the ArchivesSpace data field(s) associated with that section, highlighting the selected section, as shown in the illustration below of the data fields associated with the Collections Management section of an ArchivesSpace Resource record. An ArchivesSpace record is a linear document, and, while scrolling through a record, the highlighted section of the navigation panel will change to keep the staff user oriented to the current position within the record.

Required data fields
ArchivesSpace marks required fields with a red asterisk and bold type. This image shows a typical form with the required fields indicated.

If a sub-form or field is conditionally required, this is noted in a text box when you hover over the field (also known as a tool tip). Conditionally required fields are marked with a gray asterisk.

Rollovers / Tips

Rollover texts are associated with almost all of the labels in the ArchivesSpace records; hover your mouse over a particular heading or label to see the rollover text. Typically, the rollover consists of a definition of the element, a reference to the appropriate rule in DACS or to elements in export data formats, such as MARC, and examples of good practice.

The rollover texts can be completely modified, with the understanding that the resultant modifications are for all users within one implementation and thus in a multi-repository installation, cannot be constrained only to the users of one repository versus another. The rollover feature provides a repository with the means to integrate its processing procedures directly into the application.

Expanding data fields
Some data fields can be expanded to accommodate entering multiple lines of text, i.e., long narrative statements. Six dots indicate that you can select and drag the bottom right corner of the data field to expand it.

EAD tagging within data fields
Within Notes sub-records, ArchivesSpace provides an auto-complete function for EAD tags. You can either directly include EAD markup within the data field – or type "<" to invoke the auto-complete function.

Even though the auto-complete function doesn't appear on data fields external to Notes sub-records, you can still enter EAD tags into other fields. Note, however, that the underlying data will have a specific mapping to an EAD tag – and the particular tag may only allow for certain nested EAD tags. The[ |http://www.archivesspace.org/importexport]ArchivesSpace website (ArchivesSpace Application > Technical Documentation > Data Import and Export Maps) provides a summary of export mappings from Resource record data fields into EAD.

Special characters within data fields
Special characters, or text from any international writing system, can be input directly as UTF-8 Unicode.

Punctuation within data fields
ArchivesSpace does not automatically supply any end punctuation after text entered within data fields. It does add commas and parentheses to Agent records and dashes to compound hierarchical Subject records.

Data entry considerations within the staff interface

When multiple users edit a record at the same time
ArchivesSpace is a networked application in which more than one user can access and view the same record at the same time. A situation may occur where two people attempt to save the same record at exactly the same time.
ArchivesSpace resolves this potential conflict with the "first to save wins" method. What this means is that if two people open the same record, both editing and saving it independently, then the first person to save will be successful, the second person to save will receive an error message indicating the local copy of the record is now outdated and they must reload the record and reenter any unsaved changes.
Remember to save frequently when editing records that others may want to edit as well.

Public interface

ArchivesSpace includes a public interface, which is intended to make Resource, Digital Object, and Accession records entered in the staff interface discoverable by end (i.e. public) users. Use of the public interface is optional. Instead of using the public interface, some repositories will choose to export metadata outputs (e.g. EAD, MARCXML, or EAC-CPF files) into other systems. Under its default configurations, the public interface will be available at port 8081 of the same server where the staff interface is found: e.g. http://ynhsc.org/archivesspace:8081/ This port location can be customized at or after the time of installation, or can be mapped to a more user-friendly URL.
ArchivesSpace automatically indexes all information entered into the system. Using this index, it publishes a website containing Resource records and component descriptions (i.e. finding aids), Digital Object records and component descriptions, and Accession records. It also provides the ability to browse and sort these record types on various parameters, such as names, subjects, and classifications, and it includes limited capability to display certain digital object files (i.e. images) inline in the system.

You can use the "Publish" radio button on the staff interface to display a particular record or part of a record in the public interface.

As soon as you save a record or save updates to an existing record in the staff interface, it will "go live" on the public interface, unless Publish is unchecked and thus turned off.
When you are logged in to the staff interface as a staff user, your view of the public interface will contain a link in the form of an edit button to the staff view of the record:

General browsing

In the public interface, you can browse by repository, resource title (under the "Collections" menu), digital object title, accession title, subject, name, and classification. Three basic methods can be used to navigate through browse lists and these methods can be combined, giving the public user power to affect the display of lists.


When in a browsing pane, records can be sorted by title, date created, and date last modified.

Filtering by text

Users can filter browse lists to show only records containing a particular string of text or keywords. These filters can be easily removed after a search has been completed.

Filtering by term

Browse lists can be filtered by clicking on the desired term in the list to the left. The options available will vary depending on the set of records you are browsing, but could include repositories (in a multi-repository instance), record types, subjects, sources for agent records or subjects, or agent roles:

Browsing by classification

Once a classification system has been defined and after resources have been linked to a classification, public users will be able to browse classifications, with related records grouped under their classifications.

This screenshot shows a portion of the records linked to the Admissions & Records -> Admissions subgroup:


ArchivesSpace's public interface also includes a search tool, enabling basic "Google-style" keyword searching plus an advanced search option. This screenshot shows both the basic search box on the right, with the advanced options expanded below. Please note that the search function is not case sensitive.

By default, search results for a keyword search are presented by relevance, and various record types are intermingled in the result set. Records can be filtered and sorted, as noted in the browsing section above, and as shown in this screenshot:

Supported Browsers

ArchivesSpace supports the use of several browsers at differing levels.

For additional and more up to date information, see {+}https://github.com/archivesspace/archivesspace/wiki/Supported-browsers+.

Repository Records

Functional overview

A Repository record is created during the initial set up of ArchivesSpace. After set up, this record can be edited and additional Repository records can be created. The Repository record serves two basic purposes: to store information for later output and to demarcate the data of one repository from that of another repository.

The Repository record stores data such as the repository's contact information and identifying codes for later output to access instruments such as EAD-encoded finding aids. Recording and storing this information in one place – at the repository level of description – alleviates the need for repetitive data entry at the resource level and makes revision of all ArchivesSpace exports easier.

The second purpose of the Repository record is to distinguish one repository's Accession records, Resource records, and data rules from those of another repository using the same multi-repository implementation of ArchivesSpace.

To perform any tasks related to managing Repository records, you need to be signed in with a System Administrator account.

Creating and managing Repository records

When creating a Repository record, only two data fields are required:

  • Repository Name: The full name of the repository that has responsibility for the records being described.

  • Repository Short Name: An abbreviation or acronym of the repository name. This is the name shown in most places in the ArchivesSpace interface. You should choose a short name that will allow users to easily differentiate between repositories on your system if you have multiple repositories.

Creating a Repository record

  1. Sign in to ArchivesSpace as a System Administrator.

  1. On the System menu, click Manage Repositories. ArchivesSpace displays a list of all the repositories on the system.

  1. Click Create Repository.

  1. Enter data in the required fields:
  • Repository Short Name

  • Repository Name

  1. Add any other information you wish, and then click Save Repository. Note that if you are entering multiple new Repository records at the same time you can click on +1 to save your current record and automatically open a new blank Repository record.

Enhancing a Repository record

  1. Enter detailed additional information about your repository, including Organization/Agency Code, Parent Institution Name, Country, Home Page URL, Branding Image URL (for a repository logo that should appear on your finding aids), and information concerning Contact Details (address, phone, etc.).

  1. After editing, save your additional information by clicking Save Repository.

Exercise 1: Repository records

Sign in to ArchivesSpace as a System Administrator (username "admin", password "admin").
Complete the repository record for the Your Name Here Special Collections department by adding the following data:

  • Organization/Agency Code: ma-cdu

  • Parent Institution Name: Carpe Diem University

  • Country: United States

User Records

Functional overview

When installing the ArchivesSpace application for the first time, the installer will create default System Administrator login credentials (username "admin", password "admin") to allow you to set up a Repository record and to create accounts for the users to be supported. Two core tasks must be completed to create a viable user within the system:

  1. A core user record must be created, including the name and password for the individual.
  2. The user must be assigned to at least one bundle of permissions within each repository to which the user is assigned.

There are seven default user permissions, six groups and system admin status. Each gives users assigned to it a different level of permissions for what they can do in ArchivesSpace. The groups are listed below in order of decreasing permissions. The permissions described are defaults and are capable of being configured via the Manage Groups function.

  • System Administrator: Assignment to System Administrator status gives a user all read/write and functional permissions for all repositories sharing the ArchivesSpace installation. To assign a user to the System Administrator status, click on the option to "Grant system administrator permissions" in the user record. Any user may be a System Administrator.

  • Repository Manager(s): Has all read/write and functional permissions for a single repository, with the exception of creating and modifying repository and user records.

  • Project Manager(s): Has read-only permissions for repository and user records, and all other read/write and functional permissions for a single repository.
  • Archivist(s): Has read-write permissions for most records for a single repository.

  • Advanced Data Entry Staff: Has no application customization permissions; is unable to read or write name contact information.

  • Basic Data Entry Staff: Has no application customization permissions; is unable to read or write name contact information; has read-only access to Accession, Digital Object, Agent, and Subject records, has read/write permissions on Resource records.

  • Viewer(s): Can select a repository to browse and view all unsuppressed records within that repository; has no write permissions in any records. This is not the same as a Public User.

Creating and managing User records

Only three elements are required to create a user record, one of which must be confirmed by re-entering its value.

  • Username: The login name the user will use to access an ArchivesSpace repository.

  • Full name: The given name and surname of the user.

  • Password/Confirm Password: The password the user will use, along with her or his username, to access an ArchivesSpace repository.

To create a User record

  1. Sign in to ArchivesSpace as a System Administrator.

  1. Click on System on the upper toolbar, and then click on Manage Users. A list of all User records for the repository will display.
  2. Click Create User.
  3. Enter a username, the new user's full name, and a password in the appropriate fields. Retype the password to confirm it.
  4. Enter any other information you want to add to the User record.
  5. Click Create Account.

Editing a User record

  1. Select Manage Users on the System menu on the top toolbar.

  1. Click on the Edit option for the User record to be edited.

  1. Update the record as needed, including resetting the password.

  1. Click on Update Account to save the updated User record.

Deleting a User record

  1. Select Manage Users on the System menu on the top toolbar.

  1. Click on the Edit option for the User record to be deleted.

  1. Click on Delete at the top of the User record.

  1. Confirm or cancel the request to delete the record.

Associate a User record with a permission group and a Repository record

In ArchivesSpace a User record must be associated with one Repository record; it may optionally be associated with additional Repository records. The association is established by assigning the user to a user permission group within a repository context. Users cannot be associated with a Repository record independent of a user permission group.
There are two ways to associate a User record with a user permission group; for each you must be logged in as a System Administrator or a Repository Manager.
Option 1:

  1. Use the Select Repository option to set the repository context if you are logged on as a System Administrator and have the ability to change repository contexts. Otherwise follow the instructions for within your repository context.

  1. Click on the Manage User Access option on the Repository Settings button.

  1. Click on the Edit Groups option corresponding to the User record that you want to associate with a user permission group.

  1. Check the user permission group to which the User record is to be assigned. Note the repository context is explicitly stated in the brief description of the user group.

  1. Click on Update Account to save the new association.

A User record's association to a repository group can be changed by repeating the instructions above and changing the group to which the User record belongs.

Use the Manage Groups option to add and remove User records:

One can also use the Manage Groups option to add and remove User records from a user permission group:

  1. Select the Manage Groups option on the Repository settings menu.

  1. On the Groups list, click Edit next to the user group name for which you want to change permissions.

  1. Type the username of User record to be added, within the Members field.

  1. Click on the Add button.
  2. Click on the Save Group option at the bottom of the record or on the Save button at the top of the record to save the updates to the group membership.

Removing User records from a user permission group

  1. Within the Members field list, select the User record to be removed

  1. Click on the Remove option.

  1. The User record will be removed.
  2. Click on Save to save the user permission group with the updated membership.

Creating user permission groups

ArchivesSpace has six default user permission groups, as noted above. Additional groups can be established by the System Administrator or Repository Manager if needed. To create a new group:

        1. Select the Manage Groups option on the Repository settings menu.

        1. Click on the Create Group option to load a blank group definition form.

  1. Record the shorthand description of the group in Group Code.

  1. Record a Description characterizing the group.

  1. Add members to the group.

  1. Enable permissions for the group.

  1. Click on Create Group to save the group definition.

Configuring user permission groups

The various permission levels given to a particular user group can also be configured by a System Administrator or Repository Manager. To do so:
Sign in to ArchivesSpace as a System Administrator or a Repository Manager.
Use the Select Repository option to set the repository context if you are logged on as a System Administrator.
On the toolbar, click the Repository Settings button and then click Manage Groups.

On the Groups list, click Edit next to the user group name for which you want to change permissions.

Check functions that you want to enable for the user permissions group (or uncheck functions that you want to disable).

Click on Save Group to save the modified settings.

Exercise 2: User records

  1. Sign in to ArchivesSpace as a System Administrator (username "admin", password "admin").

  1. Create a user record for yourself associated with the YNHSC repository and with the role of Repository Manager of the YNHSC repository.

  1. Create another user record for a fictional staff person, also associated with the YHNSC repository, but with the role of Advanced Data Entry staff.

  1. Logout and log back in with the user record with role of Repository Manager.

  1. Logout and log back in with the user record with role of Advanced Data Entry.

  1. Logout and log back in with the user record with role of Repository Manager.

Location Records

Functional overview

Location records describe any storage locations—shelves, drawers, file cabinets, bins, walls, etc.—where archival materials are stored. Location records are designed to track both the permanent and temporary locations of materials.
Location records are intended for physical shelving spaces and not for web-accessible file locations. Locations for materials on the web are managed via URIs recorded as part of Digital Object records.
Location records use a coordinate system to represent a repository's storage space. For example, a coordinate may be a range, shelf, or flat file storage number. Up to three of these coordinates can be recorded. If storage units have not yet been assigned some sort of unique identifier, they will need to be named in some manner in order to create Location records in ArchivesSpace. Location records can be entered and edited at any time, but it may be most effective to create them all at once for an entire repository and link to them as needed.

Creating and managing Location records

Location records can be created one at a time before or at the time of accession or resource description. As a time-saving device, Location records can also be created in batches in advance of linking them to collection materials or as new storage units are established. Those Location records can then be assigned to accessions and resources as needed. Be aware, however, that locations cannot be deleted in batches.

Creating single Location records

  1. On the main toolbar, click Create, select Location and then select Single Location.
  2. Record a value for Building Name. This is a required field.
  3. Enter either Coordinate Label 1 and Coordinate Indicator 1 or a value for either Barcode or Classification Number, depending on how storage units are identified. This is the minimum amount of data required for a single Location record.
  4. Save the Location record by pressing the Save Location command button at the bottom of the record. If entering more than one single Location record, click on the +1 button. This will save the current record and open a new Location record template. The context descriptions (e.g., building, etc.) will carry over to the next record when the +1 option is selected.

Creating multiple Location records

  1. On the main toolbar, click Create, select Location, and then select Batch Locations.

  1. In the Base Location section, record a value for Building Name. This is a required field. You can also enter data in other fields in the Base Location section if you wish..

  1. In the Coordinate Ranges section, enter values for Coordinate Range 1's Label, Range Start, and Range End. This is the minimum amount of data required to generate a batch of locations. Note that you can only create 1,000 records at a time.
  2. Enter values for Coordinate Range 2 and Coordinate Range 3 if warranted.
  1. You may review your locations to make sure they are correctly formed by clicking on the Preview Locations button.

  1. Click on the Create Locations or the +1 button to generate the batch of Location records (the number of records generated is determined by the coordinate information provided). Generate additional batches of records by changing values for the coordinates or, if appropriate, values for the shelving location. The context descriptions (e.g., building, etc.) will carry over to the next record when the +1 option is selected.

Exercise 3: Location records

Your Name Here Special Collections department has set aside specific parts of its stack area for shelving archival materials. This area consists of one double-sided range, composed of ten sections, with seven shelves per section. In addition there are four map cases, each having five drawers, and one lateral file cabinet for holding audiovisual materials, having three drawers.

  1. Create single records for the three drawers in the lateral file cabinet, using the +1 feature. Use the following information:

  • Building: Overly Gothic Library

  • Floor: Main

  • Room: B-52

  • Coordinates: Lateral File Cabinet A, Drawers 1 through 3

  1. Create batch records for the following two sets of storage units. Use the following information:

  • Building: Overly Gothic Library

  • Floor: Main

  • Room: B-52

  • Coordinates:

    • Ranges 1 through 2, Sections A through J for each Range, Shelves 1 through 7 for each Section

    • Map Cases A through D, Drawers 1 through 5 for each Map Case

Accession Records

Functional overview

Accession records store information about the receipt of materials, which are typically unprocessed. An accession may be a single item or an aggregation of materials. It may be the beginning of a new resource or multiple resources, or an accrual to an existing resource.
Accession records may also be linked to other types of ArchivesSpace records, such as existing Resource, Digital Object, Subject, Agent, and even other Accession records.
Data in an Accession record can also be transferred to two types of records. It can be spawned into additional Accession records to reflect a hierarchical or sibling relationship. It can also be spawned into a new Resource record. Edits to a spawned Resource record do not change the Accession record it came from. Only the first Accession record can be spawned to the Resource record; data from subsequent Accession records associated with the same resource will need to be entered manually. The process of spawning new Resource records from Accession records will be covered in a later section of this workbook.

Creating and managing Accession records

ArchivesSpace requires two elements in an Accession record, though you may enter many more if warranted:

  • Identifier

  • Accession Date

Creating an Accession record

  1. On the main toolbar, click Create and select Accession.

  1. Enter the following information:

Identifier: An accession identifier is comprised of one to four individual components. Only the first component (255 characters maximum) is required. Using the other components may make data entry easier if you use multi-part accession numbers (for example, if you use the year as the first part the ID you can set that as a default value for that field).
Accession Date: When you create a new accession, this field is automatically filled with the current date, so you might need to edit the date. The accession date in ArchivesSpace is meant to represent the date the archives gained custody of the materials. Depending on local practice, this could be the date of the receipt of the materials or the date the Deed of Gift was signed, which may or may not be the same as the date the Accession record is created.

  1. Click Save Accession. If a required element is missing, you will be prompted to add the information, which you must do in order to save the record.

Adding further information to an Accession record

After the minimum information about an accession has been entered, you can continue to describe the accession using the sub-records available in the left navigation bar.
When you add a sub-record, depending on the type of record, specific fields may be required. If any required information is missing, when you try to save the record you will be prompted to add the required information.
Below is a summary of selected additional, optional key data fields that you might consider utilizing, within the specific context of the accession exercise below. For the purpose of the exercise, we will focus on three primary field clusters: Basic Information fields, Dates sub-record fields, and Extents sub-record fields.

Optional Basic Information fields

  • Title: A title is usually a combination of the creator name and a term describing the form of materials, whether general (papers, records) or specific (correspondence, diaries). The title of the accession will typically, but need not always, match the title of the resource to which the accession belongs. For example, the accession title may be John Smith Diaries, which may become part of the larger Smith Family Papers.

  • Content Description: Open text field. A description of the document types and topical contents of the accession.

  • Condition Description: Open text field. A description of the physical condition of the contents of the accession, including any special handling requirements.

  • Disposition: Open text field. A note to describe how a particular accession may be earmarked for different resources.

  • Inventory: Open text field. A list of the containers and their contents making up an accession. The box list may be typed into the field, copied and pasted into the field, or referenced as an external document. The reference to the external document may be recorded here or in an External Documents sub-record.

  • Provenance: Open text field. A note that provides provenance information about an accession, such as custodial history, detailed acquisition information, etc.

  • Retention Rule: Open text field. A note indicating the retention authority or rule for the accession.

  • General Note: Open text field. A catch-all note field for any information that does not fit in any of the more specifically defined fields.

  • Acquisition Type: Choose from a drop-down list. A categorical descriptor for the type of acquisition. Repositories may customize the list of data values.

  • Resource Type: Choose from a drop-down list. A list of terms for categorizing resources into basic types.

  • Restrictions Apply: Select or clear the check box. A selected check box indicates that restrictions apply. The restrictions can be explained using the Rights sub-record.

  • Publish: Select or clear the check box. A selected check box indicates that this accession will be published to the public interface.

  • Access Restrictions: Select or clear the check box. A selected check box indicates that access to the materials is restricted.

  • Access Restrictions Note: Open text field. A statement indicating what materials in the accession have access to them restricted, what the authority of the restriction is, and for how long the restriction will be in effect. Additional information may also be recorded in a Rights sub-record.

  • Use Restrictions: Select or clear the check box. A selected check box indicates that there are use restrictions for materials in the accession.

  • Use Restrictions Note: Open text field. A statement indicating which materials have use restrictions, how the materials can be used, what the authority of the restriction is, and for how long the restriction will be in effect. Additional information may also be recorded in a Rights sub-record.

Dates sub-record

This sub-record identifies and records the date(s) that pertain to the creation, assembly, accumulation, and/or maintenance and use of the materials being described. The required fields are Label and Type.

  • Label: Choose from a drop-down list. Describes the type of activity that the date signifies.

  • Expression: Open text field. A natural language expression specifying the date or date range of the materials in the accession. Required when a normalized date is not recorded. Some examples: 1968;1979-1993;1785-1960; bulk 1916-1958; 1827; circa 1870-1879; 1906 March 1; undated.

  • Type: Choose from a drop-down list. Indicate the type, which will be either a single date or a date range (inclusive or bulk). Type is required whether the record has normalized dates, a date expression, or both.

Extents sub-record

This sub-record is used for recording the size of the described materials. The required fields are Portion, Number, and Type.

  • Portion: Choose from a drop-down list. Used to specify whether an extent statement relates to the whole or a part of a given described aggregation or item. Only one extent statement may refer to the whole accession. Any additional extent statements must refer to parts.

  • Number: Open text field. A numeric value for indicating the number of units in the extent statement, e.g., 5, 11.5, 245. Used in conjunction with Type to provide a structured extent statement.

  • Type: Choose from a drop-down list. A term indicating the type of unit used to measure the extent of materials described.

  • Container Summary: Open text field. A list of the number of containers and container types housing the materials described in the component record.

Exercise 4: Accession records

Download the First Description Sample file at {*}http://tiny.cc/aspace_sample1*, and save it to your workstation.
Use page 1 of the First Description Sample to create a new Accession record.
Enter the required data for a minimal Accession record; then enter any additional relevant information that you'd like to track for the accession, using the selected data fields summarized above.
Indicating the source of the accession will be done later via linking to an Agent record. You may, of course, also add a sentence to your accession description indicating its source, if you prefer.
In addition to the description sample, you may find the following resources useful to complete this exercise:

  • DACS
  • Metrics:
    • 1 record carton = 1.0 linear feet
    • 1 audiotape box = .75 linear feet
    • 1 oversize folder = .65 linear feet

Resource Records: Single-Level

Functional overview

Within the context of ArchivesSpace, resources can be defined as materials that are in the custody of an archival repository and are being controlled according to archival principles. Each resource has a unique identity, such as a resource (i.e., collection or item) identifier or a title. An archival resource may be comprised of one item, or, more typically, it will be an aggregation of items that can be of any extent or complexity.
ArchivesSpace supports description of the archival resource as an intellectual entity and also as one or more physical entities that may embody the intellectual item. The description of the archival resource can be supplemented with certain context and content descriptors (names and subjects).

Creating and managing Resource records

There are two ways to create Resource records in ArchivesSpace. One way is to create a Resource record within the Resource module. The other way is to "spawn" a Resource record from an existing Accession record. Both ways are described below and are subject to the same record requirements.
A Resource record must have the following data:

  • Title

  • Resource Identifier

  • Level of Description, chosen from a non-configurable controlled value list containing the values class, collection, file, fonds, item, record group, series, subfonds, subgroup, subseries, and other level

  • Language

  • Extents sub-record

  • Dates sub-record

A valid Resource record may not satisfy all the DACS minimum requirements, as it may lack the following:

  • Scope and Content note (Notes sub-record)
  • Conditions Governing Access note (Notes sub-record)

Other DACS requirements, such as the Reference Code Element, are recorded in the ArchivesSpace repository record.

Creating a Resource record

  1. From the Main Screen, select Create and select the Resource option.
  2. In the Basic Information area, record the Title, Identifier, and Level of Description of the resource.

  1. Record the primary Language of the materials in the resource, and indicate if any restrictions apply to the resource and if the description is to be published to the Public Interface.

  1. For the Extents sub-record:
  • Indicate in Portion if the extent statement characterizes the entire resource ("Whole" default) or part of the resource ("Part"). One extent statement for the "Whole" resource is required, and one or more extent statements for parts of the resource may be recorded.
  • Record the Number for the extent measurement, e.g., 5.
  • Select the Type of extent from the controlled value list, e.g., linear feet.
  • Optionally, in Container Summary note the number and type of containers comprising the extent, e.g., 3 record cartons, 4 archives boxes, and 3 oversized folders.
  • Optionally, record specific Physical Details and Dimensions.

  • Optionally, record multiple Extents statements for parts of the resource, e.g., the number of audiocassettes in the resource.
  1. Within the Dates sub-record, record the date(s) (recommended and required for DACS compliance) for the resource.
  • From the Label (required) controlled value list, select the term that best characterizes the date.
  • Enter a date Expression (natural language, e.g., "between May 1 and May 5, 1970") and/or normalized Begin and End dates.
  • From the Type (required) controlled value list, indicate if the date is for single, bulk, or inclusive date(s).
  • If appropriate, select values for Certainty, Era, and Calendar.

Save the record by clicking on Save Resource at the bottom of the record or on the Save button at the top of the Resource record.
When you add a sub-record, depending on the type of record, specific fields may be required. If any required information is missing, when you try to save the record you will be prompted to add the required information.

Spawning a Resource record

A preliminary Resource record can be generated from an Accession record. To do so, open the Accession record from which the Resource record will be spawned and then click on the Spawn option at the top of the Accession record template and choose Resource.
Some, but not all, of the information recorded in the Accession record will be copied to the newly created and linked Resource record.
The same Accession record can be used to spawn two or more Resource records, provided each spawned resource has a unique identifier. Subsequent modifications to the spawned Resource record, for instance, to represent the inclusion of accruals, need to be made manually to the Resource record. Put differently, a second, third, or later Accession record for an addition to a resource cannot be spawned to the existing Resource record. But those Accession records can be linked to the resource in order to show all the accessions that have been processed as part of the resource.
For first time accessions for newly acquired resources, think about the data you are inputting for the accession as the beginning of the Resource record. The more careful you are in creating quality content and formatting the accession data, the more time you can save when you create the Resource record.

Spawning and linking a Resource record from an Accession record

  1. Click on the Spawn option at the top of the Accession record template and select Resource.

  1. Click on the option for Resource.

  1. A Resource record template will load and will contain values carried forward from the Accession record.
  2. Complete the Resource record according to the input requirements for Resource records described above and the needs of the materials being described.

  1. Save the spawned Resource record by clicking on Save Resource at the bottom of the record or on the Save button at the top of the Resource record.

The resulting Resource record will contain in its data fields some of the data recorded in the Accession record on which it is based. The table below identifies what parts of the Accession record are transferred to what parts of the Resource record:

Accession record to Resource record: mapped elements

Directly mapped fields


Accession record elements: field label

Resource record elements: field label



Extent Portion

Extent Portion

Extent Number

Extent Number

Extent Type

Extent Type

Extent Container Summary

Extent Container Summary

Extent Physical Details

Extent Physical Details

Extent Dimensions

Extent Dimensions

Date Label

Date Label

Date Type

Date Type

Date Expression

Date Expression

Date Begin

Date Begin

Date End

Date End

Bulk Date Begin

Bulk Date Begin

Bulk Date End

Bulk Date End

Resource type

Resource type



Indirectly Mapped Fields


Content Description

Scope and Contents Note

Condition Description

Physical Description Note

Accession Title

Accession Linked

Agent Linked

Agent (Linked)

Subject Linked

Subject (Linked)

Adding further information to a Resource record

Notes sub-records

Through the use of various notes, the description of an archival resource can be extended considerably. ArchivesSpace supports 29 notes, each of which can be repeated and all of which are available in the Notes section of the Resource record template.

  • Abstract

  • Accruals Note

  • Appraisal Note

  • Arrangement Note

  • Bibliography

  • Biographical/Historical Note

  • Conditions Governing Access Note

  • Conditions Governing Use Note

  • Custodial History Note

  • Dimensions Note

  • Existence and Location of Copies Note

  • Existence and Location of Originals Note

  • File Plan Note

  • General Note

  • General Physical Description Note

  • Immediate Source of Acquisition Note

  • Index

  • Language of Materials Note

  • Legal Status Note

  • Location Note

  • Material Specific Details Note

  • Other Finding Aids Note

  • Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements Note

  • Physical Facet Note

  • Preferred Citation Note

  • Processing Information Note

  • Related Archival Materials Note

  • Scope and Contents Note

  • Separated Materials Note

To add Notes sub-records to a Resource record:

  1. Click on Add Note in the Note section bar.

  1. From the Note Type controlled value list, select the type of note to be recorded.

  1. Optionally, record a Persistent ID for the note if desired. The persistent ID must be unique within the context of the complete resource description.

  1. Optionally, record a Label for the note. The label will replace the note type in outputs such as EAD.

  1. Enter the note text in the Content frame. The Publish box allows you to decide which notes or note elements will be published to the Public interface.

  1. Click on Save or Save Resource to save the note to the overall resource description.

Notes are sequenced vertically, with the note most recently entered at the bottom of the sequence. The position of a note in the sequence can be modified by clicking on the horizontal bars in the left-hard corner of the note frame and dragging the note to a new position above or below.

Finding Aid Data

Bibliographic information about a finding aid for the resource can also be added to the Resource record. This information is used to identify and provide bibliographic descriptive data about the finding aid for the resource and should not be confused with description of the archival resource itself. Finding aid information is not required for a valid Resource record, but it may be helpful for managing a repository's finding aids.
To add finding aid information to the Resource record:

  1. Select the Finding Aid Data section in the Resource record template.
  2. Enter information for all pertinent fields.
  3. Click on Save or Save Resource to save the information as part of the Resource record.

Agent and Subject records

Names of entities (e.g., persons, families, or corporate entities) that have played a significant role in creating, using, and maintaining the archival materials are considered the creator(s) of the materials. These persons, families, or corporate entities may also be represented topically as subjects of the materials, as may other topical subjects describing what the materials are about. Last, persons, families, or corporate entities can be defined as sources (i.e., donors) of the materials.
Terms representing all of these contextual and topical relationships can be added to the Resource description by linking Agent and Subject records to it. This will be covered in a later section and exercise in this workbook.

Exercise 5: Resource records (single-level)

Using the Accession record you created, spawn a new single-level Resource record.

Next, use pages 2-3 of the First Description Sample (refer to the file you downloaded from {*}http://tiny.cc/aspace_sample1* in the previous exercise) to complete and enhance that single-level Resource record.
Be sure to include relevant information for the recommended minimum elements for a single-level description listed in DACS. You will not, at this point, be cresting and adding Agent or Subject records, but you should have sufficient information to supply all the other recommended minimum elements.
Add information for the finding aid in the Finding Aid Data section.
Use the relevant sub-records, including Dates and Notes. For the latter, create as many notes as you can, based on the information supplied in the description sample.
In addition to the description sample, you may find the following resources useful to complete this exercise:

  • DACS
  • Metrics:
    • 1 record carton = 1.0 linear feet
    • 1 audiotape box = .75 linear feet
    • 1 oversize folder = .65 linear feet

Resource Records: Multi-Level

Functional overview

ArchivesSpace supports the creation of Resource records comprising multi-level descriptions, using component records. Resource component records have the following characteristics:

  • Serve to describe the logical or physical parts of a resource that make up an aggregation of archival materials.

  • Require the following elements:

    • Level: chosen from a pick list containing the values class, file, item, series, subseries, subfonds, subgroup, or other level. Note: typically you will not use the level values of collection, fonds, or record group for Resource component records, since these are parts of a broader resource that will have one of those levels.

    • Either of the following:

      • Title

      • Dates sub-record (either expression or normalized dates)

Like the Resource record, the Resource component record accommodates extensive description of the component, including the same support for Notes sub-records and controlled access headings. You should use the guidelines for subsequent levels of description in DACS to help you determine which of the available ArchivesSpace fields should be used to ensure that your descriptions meet the recommended minimum for a multi-level description.
The following are the command functions for creating components on the ArchivesSpace Resource template:

  • Left/Right Arrows: The left pointing and right pointing arrows enable navigation up (left) or down (right) a multi-level description, one component at a time.

  • Add Child: This button will open a new component record that is hierarchically subordinate to the context record (the record from which you use the Add Child button).

Each Child record represents a level of hierarchy. ArchivesSpace will support an unlimited hierarchy; however, using numbered components in an EAD export requires the hierarchy to be limited to 12 levels.

  • Add Sibling: This button will open a new component record that is at the same level as the context record and that follows the context record within the component sequence.

ArchivesSpace places no limit on the number of sibling records, nor does EAD, the primary export option for a resource description in ArchivesSpace.

  • Move: You can rearrange a multi-level description using this option or by dragging and dropping. You can:
    • Move a component to a new position within the same level,
    • Promote a component, i.e., move it higher in the hierarchy, or
    • Demote a component, i.e., move it lower in the hierarchy.

Bear in mind that all components that are children of a component that is moved will move with their parent component.

  • Transfer: You can use this button to transfer a component or a set of components from one resource to another.

  • Rapid Data Entry: This option is for entering a series of components at the same level that have very similar data, e.g., level of description, instance type, container type, container identifier, etc. The Rapid Data Entry option is discussed in greater detail at the end of this section.

To create a Resource component record, select a context record in the multi-level description for the component record. The context record will be the parent record if there are no other component records in the description, and the only choice will be to create a child component.

Creating Resource component records

  1. Select a context record.
  2. Choose either to Add Child or Add Sibling component record. Adding a child component record will be the only option if the context record is the top-level Resource record.
  3. A blank component record template will be loaded.
  4. Select a Level of Description for the component record.
  5. Enter a Title; or alternatively enter a Date Expression and/or Begin date and End date for the materials.
  6. Add any additional information warranted for the resource component record description.
  7. Save the record by pressing the Save command button on the record.

When you add a sub-record, depending on the type of sub-record, specific fields may be required. If any required information is missing, when you try to save the record you will be prompted to add the required information.

Adding Instances to a Resource or Resource component record

"Instances" in ArchivesSpace refer to embodiments of the same content in different media. A Resource record or Resource record component may describe a letter, but the letter may exist in multiple formats:

  • Ink on a sheet of paper

  • A microfilm image of the letter

  • A digital object

The letter is physically represented in three distinct formats. ArchivesSpace is structured to allow you to use the same description for multiple instances rather than repeating the description for each new instance.

Equally important, the instance declaration also enables describing the containers that house an analog instance, e.g., a folder inside a box. The container information can then be linked to the Location record designating where the container is stored, either permanently or temporarily. For digital objects, the instance record allows you to describe the digital object and record information about the files that comprise it, as well as indicate its location on the web or within a file management system.

In short, the ArchivesSpace instance data model supports assertions of the following type: the described content exists in a certain physical format, which is housed in a certain container and located at a certain place in a repository.

Because archivists typically describe materials at aggregate levels, instances can be created at any level in ArchivesSpace: collection, series, file, etc.
Note that digital media, such as a 3.5 inch computer disk or a CD-ROM that might be part of an archival resource, is not considered to be a digital object in ArchivesSpace. Digital object records in ArchivesSpace are intended to describe either digitized surrogates or born-digital materials that are stored on a server or other digital storage media and are accessible by staff and/or researchers via a network.

Adding Instances

To declare an instance for the content described in a resource or resource component record:

  1. On the Instances bar for the Resource or Resource component record, click on Add Instance if the instance declaration is for analog content or on Add Digital Object if the instance declaration is for digitally available content.
  2. Select the Type of instance you wish to declare. For example, for a file of documents, you might consider "Mixed Materials". For an individual document, you might consider "Text".
  3. If the instance is housed in a particular container, indicate the Container 1 Type. For example, if the file of documents is in Box 1, then indicate "Box".
  4. Indicate the Container 1 Indicator. For example, if the file of documents is in Box 1, then indicate "1".
  5. If warranted, record additional information such as Bar Code, Container 2 Type and Indicator, and Container 3 Type and Indicator.

  1. Save the record.

Associating Instances with Location records

Once the container information is added, it can be linked to a Location record. To do so:

  1. Select Add Location at the bottom of the Instance sub-record.
  2. Indicate if the location is a previous location or the current location for the container.
  3. Indicate the date the container was stored at the location.
  4. Select or create a Location record to link to the instance.
  5. Save the record.

Using the Rapid Data Entry (RDE) tool to create multiple Resource component records

The Rapid Data Entry (RDE) tool supports repeated entry of Resource component records at the same level, thus requiring fewer mouse clicks than when adding individual resource component records and then adding instance records. Through the use of "sticky values" and other mechanisms, the RDE tool provides a more efficient interface for entering series or folder lists, where multiple components of the same level and same basic content are entered one after another. The RDE tool can include in one data row fields from the Resource component record, the Dates sub-record, the Notes sub-record, and the Instance sub-record.
To create Resource component records using the RDE:

  1. Select Rapid Data Entry at the top of the multi-level description.
  2. Enter desired data. The Level of Description element and either Title or one of the Dates sub-record elements is required.
  3. Instance Type and at least one Container Type and Container Indicator are necessary if locations are to be linked to the Resource component record.

  1. Select Add Row to add another row, or use Shift + Return to add another row using all the data in the previous row.

  1. Select Validate Rows to check that all rows are properly encoded.

  1. Select Save Rows to save the row(s) to the Resource record.

You can do the following to the RDE tool during a given session:

  • Remove columns from view using the Columns: ## visible display configuration option.

  • Turn sticky values on and off by clicking on the label for a data column.

  • Reorder the left-to-right sequence of the data columns using the Reorder Columns option.

  • Designate a value to fill all occurrences within a data column using the Fill Column option.

You may save your template for later use by selecting Save Template then naming the template and then later recall it by choosing it from the Apply an RDE Template drop-down.

Exercise 6: Resource records (multi-level)

Add component records to the resource you created in the previous exercise, using the tables on pages 3-4 in the First Description Sample as the source of your information. (Refer to the file you downloaded from {*}http://tiny.cc/aspace_sample1* in the previous exercises).
Things to note:

  • You should be able to add two series-level component records. The processing policy of YNHSC is to provide the following for each series-level component record:

    • Component Unique Identifier (e.g. Series 1, Series A, etc.)

    • A DACS-compliant Title

    • Inclusive Dates (using the Dates sub-record)

    • Extent information (using the Extents sub-record)

    • Scope and Contents note (using the Notes sub-record)

    • And other data elements as needed.

  • Under each series-level component record, add file and/or item-level component records, as appropriate. Organize and execute your work in a manner that will take advantage of the RDE tool.

  • Be sure to declare Instances for component records, and provide appropriate container information. Do not link the containers to Location records at this time.

You should use DACS as you work through this exercise. Think about the data content for the fields you are filling in. Especially look at DACS' recommendations for data elements at subsequent levels of a multi-level description (on pages 10-11 in DACS) and make decisions based on that about the fields in component records that you really should fill in.

Agent, Subject, and Classification Records: Authorities Basics

Authorities overview

According to DACS, "An archival authority record identifies and describes a personal, family, or corporate body associated with a body of archival materials; documents relationships between records creators, the records created by them, and/or other resources about them; and may control the creation and use of access points in archival descriptions."
ArchivesSpace automates the management of such authority information by providing a method to manage authority records – specifically in the form of Agent, Subject, and Classification records – to one or more Accession, Resource, Resource component, Digital Object, or Digital Object component records.

Authorities workflows

Generally speaking, there are three ways a repository can use the authorities modules in ArchivesSpace to provide additional description about accessions, archival resources, and digital objects:

  • Link to a pre-existing authority record: if an authority already exists in the ArchivesSpace application, it can be linked to from a new or existing Accession, Resource, Digital Object, etc. record. (Individual authority records can be linked to zero, one, or many records). The editing screens for records provide a linking option – and, in the case of Agent records, to specify the role in which the authority is linked (as the creator, subject, or source of the archival materials).

  • Establish a new authority: If an authority does not exist in the database, it can be created, then linked automatically, from within the context of a specific Accession, Resource, Digital Object, etc. record. You can also use the Create menu on the home page to establish a new authority.

  • Import external authority: ArchivesSpace includes a plug-in application to enable importing of authorities maintained within the Library of Congress Name Authorities (LCNAF) file and the Library of Congress Subject Heading (LCSH) file. After name and subject files have been imported, they can be linked to Accession, Resource, Digital Object, etc. records.

  1. To import a name: On the NAF import page, select the service to use (sometimes the OCLC service might not be available). Enter the surname in the Primary Name field and the forename in the Rest of Name field if using the OCLC service; otherwise enter the surname and the forename in the Primary Name when using the LCNAF service. Then click Search. Identify the correct name, using Show Record to view the details, Select it, and Import it.

  1. To import a subject heading: On the NAF import page, the LCSH service. Enter the term in the Primary Name field. Then click Search. Identify the correct term, using Show Record to view the details, Select it, and Import it.

Agent Records

Functional overview

Agent records identify persons, families, or corporate entities that have a specified relationship (such as source, creator, topic, rights owner) to archival materials or to an event. The Agent record is also used for managing relationships among names.
Agents are established and controlled separately from accessions and resource descriptions in ArchivesSpace and are associated with material descriptions by linking.
Agent records can be associated with Accessions, Resources, Digital Objects, etc. through three primary relational modes:

  • Creator: designates the primary responsibility for the material being described. Creator can encompass, at varying levels in a multilevel description, the person, family, or corporate entity responsible for the archival provenance of the material being described, or for the intellectual content of that same material.

  • Source: Designates the immediate source of acquisition of the materials being described.

  • Subject: Indicates that the materials being described are topically about the named person, family, or corporate entity in some respect.

Agent records can be one of four types in ArchivesSpace:

  • Person

  • Family

  • Corporate Entity

  • Software

Agent records in ArchivesSpace are designed to conform with the International Council on Archives' International Standard Archival Authority Record for Corporate Bodies, Persons, and Families, 2nd edition (ISAAR(CPF)). They are also designed to support output in the Encoded Archival Context – Corporate Bodies, Persons, and Families (EAC-CPF) data structure and interchange standard. If an authority record cannot be located and copied from an authorities database, agent records also accommodate the creation of names according to data content rules established in standards such as the Anglo-American Cataloging Rules, 2nd edition (AACR2) and DACS. ArchivesSpace users are encouraged to use the DACS rules for forming names when creating Agent records in ArchivesSpace.
Agents can be linked as creators, sources, and/or subjects in Accession, Resource, Resource component, Digital Object, and Digital Object component records.
Note: Agent records linked to Accession records, Resource component records, and Digital Object component records will not be exported to MARCXML records. The same is true for Subject records.

Creating and managing Agent records

The following fields are required for the four types of Agent records:


  • Primary Part of Name (DACS references 9.8, 11.5, 12.1-12.11)

  • Source (DACS reference 11.26) or Rules (DACS reference 11.20)

  • Sort Name (automated if selected)

  • Name Order (default value of "indirect" provided; you may change to "direct")


  • Family Name (DACS references 9.8, 11.5, 12.29)

  • Source (DACS reference 11.26) or Rules (DACS reference 11.20)

  • Sort Name (automated if selected)

Corporate Entity:

  • Primary Part of Name (DACS references 9.8, 11.5, 14)

  • Source (DACS reference 11.26) or Rules (DACS reference 11.20)

  • Sort Name (automated if selected)


  • Software Name

  • Source (DACS reference 11.26) or Rules (DACS reference 11.20)

  • Sort Name (automated if selected)

For personal names, the Primary Part of Name field serves to separate the principal sorting element of the name from the remainder of the name, the latter of which is generally input into the Rest of Name field. Guidance on when to use the additional fields that are available for an Agent record should come from the subfields in an authority record for the name found in a national database such as the NACO Authority File or from a content standard such as DACS or AACR2.
For Family names, the Family Name field serves to hold the family name. Subfields in an existing authority record or rules in a content standard should guide you in inputting information into the Agent record's other available fields.
For corporate entities, the Primary Part of Name field holds the principal name by which the corporate entity is known. Your content standard of choice, or the subfields in the authority record for names already found in an authority file, will provide guidance to help you determine how and when to enter a corporate name subordinately using the Subordinate Name fields in the Agent record.
For software, the Software Name field serves to hold the name of the software.


Source is the data field used to indicate that a name has been found in a standard authority file. Five default values are provided in a drop-down menu:

  • Local sources: Designates an authority file created and maintained at your repository.

  • NAD / ARK II Name Authority Database: Designates the National Archives Database of Sweden. Additional information about this ISAAR(CPF)- and EAC-based resource is available online at[ |http://nad.ra.se/static/back_eng.html]{+}http://sok.riksarkivet.se/nad+ .

  • Unspecified ingested source: If names are imported as part of imported Accession or Resource records, the Source field will contain this value to flag the record for review to assure it is the authoritative form of the name.

This list may be customized and additional values added by the repository, or in the process of importing legacy data.


Rules is the data field used to indicate the data content standard used to formulate the name entry. You should only use the Rules field when you have not found the name in an existing authority file, in which case you should use the Source field instead.
Four default values are provided in a drop-down menu:

  • Anglo-American Cataloging Rules Additional information about this resource is available online at[ +http://www.aacr2.org/+|http://www.aacr2.org/] .

  • Describing Archives: a Content Standard

  • Local rules: Designates a data content standard created and maintained by your repository

  • Resource Description and Access

This list may be customized and additional values added by the repository, or in the process of importing legacy data.

Sort Name

Sort Name is the data field that contains the complete, concatenated version of the name containing all individual elements. This is the form of the name that will be shown within ArchivesSpace displays and is exported in reports and standardized outputs such as MARCXML and EAD. ArchivesSpace automatically supplies any necessary commas and parentheses.

Creating Agent records

If you are starting from ArchivesSpace home:

  1. On the main toolbar, click Create, select Agent, and select the type of agent you want to create: Person, Family, Corporate Entity, or Software.
  2. Enter the Source of the name, if found in an authority file; if not found in an authority file, indicate the Rules used to construct the name.
  3. Enter the authoritative form of the name in Primary Part of Name (for a personal or corporate name) or the Family Name or Software Name.

  1. Save the Agent record by pressing the Save Person | Family | Corporate Entity | Software command button at the bottom of the record. If entering more than one Agent record, save the record by pressing the +1 command button. This will save the current record and open a new Agent record screen so a subsequent record can be entered.

If you are already working in an Accession or Resource record:

  1. On the left navigation bar, click Agent Links and then click Add Agent Link.
  2. Next to Role, click the drop-down list button, and select the role of the agent in relation to the accession or resource you are linking it to: Creator, Source, or Subject.
  3. Add a value for Relator, if you want.
  4. Next to Agents, either start typing to see if the desired agent already exists, or click on the drop-down list and select Browse to browse existing Agent records. If you know there is no record for your agent, or you cannot find one when you type or browse, click on Create, and select Person, Family, Corporate Entity, or Software, depending on what type of Agent record you wish to create.

  1. Enter the Source of the name, if found in an authority file; if not found in an authority file indicate the Rules used to construct the name.
  2. Enter the authoritative form of the name in Primary Part of Name (for a personal or corporate name) or the Family Name or Software Name.
  3. Save the Agent record by pressing the Save Person | Family | Corporate Entity | Software command button at the bottom of the record. If entering more than one Agent record, save the record by pressing the +1 command button. This will save the current record and open a new Agent record for the same type of agent.

The following sub-records are available in all Agent records:

  • Dates of Existence: If you decide to include dates, you will need to select either Range or Single from the Type (of date) menu and either provide dates or describe the date or date range in the Expression field.

  • Name forms: Used to capture non-authoritative forms of the name, or if you wish to use a different form of the name for display purposes. They are added by clicking on Add Name Form.

  • Date(s) of name use: If you wish to identify the era in which an agent was known by a particular name. You will need to select either Range or Single from the Type (of date) menu and either provide dates or describe the date or date range in the Expression field.

  • Contact details: Useful for holding contact information for sources of collections in particular. If a contact is added, the Contact Name is the only required field.

  • Notes: A place to put additional descriptive information about an agent, such as a biographical note or an administrative history. This field will be included in EAC exports.

  • Related agents: A way of specifying how different agents relate to each other. Select Associative Relationship, Earlier/Later Relationship, or Parent/Child Relationship from the drop-down menu.

  • External documents: This sub-record contains any links to external documentation, e.g. biographical files, reference works, etc. about this agent. The document may be of any form or content. A web accessible file, a network accessible file, a file on the same computer as the application, etc. Both Title and Location (ideally a resolvable URI) are required fields.Select or clear the Publish check box to indicate that this External Document should be published to the public interface.

Exercise 7: Agent records

Using the Resource record that you have so far completed in ArchivesSpace, determine the persons, families, corporate entities, or software that you want to provide name access headings for, and then create an Agent record for each one. By this point, you should have captured all important, relevant information from the First Description Sample in fields in ArchivesSpace. Base your selection of access points on the various parts of your Resource record and not on the handout.
(Alternatively – and only if you'd like to use a cheat sheet – see pages 4-5 in the First Description Sample for some suggested headings. Refer to the file you downloaded from {*}http://tiny.cc/aspace_sample1*).
Be sure to indicate the relevant Source or Rules for each Agent record that you create.
At this point it does not yet matter whether these personal, family, corporate, or software names are creators, sources, or subjects. You are just creating the Agent records in this exercise. Later, you will link them to specific Resource records with their particular roles indicated.
See the section on Access Points in DACS (pages xxii-xxiv), which will be helpful in this exercise.
The following online resources may also be helpful:

Subject Records

Functional overview

Subject records are used to control information about topics, geographic names, genre and form terms, occupations, functions, and uniform titles that serve as important access points to facilitate discovery of the materials being described. These records are established and controlled separately from resource descriptions in ArchivesSpace and are associated with accession, resource, and digital object descriptions by linking.
The terms that serve as access points for collection materials function most effectively when derived from broadly shared standard thesauri or controlled vocabularies such as the Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) Additional information about this resource is available online at[ |http://authorities.loc.gov/]{+}http://authorities.loc.gov/+. or the Art and Architecture Thesaurus (AAT). Additional information about this resource is available online at {+}http://www.getty.edu/research/tools/vocabularies/aat/index.html+. The output formats (e.g., EAD, MARCXML) that you generate from your resource descriptions in ArchivesSpace will be much more effective if you utilize standard thesauri or controlled vocabularies to select terms, and document your usage locally so that you can apply common terms, as appropriate, in a consistent manner across all of your resource descriptions.
Subjects can be one of 10 types in ArchivesSpace:

  • Cultural context

  • Function

  • Genre/form

  • Geographic

  • Occupation

  • Style/period

  • Technique

  • Temporal

  • Topical

  • Uniform title

Personal, family, and corporate names that are used as subjects are managed as Agent records in ArchivesSpace; therefore a name type is not an option within Subject records.
Subject records can be linked to Accession records, Resource records, Resource component records, Digital Object records, and Digital Object component records in order to provide subject and other types of controlled vocabulary access to those materials at all appropriate levels of granularity and at whatever points in local repository workflows this type of description is done.
Note: as with Agent records, Subject records linked to Accession records, Resource component records, and Digital Object component records will not be exported to MARCXML records.
You or someone at your repository should be familiar with the rules for using the specific thesaurus, authority file, or controlled vocabulary (data value standards) from which you derive subject and controlled vocabulary records. Appendix B, from pages 141-145 in DACS, provides a helpful list of the primary data value standards used by US archivists creating archival descriptions.

Creating and managing Subject records

ArchivesSpace requires three elements in a Subject record:

  • Subject Source: Choose from a drop-down list. This list indicates the thesaurus or controlled vocabulary from which the subject term was selected.
  • Term: Open text field. Use this field to indicate the subject heading or controlled vocabulary term or phrase describing the content, coverage, or resource type of the materials.

  • Subject Type: Choose from a drop-down list. This indicates the type of term being recorded (e.g., function, genre/form, geographic name, occupation, topic, uniform title).

Creating a Subject record

  1. If you are already working in an Accession or Resource record: on the left navigation bar, click Subjects, and then click Add Subject. Click the drop-down list button, and then click Create.

If you are starting from ArchivesSpace home: on the main toolbar, click Create and select Subject.

  1. Source: Choose from drop-down list. Use this field to identify the thesaurus or controlled vocabulary from which the term was taken. The content of this field is selected from a drop-down list derived from what was at the time the Library of Congress MARC Code List Part IV: Term, Name, and Title Sources. Additional information about this resource is available online at[ |http://www.loc.gov/marc/sourcelist/]{+}http://www.loc.gov/marc/sourcelist/+http://www.loc.gov/marc/sourcelist/ Items may be added or deleted from the list to meet the needs of the repository. The option "Local source" is available for cases when the term used has not been derived from one of the thesauri or controlled vocabularies provided in the list, and is maintained in a local list of preferred terms.
  2. Enter the required Term and Subject Type information.

  1. If the Subject record includes a term subdivision, click Add Term/Subdivision and enter information for the Term and Subject Type for the subdivision. You can add additional subdivisions as needed.

  1. Click Save Subject. If any required element is missing, you will be prompted to add the information.

Below is a summary of selected additional, optional key data fields that you might consider using to record additional information for the Subject record:

Basic Information

  • Authority ID: Open text field. The unique identifier for the record within the source from which it was acquired, (i.e. an LCSH number). The identifier may be represented as an URI.

  • Scope Note: Open text field. A note that explains and clarifies what is meant and what is not meant in the definition of the term and in its use as a subject heading. This is typically used for a term with a local source.

External Documents sub-records

This sub-record allows links to external documentation that discusses how a particular Subject record is to be used.

  • Title: Open text field. The title of an external document. The document may be of any form or content. A web accessible file, a network accessible file, a file on the same computer as the application, etc.

  • Publish: Select or clear the check box. A selected check box indicates that this External Document should be published to the public interface. Since subjects do not have page-level views in the public interface at this time, however, any external documents attached to a subject will only be visible in the staff interface.

Exercise 8: Subject records

Using the Resource record that you have so far completed in ArchivesSpace, determine subjects (i.e., topics, places, events, documentary forms/genres, occupations) that you want to provide access headings for and then create a Subject record for each one. By this point, you should have captured all important, relevant information from the First Description Sample in fields in ArchivesSpace. Base your selection of subject access points on the various parts of your Resource record and not on the handout.
(Alternatively – and only if you'd like to use a cheat sheet – see page 6 in the First Description Sample for some suggested headings. Refer to the file you downloaded from {*}http://tiny.cc/aspace_sample1*).
Be sure to indicate the relevant Source for each Subject record that you create.
Note that you are just creating the Subject records in this exercise. Later, you will link them to specific Resource records with their particular roles indicated.
The following online resources may be helpful in this exercise:





Classification Records

Functional overview

Classifications can be used to group materials for browsing in the public interface as a supplement to the functionality provided by name authorities and subject terms. Using classifications, a repository can define and edit a browsing system, such as:

  • A provenance-based classification scheme. (i.e., record groups, subgroups, or fonds).

  • A system of "meta-collections".

  • A rudimentary function-based browsing mechanism.

If classifications are going to be used, repositories should undertake these two steps:

  • Define a classification hierarchy.

  • Link Accession and Resource records to the classification hierarchy.

Classification records are used in the ArchivesSpace public interface. However, they do not export as part of EAD, MARCXML, or other material descriptive XML exports.

Creating and managing Classification records

Defining a classification hierarchy

  1. On the main toolbar, click Create and select Classification.

  1. Indicate an Identifier for the classification heading.

  1. Use Title to indicate the classification heading.

  1. Save the record.

  1. Classifications can be nested within each other, as many levels deep as required; child classifications inherit the attributes of their parents. To add a child-level classification, click Add Child.

Linking a Classification record to an Agent record

  1. Classifications can be linked to Agent records, using the Creator pull-down menu.

Linking a Classification record to an Accession or Resource record.

  1. Classifications can be linked to Accession and Resource records, using the Browse pull-down menu.

Linking Records

Functional overview

Linking records adds to the description and assists in the management of archival materials. For example, linking Agent and Subject records to a Resource record helps reveal the context and content of the archival materials. These linked headings also provide access headings to data format exports such as EAD, MARCXML, and METS records.
In addition, linking Location records to the Resource record facilitates retrieving and reshelving the archival material without having to rely on another tool external to ArchivesSpace. Linking one or more Accession records to a Resource record helps to document the acquisition and processing of the resource, while linking one or more Digital Object records to an Accession or Resource record indicates the relationship of the digital object content to a larger aggregate of materials.
Linking records also makes data management easier. For example, one Agent or one Subject record can be linked numerous times to a Resource record or to numerous Resource records. Modifying the linked Agent record or Subject record means the changes will appear in all places in the ArchivesSpace implementation where the record is linked. This technique also reduces the chance of errors and variations being introduced into the data due to re-keying of the same data. The linked Agent or Subject record also provides a collocation point in the ArchivesSpace public interface; it allows users to browse by name or subject.
Linkable records may be recorded and linked as part of the process of constructing an Accession, Resource, or Digital Object record. Removing a link to a linked record simply removes its relationship to a given Accession, Resource, or Digital Object record. The linked record's other links, or relationships, will remain intact. In contrast, deleting a linked record – an Agent or Subject record, for example – will delete relationships it has to all other records.

Context Record

Can Link to Record Type

Accession, Resource, Resource Component, Digital Object, Digital Object Component


Accession, Resource


Accession, Resource, Resource Component

Digital object







Linking to Agent records

To link Agent records to Accession, Resource, and Resource component records:

  1. In the context record, click on the Agent Links option in the record navigation pane or scroll to the Agent Links part of the record.

  1. Click on the Add Agent Link option which will open a new link template at the bottom of the list of linked agents.

  1. In the Role field (required), indicate if the agent is linked to the materials as Creator, Source, or Subject.

  1. In the optional Relator field, select any term that better specifies the nature of the role the agent has to the materials.

  1. In the Agents field, indicate the Agent record that is to be linked to:

  • You can begin to type the agent name in the Agent field and then select a match.
  • Or Browse the list of available Agent records to find a match. Select the matching record and then click on Link to Agents to link the Agent record to the context record.

  • Or create a new Agent record if the one you require is not in the list. (Refer to the workbook section on Agent records, for instructions on creating a new Agent record).
  1. If desired, add Terms and Subdivisions for Agents linked as Subjects.

  1. Click on Save to save the context record with the new link to an Agent record.

Editing or updating a link to an Agent record

  1. In the context record, find the agent link that is to be updated.

  1. Change values for the Role, Title, or Relator fields.

  1. Click on Save to save the context record with the updated agent link.

Removing a link to an Agent record

  1. In the context record, find the agent link that is to be deleted.

  1. Click on the X in the upper right corner of the Agent record link.

  1. Click on the Confirm Removal option to remove the link, or on the Cancel option to retain the link.

  1. Click on Save to save the context record with the agent link removed

Linking to Subject records

To link Subject records to Accession, Resource, and Resource component records:

  1. In the context record, click on the Subjects option in the record navigation pane or scroll to the Subjects part of the record.
  2. Click on the Add Subject option which will open a new link template at the bottom of the list of linked subjects.
  3. In the Subjects field, indicate the Subject record that is to be linked to:
  • You can begin to type the subject term in the Subject field box and then select a match.

  • Or browse the list of available Subject records to find a match. Select the matching record and then click on Link to Subjects to link the Subject record to the context record. It is possible to link two or more subjects at the same time.

  • Or create a new Subject record if the one you require is not in the list. (Refer to the workbook section on Subject records for instructions on creating a new Subject record).
  1. Click on Save to save the context record with the new link to a Subject record.

Removing a link to a Subject record

  1. In the context record, find the subject link that is to be deleted.

  1. Click on the X in the upper right corner of the Subject record link.

  1. Click on the Confirm Removal option to remove the link, or on the Cancel option to retain the link.

  1. Click on Save to save the context record with the subject link removed.

Linking to Classification records

Currently an Accession or Resource record can only be linked to one Classification record. To link Classification records to Accession and Resource records:

  1. In the context record, click on the Classifications option in the record navigation pane or scroll to the Classifications part of the record.
  2. Click on the Add Classification option which will open a new link template.
  3. In the Classification field, indicate the classification record that is to be linked to:
  • You can begin to type the classification in the Classification field and then select a match.
  • Or browse the list of available Classification records to find a match. Select the matching record and then click on Link to Classifications to link the classification record to the context record.
  • It is not permitted to create a new Classification record within a context record.
  1. Click on Save to save the context record with the new link to a Classification record.

Remove a link to a Classification record

  1. In the context record, find the Classification record link that is to be deleted.

  1. Click on the X in the upper right corner of the Classification record link.

  1. Click on the Confirm Removal option to remove the link, or on the Cancel option to retain the link.

  1. Click on Save to save the context record with the classification link removed.

Linking to Location records

To link Location records to Accession, Resource records, and Resource component records:

  1. Click on the Instances option in the record navigation pane or scroll to the Instances part of the record.
  2. Click on the Expand option for a declared Instance to which a Location record is to be linked.
  3. Click on the option to Add Location in the container record template, which will open a location link template.
  4. In the Status field, indicate if the location is the current location for the material described or a previous location. "Current" is the default value.
  5. In the Start Date field, indicate when the materials were shelved at the location.
  6. In the End Date field, indicate when the materials stopped being at the location, if warranted. This field will typically be used to indicate the end of temporary locations.
  7. In the Note field, add a note appropriate to the location for the described materials, for instance, that the materials were relocated to their permanent location.
  8. In the Location field, indicate the Location record that is to be linked to:
  • You can begin to type the location in the Location field and then select a match.
  • Or browse the list of available Location records to find a match. Select the matching record and then click on Link to Locations to link the location to the context record.

  • Or create a new Location record if the one you require is not in the list. (Refer to the workbook section on Location records, for instructions on creating a new Location record).
  1. Click on Save to save the context record with the new link to a Location record.

Removing a link to a Location record

  1. In the context record, find the Location record link that is to be deleted.

  1. Click on the X in the upper right corner of the Location template.
  2. Click on the Confirm Removal option to remove the link, or on the Cancel option to retain the link.
  3. Click on Save to save the context record with the location link removed.

Linking Accession and Resource records

An Accession record can be linked to one or more Resource or Accession records, and, reciprocally, a Resource record can be linked to one or more Accession records.
To link an Accession record to a Resource record:

  • Click on the Related Resources option in the record navigation pane of an Accession record or scroll to the Related Resources part of the record.
  • Click on the Add Related Resource option which will open a new link template at the bottom of the list of linked Resource records.
  • In the Resource field, indicate the related Resource record that is to be linked to:
  • You can begin to type the resource title in the Resource field and then select a match.

  • Or browse the list of available Resource records to find a match. Select the matching record and then click on Link to Resources to link the Resource record to the Accession record.
  • It is not permitted to create a new Resource record at this point. But you can exit the Accession record and create a new Resource record and then return to the Accession record to link the Resource record. Or you can spawn a new Resource record from the Accession record, in which case the two will automatically be linked.
  • Click on Save to save the Accession record with the new link to a Resource record.

Removing a link to a Resource record

  1. In the Accession record, find the Resource record link that is to be deleted.

  1. Click on the X in the upper right corner of the Related Resources template.
  2. Click on the Confirm Removal option to remove the link, or on the Cancel option to retain the link.
  3. Click on Save to save the Accession record with the related resource link removed.

To link a Resource record to an Accession record:

  1. Click on the Related Accessions option in the record navigation pane of a Resource record or scroll to the Related Accessions part of the record.

  1. Click on the Add Related Accession option, which will open a new link template.

  1. In the Accession field, indicate the related Accession record that is to be linked to:

  • You can begin to type the accession title in the Accession field and then select a match.

  • Or you can browse the list of available Accession records to find a match. Select the matching record and then click on Link to Accession to link the Accession record to the Resource record.

  • You cannot create a new accession record at this point. But you can exit the Resource record and create a new Accession record and then return to the Resource record to establish a link between it and the Accession record. (Or you can link the new Accession record to the Resource record.)

  1. Click on Save to save the Resource record with the new link to an Accession record.

Removing a Link in a Resource to an Accession record

  1. In the Resource record, find the link to the Accession record that is to be deleted.

  1. Click on the X in the upper right corner of the Related Accessions template.

  1. Click on the Confirm Removal option to remove the link, or on the Cancel option to retain the link.

  1. Click on Save to save the Resource record with the related accession link removed.

**Do not remove the link by deleting the Accession record. That will remove the accession record from the database and all links to it will be deleted.
An Accession record can be linked to one or more Accession records.
To link an Accession record to another Accession record:

  • Click on the Related Accessions option in the record navigation pane of an Accession record or scroll to the Related Accessions part of the record.

Click on the Add Related Accession option which will open a new link template at the bottom of the list of linked Accession records.

  • Relationship type: Choose from drop-down list. The options are "Part of" relationship and Sibling relationship. Once the type is selected three required fields will be displayed.

  • This Accession: Choose from drop-down list. Select the appropriate term to describe the relationship type. The "Part of" relationship type provides two options for This Accession, either "Forms Part of" or "Has Part"; Sibling Relationship provides one option, "Is Sibling of".

  • Accession: Choose from drop-down list. A repository accession related to the material described in the record. Accession may be searched using auto-complete or by using the browse function. An Accession record cannot be created from within another Accession record.

  • Relator Type: Each type relator currently has only one option.

Removing a link to a Related Accession record
1. Within the context record, find the accession link that is to be deleted.
2. Click on the X in the upper right corner of the Related Accessions record link.
3. Click on the Confirm Removal option to remove the link, or the Cancel option to retain the link.
4. Click on Save Accession to save the record with the link removed.

Exercise 9: Linking records

Link all the Agent records and Subject records to the appropriate parts of the Resource record you have created.
Assign all containers (instances) in the Resource record to appropriate locations in the YNHSC repository stacks, using the Location records you created.

Exporting Records

ArchivesSpace enables the production of several export options for Agent and Resource records:

Type of Data

File Types

Agent records

  • Encoded Archival Context – Corporate bodies, Persons, Families (EAC-CPF) XML

Resource records

  • Encoded Archival Description (EAD) XML
  • Machine-Readable Cataloging XML (MARCXML)

Agent and Resource exports are XML documents produced in compliance with community standards and are usable in information systems such as ILSs or EAD databases. All the exports produced by ArchivesSpace are intended to foster access to the described materials. The[ |http://www.archivesspace.org/importexport]ArchivesSpace website (ArchivesSpace Application > Technical Documentation > Data Import and Export Maps) provides a summary of export mappings for Resource records into EAD and MARCXML.
ArchivesSpace currently supports exporting of individual Resource and Digital Object records; support for batch exporting of multiple records will be available in forthcoming releases.
EAC-CPF files are XML-encoded documents compliant with the EAC-CPF schema. These can be utilized within the context of or contributed to EAC-CPF name authority systems.
EAD files are XML-encoded documents compliant with the EAD 2002 schema. These may be uploaded to an EAD database for indexing and made publicly searchable with EAD files from the same repository and/or other repositories. Exports reflect the parent-level Resource record, plus any associated child-level component records. You can also opt to exclude notes and sub-notes that are not intended for publication.
MARCXML files are XML-encoded documents compliant with the MARCXML schema. These may be uploaded to an ILS to be searched amongst other MARC records. Exports reflect the parent-level Resource record only.

Exporting EAC-CPF, EAD, and MARCXML files

  1. Find the Agent or Resource record you want to export. You can browse or search.

    • To browse, on the main toolbar, click Browse and select Agents (for EAC-CPF exports) or Resources (for EAD and MARCXML exports). A listing of all the records in the repository will display.

    • To search, type your search query into the Search box on the main toolbar.

  1. Next to the record you want to export, click View.

  1. Click the Download EAC-CPF button (for Agent record exports) or Export button (for Resource record exports). In the case of the latter, choose an export option:

  • Download EAD (include unpublished): select this option for EAD exports to include all notes and subnotes (even if they have been marked as not intended for publication).

  • Download EAD (include <dao> tags): select this option for EAD exports to include digital object instances.

  • Download EAD (use numbered <c> tags): select this option for EAD exports to include numbered tags.

  • Download MARCXML: select this option for MARCXML exports.

  • Download Container Labels: Select this option to generate container labels.

  • Print Resource to PDF: select this option to generate a PDF file immediately rather than an EAD XML text file.

  1. The data will download into a file. Depending on your browser's settings, the file will be saved to your Downloads folder or you may be prompted to choose a location for saving the file.

Exercise 10: Exporting records

Using the Resource record and Agent records you have created, produce the following exports and save them to your workstation's desktop.

  • EAD



Importing Records

In ArchivesSpace you can import data from standardized records as well as comma-separated value data from spreadsheets. The following file types can be imported:

File Type

Type of Data

Encoded Archival Context – Corporate bodies, Persons, Families (EAC-CPF) XML

Agent records

Encoded Archival Description (EAD) XML

Resource records

Machine-Readable Cataloging XML (MARCXML)

Resource records
Accession Records
Names and Subjects

Comma-separated value (CSV) files

Accession records

By importing legacy data, you can centralize the management of information about your collections within one application.
The[ |http://www.archivesspace.org/importexport]ArchivesSpace website (ArchivesSpace Application > Technical Documentation > Data Import and Export Maps) provides a summary of import mappings from EAD and MARCXML files to the ArchivesSpace database scheme. It also includes CSV import mappings and templates to facilitate importing of accession records.
You may create an import job through two different routes. You can select Background Jobs from the Create drop-down menu on the main toolbar or you can select Background Jobs from the Repository drop down and then select the Create Job button on the upper right corner of the resulting screen.

The first option will lead to the page were you can select the job type "Import Data." The second option will take you to a log of all jobs performed, from which the Create Job option will lead to the page for selecting a job type.

Importing EAC-CPF and EAD files

  • On the main toolbar, click on the Create drop-down and select Background Jobs
  • Indicate that the Job Type is "Import Data".

Select the type of file: EAC or EAD. Files must be valid XML and compliant with referenced schemas or DTDs.

  1. Click Add File and select the file(s) to import; note that you can select multiple files. Alternatively, drag-and-drop the file(s) into the designated area of your browser window.
  2. Click Queue Job.
  3. When import is complete the page will indicate an import summary, including a report with any errors.
  4. The imported data will subsequently be available as new records:

  • Imported EAC files will be available as new Agent records.

  • Imported EAD files will be available as new Resource records.

Importing MARCXML files

ArchivesSpace supports two options for importing MARCXML files:

  • You can import a MARCXML file that creates a new Resource record.

  • In some cases, the detailed description of a resource may be in EAD format, but the controlled access headings are in the MARC record. It is possible to import only the controlled access headings from the MARCXML record and add them to the resource description created from importing the EAD file.

Below are steps for importing MARCXML files:

  1. On the main toolbar, click on the Create drop-down and select Background Jobs.

  1. Indicate that the Job Type is "Import Data".

  1. Select the type of file: MARCXML (Accession), MARCXML (Resource) or MARCXML (Subjects and Agents Only). Files must be valid XML and compliant with referenced schemas or DTDs.
  2. Click Add File and select the file(s) to import; note that you can select multiple files. Or alternatively, drag-and-drop the file(s) into the designated area of your browser window.
  3. Click Queue Job.
  4. When import is complete the page will indicate an import summary, including a report with any errors.
  5. The imported data will subsequently be available as new records:

  • If MARCXML (Resource) was selected as the file type, the imported data will be available as new Resource records.

  • If MARCXML (Accession) was selected as the file type, the imported data will be available as new Accession records.

  • If MARCXML (Subjects and Agents Only) was selected as the file type, the imported data will be available as new Agent and Subject records.

Importing accessions data from a CSV file

Accession data should be formatted and normalized according to ArchivesSpace CSV import mapping specifications. See the[ |http://www.archivesspace.org/importexport]ArchivesSpace website (ArchivesSpace Application > Technical Documentation > Data Import and Export Maps) for CSV import mappings – and in particular, for a template that can be used to format accession data.
Below are steps for importing CSV data:

  1. On the main toolbar, click on the Create drop-down and select Background Jobs.
  2. Indicate that the Job Type is "Import Data".

  1. Select the type of file: Accession CSV
  2. Click Add File and select the file(s) to import; note that you can select multiple files. Alternatively, drag-and-drop the file(s) into the designated area of your browser window.
  3. Click Queue Job.
  4. When import is complete the page will indicate an import summary, including a report with any errors.
  5. The imported data will subsequently be available as new Accession records.

Import summary

Every import job includes a summary report of the process:

  • Job Status: indicates if records were successfully imported or not, and the date/time of the import job.

  • Basic Information: summarizes information about the file that was imported, the target repository, and the user that initiated the job.

  • Log: if records were not successfully imported, the log summarizes problems with the source file (e.g., XML validation issues).

  • New & Modified Record: a list of records that were successfully imported.

Exercise 11: Data imports

Download the following three sample files at {*}http://tiny.cc/aspace_imports* and save to your workstation.
Import the files:

  • accession_import.csv: Import this CSV file to create a new Accession record.
  • eac-cpf_import.xml: Import this EAC-CPF file to create a new Agent record.
  • ead_import.xml: Import this EAD file to create a new Resource record.

Data Cleanup

For a number of reasons – imperfect source data, data incompatibilities between the source data format and ArchivesSpace database scheme, and inconsistent data entry – legacy data imported into ArchivesSpace may require some form of cleanup. Data cleanup can be lessened to some extent by making sure that the source data is in as good an order as possible before importing it. Below is a summary of typical data cleanup steps that you may want to consider undertaking, once data has been imported.

Cleaning up controlled value list terms after importing data

The controlled value lists in ArchivesSpace facilitate rapid and consistent data entry across users and sessions. The terms or phrases in a controlled value list are used to create a drop-down list that a user can pick from. You can set a default value for a field so that a data entry user doesn't have to enter information in that particular field.
Incorrect, conflicting, or non-standard controlled value list terms can be added to lookup lists during import. Merging variant terms into a preferred, standardized term will ensure data is consistently entered and will also prevent data processing errors.
Follow the steps below to merge variant entries into a preferred form. Note that merging changes cannot be undone, so double-check your selections before completing the process!

  1. Log into the application using a System Administrator-level account.

  1. On the System menu, select Manage Controlled Value Lists.

  1. In the List name box, select the list that contains the two terms you want to merge. For example, if you'd like to manage terms that appear as sources for Agent name records (e.g., reference codes for authority files), select the "Name source (name_source)" list.

  1. Next to the term you wish to merge into another term, click Merge.

  1. In the Merge Value dialog, click the drop-down menu and select the term you wish to merge the first term into.

  1. Click Merge Value. All instances of the first term will be replaced by the second term.

Correcting Agent and Subject record variants after importing data

Agent and Subject record variants can enter the application through import (as well as through data entry error). Merging records results in the correction of the non-preferred form(s), and in all accession and resource records being linked to the preferred form.
The "Imported Records" log in the import summary will inform you which Agent and Subject records were added upon successful import of files. To merge variant entries into a preferred form:

  1. From the Browse menu, select Subjects or Agents.

  1. From the browse results, identify the record that is your preferred heading, and click Edit.

  1. In the upper-right navigation, click the Merge drop-down list button.

  1. In the "Select subject below to merge into"..." dialog box, use the search option to identify the heading that you wish to merge into your preferred heading. Alternatively, click the drop-down list button and select Browse, to browse headings that you wish to merge into the first heading.

  1. Click the Merge button.

  1. Confirm that you would like to proceed, by clicking the Merge button again (or quit by clicking the Cancel button).

Exercise 12: Data cleanup

Sign in to ArchivesSpace as a System Administrator (username "admin", password "admin").
From the previous imports, identify and correct as many data problems as you can. For example: we've introduced a new, non-preferred extent type value "lin. ft." from the import exercise: "lin. ft." now appears as a value in the "Extent Extent Type (extent_extent_type)" controlled value list. Merge the non-preferred value "lin. ft" into the preferred value "Linear Feet".
Keep a list of what you did for comparison with the work of others in the workshop.

Customizing the Application

User interfaces

The staff and the public interface that are provided by ArchivesSpace can be customized for local use. Repository Managers can provide simple customizations of the staff interface using tools available in the staff interface. More extensive customizations to both the public and staff interface can be made by defining 'local' files in the plugs-ins folder of the application.

Public interface

The public interface can be customized for local use, by enabling the 'local' plug-in in the server's configuration file, then adding files in the plug-ins/local folder. Code placed in this directory should mirror that of the core application, and will function as an override to replace the functions provided by the files they replace.
Complete instructions for developing themes and customizations are found on the GitHub site:[ |https://github.com/archivesspace/archivesspace/tree/master/plugins]{*}https://github.com/archivesspace/archivesspace/tree/master/plugins*. The ArchivesSpace Technical Advisory Committee is currently developing non-technical documentation concerning plug-ins. As this is developed, it will be shared with the ArchivesSpace Community.
Two examples of customized public interfaces are:
Middlebury College {+}http://archivesspace.middlebury.edu/+http://archivesspace.middlebury.edu/
University of Southern California {+}http://archives.usc.edu/+

Staff interface

Certain preferences can be configured in the application at the global (instance) level, repository level, or individual user level. Changes to preferences at the global level affect all users of the instance. Changes to preferences at the repository level override preferences at the global level and affect only users registered to that repository. Changes to preference at the user level override preferences at the repository or global level and apply only to the designated user.
The following instructions are for changing preferences at the user level. With the exception of where the process starts, the options and instructions for changing preferences is the same for all three levels.
To begin the process, log on as a user assigned to the repository and then select User Preference Defaults.

You may select general settings to prepopulate or publish all records. Use the down arrows by each column field to add additional columns to your browse screens. (Note, these settings will not apply to your search result screens.)

Controlled value lists

Under the system menu, members of the System Administrator, Repository Manager, or Project Managers groups are able to configure the values provided under certain drop-down menus (i.e. controlled value lists). Existing values of certain lists can be edited, values can be merged with another value, new terms can be created, and existing terms can be deleted.

ArchivesSpace contains many sets of controlled values, or what are sometimes referred to as "drop-down lists" from which a user selects a term. These lists are provided to ensure consistency and to expedite recording of data values.
There are two types of controlled value lists in ArchivesSpace:

  • Configurable controlled value lists are ones in which the default list can be modified in some way, such as by merging, deleting, or adding new values. A configurable controlled value list appears as:

  • Non-configurable controlled value lists cannot be modified in any way, as they are related to a data format standard, e.g., the level of description in the resource record, which is compliant with the LEVEL attribute in the EAD format. A non-configurable controlled value list appears as:

Both types of lists support selecting a data value as a default value.
For those lists that are configurable, there are four configuration options:

  • Set as default: To set a default value, click on the Set as Default option in the same row as the value you want to be the default. Setting a value to be a default means that value will appear in the designated data field in all new records where the data field occurs. Note, however, that a default value can be edited and replaced with another value on the list at any time after a record is created.

  • Suppress: Values may be suppressed from displaying, even if they are not deleted from the list entirely. (For example, values cannot be deleted from non-configurable lists at all.) This can be a handy way to make large lists, particularly of non-configurable values such as languages and relator terms, easier for staff to work with. Click Suppress to prevent a value from displaying without deleting it. To make a suppressed value display again, click Unsuppress.

  • Merge: As noted above, controlled value lists can sometimes acquire variant forms of the same value, primarily via the import process. Such variants can be removed by using the Merge option to merge a variant value into the authorized value. To merge a value into another, select the Merge option in the same row as the value to be merged. Then, in the dialog window that opens, select the value to be merged into:

And then click on Merge Value to complete the merge process. All the occurrences of the merged value will be updated with the value merged into.

  • Delete: Values may also be deleted from configurable controlled value lists. Removing unused values can make a list easier to use and reduces scrolling through a value list. To delete a value from a controlled value list, select the Delete option in the same row as the value to be deleted. Next select the Delete Value option to confirm the delete process. The selected value will then be removed from the list.

  • Create value: Of course, the configurable value lists do not include all possible values that repositories may use for a given field. Thus another configuration option is to add new values to a list. To do so, click on Create Value near the top right of the controlled value configuration form. This will open a form for recording the new value.

Enter the value to be used and click on Create Value to add it to the bottom of the list.

To change the Translation value (the version of the term that actually appears to the staff or public user, as opposed to the version that appears in the data tables), the en.yml file in which translation values are encoded needs to be edited:

Close the ArchivesSpace Application

  • Find the en.yml file in the enums folder.

  • Make a copy of the en.yml file and save it under a slightly different name (e.g., en-defaults.yml) or in a different place. If necessary, it will be easier to revert to the default en.yml file.

  • Open the en.yml file with a text editor such as Notepad or Wordpad and find the list of values to be edited:

  • Then modify the translation value for an item on the list. The translation value is the string after the colon:

  • Launch the ArchivesSpace application. The new translation value will appear in the controlled value list:

Note: If your ArchivesSpace application is networked, the database or system administrator will likely need to change the translation values.

Default values

Users can set default values throughout the application. Default values are typically set when the value of a field is very frequently the same across records. For instance, a segment of the identifier in an accession and / or resource record might indicate the custodial repository. If the repository identifier is set as a default value for a segment of the accession and / or resource identifier, then that segment will be populated with that identifier whenever a new accession or resource record is created. In short, setting default values for repetitive data values is a good way for repositories to streamline data input.
Default values can be edited in a record that they have been applied to. Also default values can be reset at any time. Doing so will have no impact on applications of the prior default value; they will be retained in the records in which they were applied. Default values are not applied in spawning an accession or resource record from a source accession record.
How to set default values:
To set default values you need to log in to ArchivesSpace as either a system administrator or repository manager.

  1. Click on the option for My Repository Preferences.

  1. Activate the option to pre-populate records.

  1. Click on Save to save your new preferences.

  1. Open the browse list for the record type you want to set default values for and click on the option to Edit Default Values at the top of the list.

In the case of Resources and Digital Objects, you will need to select between setting default values for the parent record or the component record:

  1. Next, open up a blank record of the type you set default values for, and enter the value defaults into the appropriate fields:

  1. Click on Save to save the default values to the template.

When creating a new record, the default values should populate the fields to which they are assigned:

At any time that you want to not apply the default values, simply deactivate the option to pre-populate records. This will result in an empty template when you start a new record.
Remember, setting default values is most effective for values that are the same across many records.
Default Note Order
You may also now set default orders for your note fields. To reorder the notes, go to Global or Repository or Individual User Preferences, and scroll down to the Note Order section. Click on the grey bars by the note label and drag the notes into your preferred order. The new defaults will apply to the Resources and Digital Objects modules.
Be sure to save your preferences in order to apply the new defaults.

To apply the specified note order, click on the option to Apply Standard Note Order on the note bar in a resource or digital object record. But beware the notes have to be loaded first for the order to take effect.

More extensive customizations to the staff interface may be possible, using the same basic procedure outlined above for the public interface.

User-defined fields

User-defined fields are "semantically neutral" data fields available in the accession, resource, and digital object records. 25 user defined fields are provided in each place and they include the following data types:

  • 3 Boolean
  • 3 Integer
  • 3 Real (Number)
  • 3 Date
  • 4 String (<256)
  • 5 Text (>256)
  • 4 Controlled value

The purpose of the user-defined fields is to enable a repository to include information needed by the repository but not supported elsewhere in the ArchivesSpace templates for Accession, Resource, and Digital Objects records. For instance, in the Accession record, a repository might choose to record the following;

  • Whether a monetary appraisal was done (Boolean 1)
  • The date of the appraisal (Date 1)
  • The amount of the appraisal (Real 1)
  • The name of the appraiser (String 1)
  • The appraisal statement (Text 1)

These fields can then be labeled as:

  • Appraised
  • Appraisal date
  • Appraisal amount
  • Appraiser's name
  • Appraisal

To change the label, one needs to edit the en.yml file located in [archivesspace]/locales, in the directory where you have installed ArchivesSpace.
Assigning the label to a user-defined field sets the fields' semantic value, e.g., Boolean 1 in the example becomes the field for indicating if an appraisal occurred within the accession record.
The assigned semantic value applies only to the field within its context in the particular Accession, Resource, or Digital Object record field. However, it applies to all occurrences of that field within the instance, so in a multi-repository instance, stakeholders should agree on how user-defined fields are going to be defined. Note that user-defined fields are accommodated in default exports.

Wrap-Up and Discussion

Exercise 13: Accession and Resource records, and exports

Download the Second Description Sample file at {*}http://tiny.cc/aspace_sample2*, and save it to your workstation.
Using the Second Description Sample and the appropriate rules from DACS, do the following:

  • Create an Accession record based on the information on page 1. Try to use as many fields in the Accession record as you can.

  • Use your Accession record to "spawn" a Resource record. Then use the collection description on pages 2-3 to complete a multi-level Resource record. In completing the description, be sure to account for all aspects of the collection description, including names and subjects. Also include information describing the finding aid itself.

  • When you have completed the Resource record, produce the following exports and save them to your workstation's desktop:

    • EAD


Appendix A: Describing Archives: A Content Standard (DACS)

Describing Archives: a Content Standard (DACS) For information on how to access DACS online or purchase a print copy, see: {+}http://www2.archivists.org/groups/technical-subcommittee-on-describing-archives-a-content-standard-dacs/describing-archives-a-content-standard-second-editi+. is:

  • A data content standard for use by archivists in the U.S. to implement archival control of collection material and to produce consistent descriptive tools for users of those collections.

  • Based on and incorporates international standards:
    • Part I of DACS, for descriptions of the archival material, is based on ISAD(G), the General International Standard Archival Description, 2nd ed.
    • Part II of DACS, for descriptions of the creators of archival material, is based on ISAAR(CPF), the International Standard Archival Authority Record for Corporate Bodies, Persons, and Families, 2nd ed.
  • Designed to be used, when necessary, with companion standards.
  • Output neutral.
  • A standard designed to support iterative use throughout the lifecycle of an archival collection.
  • A standard that supports both single-level and multi-level archival description.

Let's look a little more closely at each of these.

DACS is a data content standard, not a data structure standard.

  • Data structure: Elements or containers in which descriptive data are stored.

    • <physdesc></physdesc> and <extent></extent> are Elements in the Encoded Archival Description (EAD) data structure.

    • 300 is an Element in the MARC21 data structure.

  • Data content: What you put into those elements or containers (in the examples below, 2 linear feet is the data content).

    • <physdesc><extent>2 linear feet</extent></physdesc> (in EAD elements)

    • 300 bb $a 2 $f linear feet (in a MARC21 element)

    • This following textual example of data content is formulated using DACS rules 2.5.3 and 2.5.4 2.5.3: record numerical quantity associated with expressions of extent in Arabic numerals; 2.5.4: record quantity in terms of physical extent in linear or cubic feet, etc., with a recommendation to spell out terms rather than using abbreviations that may not be well understood by all users.: 2 linear feet

DACS implements archival control.

  • A good definition of "archival control" from OCLC's Bibliographic Formats and Standards: "… material is described according to archival descriptive rules, focusing on the contextual relationships between items and on their provenance rather than on bibliographic detail. All forms of material can be controlled archivally." See {+}http://www.oclc.org/bibformats/en/fixedfield/ctrl.html+.
  • The upshot of this is:
    • As long as your approach to controlling/describing your stuff is essentially archival in nature, you can base your descriptive practices on DACS and work outward from there.
    • "Archival" is an approach to managing information and NOT an essential characteristic of the material in question.

DACS is based on and incorporates ISAD(G) and ISAAR(CPF) See {+}http://www.icacds.org.uk/eng/ISAD(G).pdf+ and {+}http://www.icacds.org.uk/eng/ISAAR(CPF)2ed.pdf+..

  • ISAD(G) is the general international standard for data elements used to describe materials being controlled archivally, and was created and published by the International Council of Archives (1994, revised 2000).
    • "General" = no format-specific chapters, applicable to all.
  • ISAAR(CPF) is the international standard for data elements used in authority records to describe persons, families, and corporate entities who create materials being controlled archivally, and was created and published by the International Council of Archives (1996, revised 2003).
  • ISAD(G) is a high-level standard meant to be "used in conjunction with existing national standards or as the basis for the development of national standards."
  • ISAD(G) provides:
    • Four rules for multi-level description (paraphrased):
      • Describe from the general to the specific.
      • Include information at the relevant level of description within the hierarchy.
      • Link descriptions at various levels to make explicit the position of each unit within the hierarchy.
      • Avoid redundancy of information by not repeating information at more than one level within the hierarchy.
    • Definitions of twenty-six elements "broadly applicable to descriptions of archives regardless of the nature or extent of the unit of description."
  • From the Introduction to ISAD(G): "The structure and content of the information in each of these elements should be formulated in accordance with applicable national rules." In the U.S., those "applicable national rules" are DACS.
  • From the Introduction to ISAAR(CPF): "This standard provides guidance for preparing archival authority records which provide descriptions of entities (persons, families) associated with the creation and maintenance of archives".

DACS is designed to be used, when necessary, with companion standards.

  • Companion standards are any additional standards that you need to use in conjunction with DACS to describe the materials in your repository.
  • Data content standards, for example:
    • Descriptive Cataloging of Rare Materials (Graphics) or Cataloging Cultural Objects (CCO) for describing individual photographs in archival collections.
    • Descriptive Cataloguing of Rare Materials (Books) (DCRM(B)) for describing rare books in archival collections.
    • The IASA Cataloguing Rules: A Manual for the Description of Sound Recordings and Related Audiovisual Media for describing individual audio recordings in archival collections.
  • Data value standards, for example:
    • Art and Architecture Thesaurus for genre terms used in DACS Extent (2.5) and Scope and Content (3.2) elements
  • Ways of utilizing companion standards with DACS:
    • Use in place of or to enhance DACS rules for specific elements when you need detailed item-level guidance that DACS doesn't provide.
      • For example, rules for the Extent element from The IASA Cataloguing Rules provide much more detail for item-level descriptions of sound recordings than the Extent element rules in DACS do. If that matters in your repository, you can use them in addition to or instead of the DACS Extent Element (2.5) rules.
    • Use elements and rules in companion standards that do not appear in DACS when these are useful.
      • For example, CCO provides elements (and rules for their content) for Style and Culture, two elements that are beyond the scope of DACS. These elements might be useful, in addition to the 25 elements defined by DACS, at the series- or item-levels to archivists describing cultural object components in an archival collection, or the records of an archaeologist or a museum.
    • At granular levels of description, use a companion standard completely instead of using DACS if your repository and users require more detailed descriptions than the elements and rules in DACS can provide.
      • For example, use DACS for collection-, series-, and file-level descriptions for the bulk of your archival materials, but use Graphic Materials to describe the individual items in a photographs series.
  • In all cases, DACS encourages you to do the following:
    • Take a well thought out, consistent approach that incorporates the goals and resources of your repository, the kinds of collections you have, and the needs and expectations of your primary user constituencies (apply professional judgment).
    • Document your decisions about local application of standards.

DACS is output neutral.

  • Focus is on data reuse – input once, output many.
  • Data content formulated according to DACS rules can be output to many data structures, for example:
  • Output neutrality is critical for flexible 21st century data content standards!

DACS is an iterative standard.

  • It is designed to be used by U.S. archivists to capture and formulate descriptive information about groupings of archival materials in their current state of arrangement (or lack thereof).
  • The information content for DACS elements can and will change as archival materials move through the stages within your repository (e.g., acquiring, processing, use).

DACS is designed to produce both single- and multi-level descriptions.

  • Single-level Description can describe archival material at any level (collection, series, item), but only at that level, for example:
    • A collection-level MARC21 record
  • Multi-level Description can describe archival material starting at any level, but must include at least one sublevel, for example:
    • A finding aid that includes collection, series, and file descriptions.
  • DACS provides recommendations in Chapter 1 for Minimum, Optimum, and Added Value use of DACS elements.

Instruction in using DACS will not be a focus of this ArchivesSpace training session. To aid in using DACS with ArchivesSpace, for those familiar with DACS or wishing to experiment with it in this training session, rollovers (hovering with your cursor over the label for ArchivesSpace fields) produce a pop-up box that provides an element-specific reference to DACS when there is an equivalent DACS element for that ArchivesSpace field.