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  • Update everyone on latest TAC work. 

Discussion items


Project Update:

Board meeting

Code4lib house

Confluence - open to public


Chris F.
  • Brad needed for full update; Chris Irvin reported a little.
    • Atlanta in February, face-to-face at Lyrasis office
    • One focus on communication with the membership
    • Brad working on SAA ArchivesSpace session, half-day post-conference reception/presentation
  • Sibyl asked regarding status of community voting – Gordon reports that Brad worked with Atlassian to increase 50 concurrent user limit to 5000; happened last Thursday.
  • Confluence site to be made public, with a provision for private working documents.

Documentation Subgroup update

  • Continuing through the email lists.
  • Kari and Scott, who're also on UAC's Features Prioritization group, had discussed where documentation updates and testing should be integrated into the sprint process.
  • Question regarding where documentation is: currently on the GitHub wiki, to be moved to Confluence, including READMEs.
    • Tangent regarding documentation versioning referred to a smaller group discussion that Kari will organize.
 Migration Subgroup UpdateMichael Noah
  • Most work on testing import/export, particularly EAD.
  • Mark considering Schematron
  • Round of testing identified issues, some now in JIRA, some were already.
    • Problems importing large finding aids; performance improvements to be ported.
  • Longer term: testing EAC, EAD3.
  • Sibyl requested that Noah add details (particularly those in an email from Brad?) about migration principles to the documentation.
  • Cory and Brad are corresponding about EAC.

Committers Oversight Subgroup Update

  • Public mailing list
  • GitHub organizations
  • Plugin management
  • Mostly about mailing list closure and how better to communicate with community.
  • Considering more than one GitHub organization, e.g. for plugins and/or a labs/experimental organization like Fedora and Hydra.
  • Talking about plugin management: how to test, version, resolve conflicts, &c.
  • See also Minutes 2015-02-27.
 TAC membershipSibyl
  • Rotating off:
    • Laura's last call, changing organization.
    • Don rotating off in June.
    • Sibyl rotating off in June, changing organization.
  • If anyone has an interest in being chair, contact Sibyl.
  • New nominations in April?

Action items