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- Rachel Maderik
- Ed Busch
- Esmé Cowles
- Scott Hanrath
- Michael Vandermillen
- Cory Nimer
- Noah Huffman
- Brad Westbrook
- Laura Hild
- Kari Smith
- Terry Reese
- Chris Ervin



  • call for notetaker, or alternate note taking responsibilities (Sibyl)
    • Laura volunteered.
  • Program Updates (Brad + Chris):
    • new developer Brian Hoffman started at the beginning of the year, has had previous experience with Hudmol and ArchivesSpace, will be focusing on user/public interface, timesavers, &c.
    • recently released version 1.1.1, discovered issue with non-threadsafe code, patched and released as 1.1.2, the current release.
    • @ Code4Lib
      • AS house being planned
      • Planning preconference with Archivematica and BitCurator folks
      • TAC dinner: took quick headcount, plan to send Doodle
    • migrated from Pivotal Tracker to JIRA, planning to make use of community voting
    • Currently 195 AS member institutions, relatively equal distribution by level
    • Charter members are up for renewal
      • one did not renew, they plan to re-up when staffing settles
      • 12 (?) renewing
      • rest pending
    • Governance board meets Feb 3rd. Agenda:
      • Nominations for TAC for terms ending June 2015
        • terms are eligible for renewal; Sibyl will contact to confirm interest
        • to bring the size up to 15 members at least one new person is needed
        • We will need a new chair to replace Sibyl at the end of June.
      • Having a member meeting at SAA in Cleveland; TAC & UAC to help plan if approved
  • Fedora Sprint process and organization (Esmé)
    • Sibyl asked for comparison to current AS process:
    • It's been mostly just Chris doing the sprinting
    • We want to improve community development involvement
    • Angela has used the process and would advocate for it strongly
    • Structure, regular open meetings, clear rules for participation desirable to make getting involved easier.
  • Subgroup updates
    • Architecture - to be dissolved, members distributed to other sub-groups
      • Sibyl will contact for preferences, CO and Docs most needy
    • Documentation (Kari) - absent
    • Committers Oversight (Esmé) - identified work completed
    • Migration (Michael)
      • added members
      • doing an additional round of EAD import/export testing due Feb 1st
      • Mark Custer focusing on Schematron and AS-specific EAD 2002 issues
      • Cory and Brad looking at EAD-CPF
      • The committee plans to investigate EAD3 support when EAD3 is released
    • Features Prioritization, met Wednesday for ~90 minutes:
      • introduced new members,
      • discussed PT to JIRA transition,
      • planned community process in JIRA
      • plan to present process to the 195 member representatives next week, working on messaging
  • Much work on the public interface is planned for 2015, and there are plans to have new UAC/TAC hybrid Public Interface subgroup