
Time: 2PM EDT

Roster: http://archivesspace.org/technicaladvisory

Dial-in number:  888-354-0094

Access code:  731627


Terry Reese

Kari Smith

Chris Prom

Nathan Stevens


Moderator: Sibyl Schaefer (chair)

Notetaker: Mike Giarlo


  • Roll Call

  • Program updates (Brad)

  • Confluence update

  • SAA meetings

    • UAC/TAC luncheon: Thurs. 8/14, 11:15AM-1:15PM

      • Note: this is for business; it’s not an open meeting

  • Previous business:

    • Finishing up second subgroup work

    • Esmé: Draft a recommendation for how to handle hackfest contributions from developers who don’t have pre-existing CLAs.

    • Brad has raised question of process for vetting committer policies to board - board will review at Sept. meeting

  • Subgroup updates

    • Documentation - Laura

    • Architecture - Don

    • Committers - Esme

    • Migration - Micheal

Action Items

  • Doodle poll for next call (Sibyl)

  • Schedule subgroup meetings ASAP (Subgroup leads)

  • Consider voting for ASpace-related DLF proposal (All)


  • Post details on SAA get-togethers to the combined TAC/UAC list (Brad)

  • Discuss testing “sticky points” on import/export (Migration subgroup)

    • Provide access to testing sandbox (Chris F.)

  • ...


  • Board will vet committer oversight policies at the face-to-face meeting in September