2020-2021 Integrations Retrospective
Accomplishments from this term
The Integrations sub-team accomplishment many of the tasks defined in their 2020-2021 work plan, including:
Advertising the sub-team more generally through the ArchivesSpace users list
Taking part in the ArchivesSpace Online Forum by leading a discussion about the work of the sub-team and integrations that the community is interested in
Working with the ArchivesSpace program team and other council sub-teams, in particular by reaching out to dev. pri. about the possibility of adding an “integrations” tag to future relevant tickets
Continuing to update information about existing integrations, in particular by identifying integrations that were not already being tracked by the sub-team, including adding a “Planned Projects” section to the Integrations wiki page
Priorities for next term
The Integrations sub-team identified the following priorities for next term:
Based on feedback from the ArchivesSpace Online Forum discussion section, create and maintain a section in the Integrations wiki pages dedicated to most desired integrations
As the list of Integrations page gets longer and longer, the sub-team should attempt to make the page more navigable, such as by adding a table of contents or by splitting each category of integrations into a separate page
The past two terms have dedicated a lot of focus to improving the list of integrations page – the next term should prioritize conducting a fuller review/update of other pages in the integrations wiki space
The Integrations sub-team has long been interested in finding ways to take a more active role in the development of ArchivesSpace integrations without requiring team members themselves to be developers. The sub-team should continue to seek out opportunities, with a suggested approach of writing specifications for integrations-related plug-ins that could be approved for community development - there may be version incompatibility with plugins. We might serve as liaisons to the archival community for integrations. What context is important to archivists vs. technical experts. What are the base requirements for integration?
We are a community developed open source software
What are the workflows
What context is already there and how to we maintain its integrity
We will help people by creating a workflow/integrations “getting started” training-manual (including multimedia). Developer and Archivists and what do we each need?
Leadership for next term
Lead: Kate Blalack
Vice lead: James Griffin