2020-2021 Integrations Work Plan

2020-2021 Integrations Work Plan

The 2020-2021 Integrations sub-team plans to build on the work that it completed during its 2019-2020 year and to address some of the opportunities for improvement identified in 2019-2020 Retrospective. Our main goals are to:

  • conduct more focused and general outreach about the sub-team

  • find ways to communicate with the developers of ArchivesSpace and other applications about integrations desired by the community

  • continue to update the Integrations wiki pages, in particular the “What are Integrations?” page

  • continue tracking new integrations


Reach out to specific institutions for follow up information about integrations they had been interested in or were working on
Advertise the sub-team more generally through the ArchivesSpace users list
Have a bigger presence in the “Integrations with ArchivesSpace” webinar series, perhaps by leading a discussion about the work of the sub-team and integrations that the community is interested in


Communicate with the developers of specific applications about integration opportunities
Work with the ArchivesSpace program team and other council sub-teams (e.g., dev. pri.) to communicate more concrete use cases/functional requirements for integrations

Integrations Wiki Pages

Continue to update information about existing integrations, in particular by identifying integrations that are not already being tracked by the Integrations sub-team
Update the “What are Integrations?” page to account for methods and types of integrations that are not currently accounted for

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