2022-10-05 Meeting Agenda and Notes

2022-10-05 Meeting Agenda and Notes


Oct 5, 2022 at 1pm EST

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Previous Meeting Minutes

2022-09-01 Meeting Agenda and Notes



  • @Rachel Searcy

  • @Austin Munsell

  • @Jenna Silver

  • @Elizabeth M. Caringola

  • @Blake Carver

  • @Mark Cooper - regrets


  • Review action items from workplan

  • History of TechDocs?

  • Discuss potential collaboration with User Docs









2 minutes

Roll call


  • Note-taker? Blake

  • Jenna, Rachel, Liz, Austin, Blake

5 minutes

Last Month’s Action Items



@Rachel Searcy will make minor edits to the work plan based on our conversation and send to members next week. Members can continue to think about it and add additional comments/edits by the Sept. 16 joint meeting.
@Rachel Searcy will email Christine about Github repo.
@Rachel Searcy will send Doodle poll for scheduling future meeting.

10 minutes

History of TechDocs


  • Why is this documentation separate from and on a different platform than the other application documentation? Historically the user docs are part of membership. Also, it’s a different audience. No plans to combine them.

  • Clarify roles for TAC members and Lyrasis developers LYRASIS people will handle more tech stuff, TAC side will help with maintenance and how to best communicate things and identify new place to work. Developers maintaining stuff because they have the tech skills. This brings up how much work will be done by each group. There’s always places for anyone to contribute. Maybe some kind of out reach to developers and those who run their local ArchivesSpace sites for ideas. A larger group of folks would be welcomed! For next meeting… can we come up with some strategies and ideas and maybe asking specific people, asking directly can help get people interested.

10 minutes

Workplan plan


  • 2022-2023 TechDocs Work Plan

  • Add more information to this landing page: Technical Documentation ?

  • Blake to come up with some ideas on how to restructure the tech-docs landing page on how to help people get over that first level issues

  • Also Blake to figure out what happened there, something is missing

  • Discussion on getting more engagement and how to get people involved. Social media and simple outreach via email asking for feedback and make sure they know we’re all working to make it better. Are we reaching out to developers and/or users? Monitoring of the mailing list for ideas for tech-docs and let people know this is a good place to start for answers.

10 minutes



  • Collaboration

    • User Docs

    • Other TAC subteams?

  • Thinking about the difference between the User Docs, not as many people know about the tech docs. Maybe some pointers between the User and Tech docs? There may not be any links? Maybe there are places in the User Docs that make sense to have pointers to Tech docs, like maybe plugins and overrides. Maybe a meeting or just comments? Reach out to MK to see what they would like to do to get some cross links in there.

5 minutes



  • Identify and review action items

  • Identify items for next meeting

Action items

@Blake Carver to look at PR 134 and figure out what’s what
@Rachel Searcy Figure out repository permissions
@Rachel Searcy Review previous year’s meeting minutes for examples of broader community engagement
@Austin Munsell (and anyone else) Monitor email list for questions where reporter might benefit from pointer to the techdocs
@Rachel Searcy Contact User Docs and invite them to our next meeting
@Rachel Searcy @Austin Munsell @Jenna Silver @Elizabeth M. Caringola Consider talking with your local developers/system maintainers to get their opinions on the documentation, identify gaps, identify potential contributors


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