2023-02-01 Meeting Agenda and Notes
Feb 1, 2023 at 1pm EST
Zoom/Meeting Info
Helpful Links
TechDocs github repo: https://github.com/archivesspace/tech-docs
TechDocs site: https://archivesspace.github.io/tech-docs/
Technical Documentation Resources: https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AC/pages/2331770963
This year’s workplan: https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AC/pages/3176005635
Last year’s retrospective: https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AC/pages/3120398355
Previous Meeting Minutes
@Rachel Searcy
@Austin Munsell regrets
@Jenna Silver
@Elizabeth M. Caringola
@Blake Carver regrets
@Mark Cooper regrets
Assess workplan mid-way through year
Time | Item | Presenter | Notes |
5 minutes | Roll call | Rachel | Notetaker: Liz |
5 minutes | Previous Month’s Action Items | Rachel |
@Austin Munsell (and anyone else) Monitor email list for questions where reporter might benefit from pointer to the techdocs 10/25 from Amanda Focke at Rice University to archivesspace@googlegroups: “I have searched the ASpace doucmentation, but am not finding info on how to implement the "request" button on the public side so users can request boxes. Any pointers for me? Sorry if I missed an obvious source. I did search the user manual for "reference" and "request" but didn't find it.” 2 additional possible tech doc related messages: Mike <mike.uofs@gmail.com> 11/10/2022 re: jetty; Hutchinson, Tim <tim.hutchinson@usask.ca> 11/11/2022 re LDAP atuhentication and ASpace API; 3 other inquiries that look like bugs or user doc questions. @Austin Munsell @Jenna Silver @Elizabeth M. Caringola @Rachel Searcy Consider talking with your local developers/system maintainers to get their opinions on the documentation, identify gaps, identify potential contributors Austin hopes to do this in the coming month. Local developer is swamped with a large system migration. UPDATE: Austin checked in with the developer. They reported a) not having issues with the tech docs and b) not remembering anything about them…this is good? Jenna asked her dev if he has noticed gaps in documentation; he says he’ll just go to the lists and ask and doesn’t consult the docs. A new dev starting soon, so she’ll chat with him as well. Liz will ask her dev group after they complete the 3.3.1 upgrade this month. UPDATE: Might have info to share after meeting with them on Friday. |
5 minutes | Repo check-in | Rachel |
| Workplan review |
Next meeting |
| March 1, 1pm EST |