2023-03-21 UAC Meeting agenda and notes
Mar 21, 2023 1pm ET/ 12pm CT/ 11am MT/ 10am PT
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Valerie Addonizio (ex-officio, TAC Chair)
Rebecca Baugnon -regrets
Johanna Carll
Kellen Carpenter - regrets
Regina Carra (Chair)
Christine Di Bella (ex-officio, ArchivesSpace Program Manager)
Bailey Hoffner
Margaret Turman Kidd
Dan Michelson
Patrick Milhoan-regrets
Matthew Neely-regrets
Cory Nimer
Eden Orelove
Mary Pedraza
Sarah Ponichtera-regrets
Suzanne Reller (Vice Chair)
Keli Schmid
Chris Tanguay
Sub-team Reports
Discussion Led by Usability
@Margaret Kidd
Time | Item | Presenter/Facilitator | Notes |
5 mins | Ice Breaker | @Regina Carra | Favorite Girl Scout Cookie - overwhelming love for Caramel deLites/Samoas, but clearly Thin Mints are the best! Please fill out the zoom poll: Date and time for April Coffee break Interest in GitHub training opportunity |
5 mins | UAC Updates | @Regina Carra | Happy Spring! UAC monthly meeting schedule for April 18 is cancelled! We will instead have a casual coffee break chat, organized by Suzanne. Date TBD GitHub training--currently gauging interest. This is a continuation of previous professional development offerings for Council members FYI, Virtual Member Forum: ASpace Board will be hosting a discussion about governance on April 5, 12pm Eastern. Council Chairs will be involved. TAC news–Integrations sub-team to sunset after 2023-2024 term. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AC/pages/3309305887 Roster changes to note--Erin Ryan stepped down in Feb. ; Bailey Hoffner to step down in early April. Thanks to both! Open roster spots for UAC next term = 5 New documentation drafted in Handbook on Composition, roles, and work of sub-teams: |
5 mins | Program Update | @Christine Di Bella |
5 mins | Sub-team Reports |
| Development Prioritization | @Daniel Michelson @Matthew Neely |
| Users Documentation | @Margaret Kidd @Rebecca Baugnon |
| Testing | @Cory Nimer |
| Usability | @Cory Nimer |
| Member Engagement | @Bailey Hoffner @Patrick Milhoan |
5 mins | Open Mic/Questions for sub-teams |
| No questions |
25 mins | Sub-team Led Discussion | Usability Sub-team |
5 mins | Final thoughts/questions | @Regina Carra |
| Next Meeting Reminder/Upcoming Events | @Regina Carra | April meeting canceled! Stay tuned for news about coffee break. We hope to see you there. Next formal UAC Meeting will be May 16th (Council Retrospective) Remember to sign up for the Virtual Forum! |