2022-2023 Integrations Retrospective
Identified audience, locations to promote and post survey
Conducted 2022 August survey
Sent out notice of survey in July newsletter
Promoted survey at ASpace Online Forum, Email Member List, and other online forums, etc.
Closed survey at end of November
Compiled data from survey between December to approximately February (TBD)
Summarized results of survey/present to ASpace Governance (Feb/Apr) (TBD)
Performed clean-up of Integrations Confluence pages
Final reading of pages for any additional editing
Submitted final report and recommendations
Included sun-setting the Integrations sub-team
2023-2024 Goals
Lead: Elizabeth Dunham
Vice-Lead: Paige Monlux
Migrate the data about system integrations from Confluence to the Awesome ArchivesSpace Github
Update the Github site as the one true source of integrations listings and review the sites for any needed updating as a result of development or other reasons with stated work to be completed within that term year.
Update Integrations Confluence pages
Add descriptions from eight Integrations data pages to bulleted list of Integrations scenarios on Why Integrate with ArchivesSpace page
Delete pages with Integrations data after incorporating data into Awesome ArchivesSpace Github
Remove link to survey from pages that remain
Add notification to remaining pages that indicate they are in maintenance status and add referral link to Awesome ArchivesSpace Github
Clean up Google docs
Remove survey and survey data and any other records that contain personal data
Migrate remaining content to Confluence site
Document process for sunsetting a sub-team
What to do with Confluence pages
What to do with Google resources
Resources allowing, identify priorities and develop work plan for the ad hoc Awesome ArchivesSpace Ad Hoc Working Group to convene on a biannual basis, including:
Document steps for setting up Confluence pages and Google resources for a new group