2022-08-04 TAC/UAC Coordinating Committee

2022-08-04 TAC/UAC Coordinating Committee


Aug 4, 2022

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@Valerie Addonizio

@Regina Carra

@Suzanne Reller

@Rachel Searcy

@Christine Di Bella

Unable to attend

@Gordon Daines


Discussion topics









15 min

Checking in on early term activities and progress


Term is off to a good start. The first Council meetings have been scheduled and sub-teams are getting organized.

The sub-team leader meeting went well. All sub-teams were represented except Metadata Standards (due to scheduling conflicts). Some of the discussion was strategic, rather than logistical, which was encouraging. Valerie will aim to have meetings in September, October, and maybe at the beginning of the new calendar year, if interest and enthusiasm continues.

Council handbook is in good shape and ready to come out of draft. It will be placed at the top of the side navigation to make it easy to find. It will be a discussion item for the TAC/UAC joint meeting in September.

Attention was given to better documentation of processes around Google Drive folder permissions and ownership. Remaining business on the handbook is to delete unneeded email templates at the bottom of that page and move the leadership training page into it.


25 min

Continued goals discussion


One of people’s major concerns from year to year is “How do we know how and when to do what we do?” Would like to “adopt a culture of continuity” - maybe this can be a theme for the year. It would be good to build activities around continuity into the end-of-term activities, in particular.

Collaboration between sub-teams - this could range from teams meeting together to the ambassador approach Metadata Standards is considering (they will send a member to sit in on Dev Pri’s meetings, with Dev Pri’s consent). Once workplans have been submitted, the Council leadership will look at them to see if there are natural area for collaboration, but collaborations may also come up organically.

UAC has had good success with having sub-team-led discussions at its meetings. They’ve ranged from very concrete to more general. TAC would like to get back to that model. Maybe also have some “chunky” topics that would be relevant across teams (for example, a continuity discussion or a pain points discussion).

Regina will scheduled the informal coffee chat suggested in our last meeting for Friday, September 9 at 1:00 ET.

5 min

Anything else?


reminder that Vice Chairs are not required to attend the meetings of the opposite Council, though they are welcome

We debated in the meeting whether we should reach out to people who own Google Drive folders who are no longer on the Councils about transferring ownership. After the meeting Valerie sent a listing of the ownership for the Google Drive folders.

Action items



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