2024-02-28 TAC/UAC Joint Meeting
Feb 28, 2023 12pm ET / 11am CT/ 10am MT/ 9am PT
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Meeting ID: 915 3615 2412
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@Rachel Searcy , Chair
@Austin Munsell , Vice Chair
@Jacqueline Asaro
@Diane Biunno
@Kate Bowers - regrets
@Elizabeth M. Caringola - regrets
@Kevin Clair
@Elizabeth Dunham
@Alexander Duryee - regrets
@Bonnie Gordon - regrets
@Regine Heberlein
@Brianna McLaughlin
@Paige Monlux (Unlicensed) - regrets
@Michelle Paquette
@Elizabeth Roke - regrets
@Jenna Silver - regrets
@Tom Steele
@Matt Strauss
@Cheylon Woods - regrets
@Suzanne Reller , Chair
@Rebecca Baugnon , Vice Chair
@Susannah Broyles - regrets
@Kellen Carpenter
@Regina Carra
@Mattie Clear
@William Clements - regrets
@Kelly.Francis - regrets
@Matthew Gorham
@Margaret Kidd
@Ryan Lee
@Jaime Margalotti
@Matthew Neely
@Cory Nimer
@Mary Pedraza
@Keli Schmid
@Chris Tanguay - regrets
@Dillon - regrets
@Ashley Williams Clawson
ASpace Program/Board
@Christine Di Bella
@Jessica Crouch
@Thimios Dimopulos
Work Plan Updates
Discussion on Community Engagement
Time | Item | Presenter | Notes |
5 min | Welcome-- Ice-Breaker | @Suzanne Reller @Rachel Searcy | Ice-breaker: Which image of a librarian most appeals to you? 2 - “Wayne County’s First Librarian” |
5 min | Program Update | @Christine Di Bella | ArchivesSpace Diversity Partnership info: Announcement of 2024 ArchivesSpace Diversity Partnership Program |
2sSpasSpa5 min (max 3 mins/sub-team)
| Sub-team Reports - Work Plan Updates
| Outline:
| TAC sub-team work plans | Integrations: |
| Metadata Standards: | Continuing to work on MARC importer/exporter and ticket referral from DevPri. Drafted community survey focused on people’s use of ArchivesSpace and needs related to import and export of metadata using different standards. | |
| Tech Docs: |
| |
| UAC sub-team work plans
| Member Engagement: |
| Usability: |
| |
| User Docs: | Notable accomplishments: Nearing completion of new documentation for v3.5.0; completed review of subject module documentation; completed review of fields that publish in a resource record in the PUI. Goals for remainder of term: Publish assessment of resource record fields; follow through with sub-team collaborations (Testing/Tech Docs); Complete “continuity” documentation for future User Docs sub-team chairs. | |
| Cross Council sub-team work plans | Dev Pri: |
| Testing: |
| |
20 min | Discussion | Engaging with the ArchivesSpace member community |
5 minutes | Announcements and Upcoming | @Rachel Searcy @Suzanne Reller | March TAC Meeting - March 21 - 1pm Eastern/12pm Central/11am Mountain/10am Pacific March UAC Meeting - The March UAC meeting has been cancelled. Our next meeting will be April 23 at 12pm ET / 11am CT/ 10am MT/ 9am PT The ArchivesSpace Virtual Member forum will be March 26 and 27. Registration is now open.