2024-04-23 UAC Meeting agenda and notes

Apr 23, 2024 12pm ET/ 11am CT/ 10am MT/ 9am PT

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@Rebecca Baugnon (Vice Chair)

@Susannah Broyles

@Kellen Carpenter (Unlicensed) - regrets

@Regina Carra

@Mattie Clear - regrets

@Christine Di Bella (Ex-Officio, Program Manager)


@Matthew Gorham

@Margaret Kidd

@Ryan Lee

@Jaime Margalotti - regrets

@Austin Munsell (Ex-Officio, TAC Vice Chair)

@Matthew Neely - regrets

@Cory Nimer

@Mary Pedraza

@Suzanne Reller (Chair)

@Rachel Searcy (Ex-Officio, TAC Chair)

@Keli Schmid

@Chris Tanguay

@Dillon - regrets

@Ashley Williams Clawson - regrets


  • Update members on UAC activities including activities of sub-teams

  • Discussion: Learn about the Member Engagement and Usability subteams


  • @Matthew Gorham









5 mins


@Suzanne Reller

Icebreaker: Is cereal a soup?

5 mins

UAC Updates

@Suzanne Reller

  • We are accepting self-nominations for Vice Chair of UAC for the 2024-2025. If you are interested, reach out to Rebecca

  • Subteam Vice Leads for 2024-2025: The next term will be here soon so please consider volunteering as a Vice Lead for your subteam.

  • The nomination process for UAC, TAC, and Governance Board for terms starting in July has started! Please share the calls with anyone who may be interested. Deadline is May 3.

  • Are you interested in joining a 2nd subteam for the 2024-2025 term? If so, contact Suzanne or Rebecca.

5 mins

Program Update

@Christine Di Bella

  • Deadline to apply for ArchivesSpace Diversity partnership passed on April 12. Many good applicants. Hoping to name new cohort by June 1.

  • Conference season is coming up - ArchivesSpace folks will be at NW Archivists Conference and Code4Lib.

  • The in-person ArchivesSpace member forum planning committee (at SAA in Chicago) will be forming soon. If you are interested in participating, get in touch with Christine. Call for proposals for the forum will follow at a later date.

5 mins

Sub-team Reports (if any)




Development Prioritization

@Matthew Neely

Reviewed 18 tickets at February meeting.

March meeting was focussed on supporting @Thimios Dimopulos work on creating Jira resources and guidance for the Community. This work will also be a focus for our April meeting in reviewing templates for feature and bug requests. We plan to prioritise supporting this work for the remainder of the term alongside progressing review of Jira tickets as per standard Dev Pri work,


User Documentation

@Rebecca Baugnon


Drafted test documentation that transfers information in spreadsheet of fields that publish in PUI into Confluence; discussed stylistic decisions; began transfer!







@Cory Nimer

Continued work on multilingual description review (ANW-957). Use case documentation currently out for community review and feedback.


Member Engagement

@Mary Pedraza

  • 2024-2025 Member Match application is open! 12 applicants so far.

  • Holding our next informal event May 3 and mixer May 8


Code of Conduct Review Task Force

@Regina Carra

@Mary Pedraza

The Center for Scientific Collaboration and Community Engagement (CSCCE) has been hired to work with task force and other ArchivesSpace leaders to develop CoC

Tentative goal: to create a codified CoC by July.

5 mins

Open Mic/Questions for Subteams



10 mins

Subteam Discussion/Demonstration: Usability

@Cory Nimer

The Multilingual Description Task Force is looking for feedback on the use cases.

10 mins

Subteam Discussion/Demonstration: Member Engagement

@Mary Pedraza

  • The Member Engagement sub-team is outreach focused.

  • 90% of the sub-team’s time is spent managing the Member Match program.


5 mins

Questions and Final Thoughts

@Suzanne Reller


5 mins

Announcements and Next Steps

@Suzanne Reller

Upcoming Meetings

  • Our May meeting will be May 28. We will start discussing a UAC-wide retrospective for the year.

  • Our June meeting is June 25. Subteam retrospectives are due by the June meeting.