2022-02-03 TAC/UAC Coordinating Committee
Feb 3, 2022
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Meeting ID: 837 8895 1918
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@Daniel Michelson
@Regina Carra
@Randy Kuehn
@Valerie Addonizio
@Gordon Daines
@Christine Di Bella
Discussion topics
Time | Item | Facilitator | Notes |
5 min | Anything left to say on ArchivesSpace Councils Wiki Organization?
| Metadata Standards is specifically looking for a retrospective-y doc authored by Dallas Pillen for the 2019-2020 term. Christine will look for it. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AC/pages/2967076865 shows the final version of the reorganization place. This is a useful record of what was done and what the wiki aspires to be if it gets out of whack. The Google doc is an earlier version - we will update to label as a DRAFT, link to the canonical version on wiki. We confirmed that the onboarding pages marked for deletion should be deleted. Christine will check the space for dead links. |
10 min | Next joint TAC/UAC meeting | All | agenda is at https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AC/pages/3029565478 - focus will be on reviewing progress with the workplans now that we’re more than halfway through the year. Also going to share the new timeline at the meeting. Valerie will add a link to the timeline for this as a sample joint meeting agenda. |
20 min | Timelines, templates project | All |
10 min | Followup on recruitment (overall and of leaders) discussion |
| Postponed for a future meeting
5 min | Anything else? |
| Valerie asked that it be put on the agenda for the April meeting to discuss the results of the surveys they’ve been conducting in TAC. |
Action items