2024-02-26 Metadata meeting notes
Call Information
Monday, February 26, 2024
12:00pm EST
Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting
@Jacqueline Asaro
@Diane Biunno
@Kate Bowers
@Kevin Clair
@Elizabeth Roke
@Regine Heberlein
@Kevin Clair
Quick Links
Google drive space: https://drive.google.com/drive/u/1/folders/1RQftm8w4XkNISQHVbtjr6sNY4_iyyXMV
Test records: ArchivesSpace Metadata Standards Sub-Team
Published import/export AS standard: https://archivesspace.org/using-archivesspace/migration-tools-and-data-mapping
The MARC importer: Spreadsheet | Code
EAD 2002 importer: Spreadsheet | Code
Regine’s version of the EAD 2002 import mapping: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uBWibkBRy3o39sZf8cQfNDiCZ7v36Hds/edit#gid=2022215819&fvid=202912311
Jira tickets: https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/jira/software/c/projects/ANW/issues
Time | Item | Notes |
5 minutes | Introduction | Minutes from last meeting – any updates or corrections? |
10 minutes | Ticket referral from DevPri | Came up at the DevPri meeting this month, referred to us for review. Not sure how prescriptive EAD is about note order. ACTION ITEM: Kate volunteered to confirm this behavior in the test interface and if we observe it, we should flag it for a fix (make a note on the Jira ticket verifying that the mapping is incorrect) |
45 minutes | Community survey | We discussed whether or not to propose something for the ArchivesSpace Member Forum as a sub-team, since it was proposed in our work plan this year. We decided that the types of information we would like to have as a sub-team to move our work forward would be better gathered through a survey of people’s uses of ArchivesSpace and needs related to import and export of metadata using different standards. To that end we began drafting a survey that we will eventually send out to the community (targeting an April release window, shortly after the Member Forum). It asks demographic information, what types of import/export behavior people use, what systems they use ASpace in conjunction with, and what people wish ArchivesSpace could do with metadata (among other things). We will continue to work on the survey asynchronously until our next meeting on March 25, and hopefully finalize it then. |