2024-05-23 Meeting Notes


May 23, 2024


  • Cory Nimer

  • Kellen Carpenter

  • Chris Tanguay


Discussion topics/Notes











Multilingual description review

  • Reviewed recent discussion with the program team about the future of the multilingual description initiative

    • Program team had asked whether Usability would like to continue to manage the process, or whether a separate task force should be established to create the specification

    • Call participants were supportive of either approach--Cory will follow up with Susannah about direction of Usability for the coming year

Public User Interface review

  • Reviewed existing tickets related to usability of agents in the Public User Interface

    • Name usage dates (ANW-1811) addressed issue adequately, no comments

    • Open date spans (ANW-1862) review identified additional issues:

      • Open spans are also present in sidebar display, and fix should also address these

      • Need to consider the impact of open spans on date-based searching in PUI

      • Some questions about whether single dates should be separate from open date spans, best practice for encoding standards

    • Sources display (ANW-1962) addressed issue adequately, no comments

    • Other issues identified in agent review included:

      • Understandability of default relationship labels in the application--may need updates

      • Imported relationships from LC plug-in should also be reviewed

      • Display differences when using line breaks in notes as compared to <p> tags

      • Spacing issues in chronologies, citations

      • More documentation may be needed for the outline feature

Next meeting: June 13, 2024 at 12 PM MT/1 PM CT/2 PM ET