2023-08-10 Meeting Notes


August 10, 2023


  • @Cory Nimer

  • @Kellen Carpenter (Unlicensed)

  • @Chris Tanguay


Discussion topics/Notes






  •  Susannah Broyles has been appointed to join the group for the coming term

  • Meeting time to be adjusted to monthly on second Thursday at 2 PM ET

2023-2024 Work Plan

  • Reviewed previous year’s work plan to identify ongoing projects to be addressed

  • Issues for the coming year included:

    • Multilingual description/display

    • Streamlining chronology/index field data entry and updates

    • Reviewing entry and revision of restriction fields

  • Continue to work with Development Prioritization on assigned tickets

  • Continue to review “More Information Needed” tickets in the Jira queue

Restriction fields review

Multilingual description review

  • Document created for gathering information on data entry and display issues (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zw7hcSO07asrk6x7u353UnjPm4zoI6Xl2Vj1BkW6WzE/edit?usp=sharing )

  • Original reporting ticket from Christine Di Bella (ANW-957)

  • Subteam members felt that additional community feedback is needed to develop a specification

    • Will reach out to Christine Di Bella to identify interested parties

    • Could put out call to the community as well to identify archivists interested in participating in a group

      • Call should not be limited to the ArchivesSpace listserv to engage wider community

    • All subteam members present indicated interest in participating in these meetings