2024-5-23 Meeting Agenda and Notes

2024-5-23 Meeting Agenda and Notes


May 23, 2024


  • @Jenna Silver

  • @Austin Munsell

  • @Alexander Duryee

  • @Bonnie Gordon

  • @Michelle Paquette

  • @Blake Carver


  • Review updated charge.

  • Discuss how to support next group of TechDocs members.

  • Discuss division of end of year documentation.

New charge text

Maintain ArchivesSpace technical documentation in tech-docs Github repository

  • When new versions of ArchivesSpace are released, review release notes, providing edits/suggested changes to developers.

  • Identify documentation maintained by other sub-teams, link to it as appropriate, and avoid duplication of effort.

  • Perform yearly surveys of old documentation to provide edits/updates.

  • Review community-submitted issues and pull requests to the repository.

  • Review and manage AwesomeArchivesSpace.

Solicit feedback and contributions from the community

  • Encourage ArchivesSpace community to submit issues regarding documentation directly to the tech-docs repository or contact sub-team members via email to suggest improvements.

  • Monitor listserv for issues for which further documentation would be helpful, and create the appropriate documentation, or at least a stub for future documentation, in a timely fashion.

Perform outreach and make ArchivesSpace community aware of TechDocs

  • Promote TechDocs work and facilitate broad community knowledge by linking to relevant portions of documentation in listserv responses and other communications.

  • Suggest the inclusion of relevant links to TechDocs within documentation maintained by other sub-teams.

Helpful Links

https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AC/pages/2888892490 TechDocs landing page.

https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AC/pages/3358654478 Last year's retrospective.

https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/AC/pages/3725623299 Last month’s meeting notes.

 Discussion topics









10 Minutes

Review updated charge


  • Review and provide edits to the charge.

    • All members agreed with the new charge.

15 Minutes

Brainstorm how to support new TechDocs members


  • Discuss how we can prepare next group of TechDocs members for their terms.

    • Ideas: create a beginning of term training, review/train on all repository sites TechDocs manages, etc.?

    • Members agreed a focus on training would be helpful, walkthrough of actual tasks

20 Minutes

End of year documentation


  • Begin drafting end of year retrospective.

    • Alex asked where things stood with the URL review (links within GitHub). Blake believes there was something standing in the way and will look into it.

    • Michelle asked about the pull requests that are still in the GitHub, forgetting that we talked about them already at our February meeting. They’re waiting to be approved because they’re about things that aren’t live in ASpace.

    • The fact that many members forgot about this means that perhaps we need to work on documentation for pull requests, reviewing them in meetings - restructure how this works.

    • Have we hit our cap on community feedback? Perhaps focus more on being conscious of what is being asked on the listserv and whether we can offer either a) a pointer to documentation or b) a suggestion to put in a pull request when we have documentation.

  • If we do not finish, divide up labor and set deadline for when it needs to be completed.

5 Minutes



  • Questions or concerns.

 Action items

Begin drafting retrospective


@Bonnie Gordon will be taking on the Lead role for the next year

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