Minutes 2014-07-24
Minutes of 07/24/2014 meeting
Esmé Cowles
Chris Fitzpatrick
Michael Giarlo
Cory Nimer
Review Work Plan
Legal agreements
Are these ready for board review?
New developer setup
Does https://github.com/archivesspace/archivesspace have instructions for building from source?
What resources does a new developer need access to -- just Github and Pivotal Tracker?
Best practices for code style, testing, and documentation
Find good examples and link to them
Continuous integration
New developer setup
There is some info in the Hudson Malongo on how to do the build and run the tests -- needs to get migrated
When should info go straight into the README, and when should it be added to the wiki and linked to from the README
Github, Pivotal, and Confluence (when that’s setup), Jenkins
Should link to other resources, like YouTube video, JSON model stuff, JRuby, ORM
Sounds like a new section in the Contributing document
Best practices
We should build a set of links to existing docs
Continuous integration
Some work done to get it working with Travis
But it was never stable/reliable
Hudson Malongo setup a private Jenkins server
There is also a Jenkins server linked to from the README
We have discussed also testing plugins
Maybe a project that pulls in archivesspace and all the plugins
Or separate project for each plugin
Several plugins, with a 45+ minute test suite, could take a long time -- but better than nothing
Action Items
Esme: Review legal docs and make sure ready for handoff
They look ready for review by the board -- there are a small number of comments for them to resolve, but otherwise clean: ArchivesSpace CLA
Fitz: Add link to build docs to README
Esme: Add new section for resources to Contributing doc and send out for review
Mike: Build collection of links to code style, testing, etc. docs (lives in Contributing doc)
Fitz: Jenkins R&D for best way to test plugins
Cory: Review Work Plan and Contributing docs