Content Publication Systems

Content Publication Systems

For ArchivesSpace users that do not use the ArchivesSpace public UI, integration helps them to publish finding aids or other descriptive data to external systems. A number of content publication integrations already exist.

Table of Contents

  1. staticAid

  2. ArchivesSpace Drupal Project

  3. Aviary (can also be used for digital asset management)

  4. Caltech Archives Integration Tools

note: ArcLight can also be used primarily for content publication


Date updated: 2022-01-14



Hillel Arnold
Jekyll static site generator for archival description serialized in JSON, generated via the ArchivesSpace REST API


Documentation & Support

Additional Resources

VirtualVault (GitHub fork for the Rockefeller Archive Center)
On GitHub
 Sample site



In production
Plans to update the Python support
Plans to provider a Docker Image for staticAid

Known Implementers


Reported by

Date Reported

Rockefeller Archive Center





Date updated: 2022-01-14



ArchivesSpace Drupal Project (AS4D8)
Seth Shaw
Drupal 8 Module for supporting integration with the ArchivesSpace REST API


Documentation & Support

Additional Resources

Drupal GitLab
Drupal GitLab
Under development (currently an alpha release is offered)



In development
Under development (currently an alpha release is offered)
[Last known status of use, development, support, operability etc. including forthcoming information if expected]

Known Implementers


Reported by

Date Reported






Date updated: 2022-01-14



Using ArchivesSpace as the master metadata for your archives, Aviary can provide a synchronized access point for audiovisual content in your collections.
 Aviary maps metadata from ArchivesSpace and follows digital object version links to construct accessible digital objects for your users to interact with your collections. Aviary completes the process by creating a new digital object in ArchivesSpace so your users can navigate between Aviary and ArchivesSpace with ease.
 Users visiting this record in ASpace (https://archives.yale.edu/repositories/6/archival_objects/2442342) can navigate seamlessly between the description in ASpace and the actual digital content in Aviary (https://yalemusiclib.aviaryplatform.com/r/f76639kd8n).
 Aviary subscribers can customize the integration with AVP to ensure the process meets their internal and external needs.


Documentation & Support

Additional Resources

Custom, proprietary
Supports ArchivesSpace 2.4.1 through current 2.7.1.
 As organizations who use ASpace request new integrations with Aviary, Aviary will try to develop shared services across all Aviary->ASpace integrations so that it is easier to on ramp new integrations in the future.
 AVP offers 24-hour support for Aviary subscribers. Any bugs or system-related issues are resolved as soon as possible. AVP will provide updates to ASpace and Aviary integrations based on changes to ASpace or Aviary platforms.
Webinar slides, recording, etc.



There are currently four Aviary->ASpace integrations in production, and one in development with five different organizations.
The integration is a custom integration that is implemented by AVP with guidance from the requesting organization. The integration is custom currently because every group uses ASpace intellectual objects and metadata differently, so there is usually some custom mapping to be done to ensure that the correct ASpace AOs and DOs are mapped to create Aviary resources as desired by the organization.
The integration is developed as a synchronization where Aviary is asked to pull metadata and links to digital content from ASpace based on AO identifiers. These create one-to-one relationships between Aviary Resources and ASpace AOs. Aviary can be asked to resync at any time. Aviary uses the ASpace API to gather the requested metadata and links to digital content.

Known Implementers


Reported by

Date Reported





CalTech Archives Integration Tools

Caltech Archives Integration Tools

Date updated:



Caltech Library
cait is a go library wrapping the ArchivesSpace REST API.
Includes support for content export and static website generation tools
Manage your content in ArchivesSpace but read and search the public content independent of the status of ArchivesSpace itself.
Gives you more options for deployment as well as providing a clean separation of concerns for public/admin uses.


Documentation & Support

Additional Resources

On Github
On Github




The developer of this project has relayed that "Caltech Archives Integration Tools" (or CAIT) is a dormant project.
Using the ArchivesSnake Python library with py_dataset replaces the functionality and the developer does not recommend using this project going forward.

Known Implementers


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Date Reported





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