Meaningful Import/Export Testing in AS - notes

July 18, 2014


Supported import formats:


MARCXML (Subjects and Agents only)



Digital Object - CSV


What makes for meaningful import export testing:

1. Consulting the export / import maps:

Is there other documentation to consult?

2. Known issues in PT?

3. Are there particular areas of any formats that need additional testing?

4. Are there areas we can avoid that have already been thoroughly tested?

5. Complexity of import data?

For EAD Harvard is testing the following categories from 4-5 repositories

-              Small FA w/ no hierarchy

-              Large finding aid w/ moderate hierarchy

-              FA w/ multiple levels of hierarchy

-              FA w/ digital object links

-              FA w/ thumbnails

6. How to report import/export issues - directly to PT

-attach example files (EAD, MARC, etc.)

-tag ticket (import/export, MARC, etc.)

-flag priority (major bug, fringe case)

7. Role of EAD3 on import/export testing, if at all (is it too soon?).

8. Can we get set up to use the test site?

( user: admin / password: admin )

Major points to test:

  • check that the maps are accurate

  • test error messages - suggestions for improvement

How to track:

  • if you do individual tickets, use a common tag

  • ok to do 1 larger ticket (but Chris would end up breaking out) - either is ok

  • please look for duplciates first

  • tag as “import”. plus format (e.g. marcxml)

  • attach the problem file


Lots of work recently on ead.

MARCXML subjects/agents mostly worked out.

Could use MARCXML examples
