


Monday, September 21,  

3:00 - 4:00 PM ET, 2:00 - 3:00 PM CT, 1:00 - 2:00 PM MT, Noon - 1:00 PM PT


Call-in info is:

Number: 888-354-0094

Access code: 731627




Not able to attend:




  • Recap results of sub-team interest poll 

  • Establish next steps for sub-teams
  • Discussion on TAC general functions (communication, documentation, etc.)

Agenda items:








Actions from previous call:

  • Poll TAC members for interests in sub-teams and leadership
  • Poll TAC members for a monthly meeting date

Sally Vermaaten (Unlicensed)

Actions from August meeting are completed - thanks to all for filling out the poll & form. As noted on the poll, we are setting regular monthly TAC meeting times. Meetings will be on the third Monday of each month at 3PM ET / 2PM CT / 1PM MT / Noon PT.

ACTION for all TAC members - block out calendars at the regular meeting time until June 2016. If you see any conflicts in the next 1 - 2 months, please alert Sally soon - if several folks can't make it she'll send out a Doodle poll for an adjusted time.


Program Update

  • Review of key ArchivesSpace activities since the last TAC meeting

BradleyW (Unlicensed)


Aiming to release v.1.4 on Friday Sept. 25th.

There will be a number of additions and improvements delivered in the new release - there will be a complete list of changes included with the release on the GitHub releases page. You can also find detailed info about stories delivered in recent sprints via the Releases and Sprints page on the ArchivesSpace wiki.

Membership continues to grow. Two ArchivesSpace workshops were recently held and there is an upcoming workshop at Mississippi State. SAA 2015 was a hub of ArchivesSpace activity: the ArchivesSpace booth was very popular; ArchivesSpace - Aeon and ArchivesSpace - Archivematica integration discussions were held; the post-SAA members meeting was attended; Governance Board also met and reviewed results from deployment survey sent to members - results will be posted to User Forum soon.

Angela Spinazzè (Unlicensed) reported on Public User Interface Enhancement project. Work is progressing, all work is on the wiki including initial wireframes which were based on user testing and personas. Comments on the wireframes are welcome.



Discussion on TAC general functions (communication, documentation, etc.)


Review of general TAC responsibilities and encouraged activities:

  • Note-taking for TAC meetings - Agreed that continuing members to take notes in 2015/2016 meetings - we'll just go alphabetically through the list. In 2016/2017 the members that are currently new will take minutes. All notes should be posted to the wiki - there is a template available here. ACTION - Sally to post schedule of calls & note-takers.

  • Documenting sub-team activities - Sub-teams should document their meetings and share notes on the TAC wiki. Each sub-team can decide how they'd like to assign note-taking duties. In keeping with the values of an open-source community, sub-teams should also use the wiki to share documents. It's okay to post draft documents - you can just mark them as such.

  • Communicating sub-team activities - TAC sub-teams are encouraged to share information about their work via blog posts on the ArchivesSpace wiki or posts to the Users' Forum. Sub-teams are also encouraged to consider whether the group might be able to develop a presentation that team members could give at local, regional or national conferences. 

  • Responding to User Forum requests - If any questions come through the Users Group or Google Group lists that relate to work you or your sub-team is doing, you are encouraged to respond to the question. If you realize a question that has been posted to one of the lists relates to another TAC member's work you are also encouraged to help your colleague by bringing it their attention (e.g. fwd-ing it along).



Sub-team updates

  • Updates from any continuing groups that have met since last TAC meeting
  • Sub-team leaders to briefly share plans for next meeting

Max Eckard

Ann Cooper (Unlicensed)

Noah Huffman (Deactivated)

  • Technical Documentation sub-team - Ann Cooper (Unlicensed) communicated with the group to schedule their first meeting, which will be Thursday, Sept 24th and discussing a plan of work for 15/16.

  • Migration sub-team - Noah Huffman (Deactivated) will be sending out a Doodle poll this week to schedule a regular meeting time for the year. The team will likely be focusing on several substantial work items including work on Schematron import functionality, EAD 3 implementation, and extending METS exports to include events and rights. The Migration sub-team is relatively large so they should be able to divide responsibilities and progress multiple pieces of work at once.


  • Integrations - Max Eckard sent out a Doodle poll to schedule the group's first meeting. The first meeting will focus on scoping work for the group and developing a work plan.


  • Features Prioritization and Testing - Testing of a fix for the re-ordering and performance performance is the current focus. This group meets every two weeks to align with the development sprint cycle. Next meeting of the group is October 2nd.



Recap of poll results and establishing sub-team 15-16 work plans

  • Confirmed sub-team members and leaders
  • Bug Wranglers sub-team
  • Next steps

Sally Vermaaten (Unlicensed)


  • Everyone should know what sub-teams they are contributing to and/or leading. If anyone is unsure, please contact Sally.

  • In response to the sub-team interest form, Mark Cooper proposed a new sub-team, Bug Wranglers. The group will aim to fix low-priority application bugs. The group would meet to assign bugs to group members, review each others code, and make pull requests to ArchivesSpace. The group will work with the core development team and would be an excellent way for TAC members with coding skills to get some practical experience with the ArchivesSpace application. ACTION - Sally to add Bug Wranglers to the list of sub-teams on the wiki. ACTION - if you have any questions or are interested in joining the Bug Wranglers sub-team, get in touch with Mark Cooper (mark.cooper@lyrasis.org).

    • ACTION - Sub-teams should aim to discuss the sub-team's work plan and post an initial cut of 15/16 work items on their sub-team page by the October TAC meeting.

Action items:

  • ACTION for all TAC members - block out calendars at the regular meeting time until June 2016. If you see any conflicts in the next 1 - 2 months, please alert Sally soon - if several folks can't make it she'll send out a Doodle poll for an adjusted time.
  • ACTION - Sally to post schedule of calls & note-takers. DONE - see 2018-2019 TAC Meeting notes DELETE page.
  • ACTION - Sub-teams should aim to discuss the sub-team's work plan and post an initial cut of 15/16 work items on their sub-team page by the October TAC meeting.