


Monday, June 20

3:00 - 4:00 PM ET, 2:00 - 3:00 PM CT, 1:00 - 2:00 PM MT, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM PT

Call-in info is:

Number: 888-354-0094

Access code: 731627

Notetaker: Sally Vermaaten (Unlicensed)



Not able to attend:


  • Discussion of common scripts repository
  • Request for feedback from Technical Documentation group
  • Update from sub-teams on work underway
  • Update from Program Manager on program activities 

Agenda items:





5 min

Roll call and actions from previous meetings



5 min

Thanks to TAC members for recent listserv contributions:

  • Answering questions on the listserv
  • Code, documentation and bug reporting contributions
10 minProgram update


    • Staffing configuration will be a combination of a staff developer and contracted development.
      • Recruiting process is now underway:
      • Job description in draft
      • Search / interview team constituted
      • Check in with HM scheduled
    • June Sprint launched for PUI enhancements
      • Harvard and HM contributing development (May agreement)
      • Testing assigned to team members
      • Prioritization of all PUIE issues completed
      • Next Sprint: June 28
    • Release Candidate of v1.5.0 being prepared.


    • Vassar College, June 6-7
    • Upcoming
      • Princeton Theological Seminary and Princeton University, July 18-20
      • Santa Clara University, July 28-29

Member Forum

  • Full day event, Tuesday, August 2, at Woodruff Library, Atlanta University Ctr.
    • Morning: Three workshops
      • Creating and Managing Digital Object Records in ArchivesSpace
      • Introducing the ArchivesSpace REST API using Python 3
      • Developing Simple Plug-ins to Customize your ArchivesSpace Experience
    • Afternoon
      • Program updates
      • Two breakouts, three sessions each
        • How Does ArchivesSpace Work for You
        • Managing Containers and Locations in ArchivesSpace: A Look at Newly Added Functionality
        • ArchivesSpace Integrations–A Status Report and Look Ahead
        • Data Cleanup Strategies and Tools
        • Getting Involved in the ArchivesSpace Community
        • Working with a Hosting Provider


    • UAC Appointments confirmed
    • Governance Board elections underway

Board Meeting

    • Decided to have 2 face-to-face meetings per year
    • Will continue subsidizing second presenter for ASpace workshops for the next fiscal year
    • Approved appointment of Gregor Trinkhaus-Randall as liaison from the LYRASIS Board of Directors
    • Approved FY2016/2017 budget
      • Equivalent of two FTE for development
      • .5 FTE Support Technician


10Discussion: common script repository

See discussion thread: http://lyralists.lyrasis.org/pipermail/archivesspace_users_group/2016-April/003517.html

Group seemed to agree that a common script repository was a good idea. Scott noted that in the Tech Documentation's analysis of listserv questions, they noted script sharing was a question that came up frequently.

Options are:

1) Set up GitHub organization with repositories for individual tools / toolsets.

  • pros: tools are in a centralized location; GitHub is where the code already likely lives;
  • cons: some setup overhead in that it would require someone to add contributors; versions in org may become out of date

2) Github.io page that simply links to other repositories

  • pros: centralized list; GitHub is where the code already likely lives; could be lower ongoing maintenance if the page can be opened up to anyone to update links
  • cons: requires users to go out another 'hop' to get to tools themselves as the .io page would be just links

3) Update ASpace plugins wiki page

  • pros: centralized list
  • cons: requires ASpace wiki log-in to keep up-to-date; because it's with more formal documentation, contributors with 'half baked' scripts may not feel their work is good enough / ready to share here

Decision: GitHub organization or Github.io page sounded like the best options. ACTION - Integrations sub-team / Max Eckard and Patrick Galligan to examine the two Github a bit further and if they feel ready, set one up.

Additional points raised included:

  • Is it feasible for Integrations team to set this up? Setup won't require much effort. In terms of ongoing management, if community pitches in to manage, ongoing maintenance will be quite low. If community isn't adopting and it requires reaching out and actively encouraging folks to submit tools that would be a greater overhead that would need to be attached to a sub-team - doesn't necessarily have to be Integrations and may make sense for it to sit with a larger sub-team.
  • There should be a pointer from the ASpace wiki to the Github org or .io site
  • There should be a note saying that newer script versions may be available in source repositories
  • There should be a note stating that this is a community resource. These scripts are not vetted, they're not under any official Archivesspace auspices, etc. There are precedents for programs having additional repos for uploading community projects - e.g. Islandora Labs; Hydra Labs - these are often more formally defined sometimes with associated license agreements but there didn't seem to be any issues with taking an informal approach if it's clear this is an unofficial sharing space.
15 minCommitter Oversight sub-team updateSome discussion regarding the container management pull request. No significant update.
Technical documentation sub-team update

Are working on draft of FAQ - systematically identified questions to include based on analysis of listserv discussion.

Are some topics where the group thinks the coverage could be improved - e.g. migration.

ACTION - All TAC members encouraged to review the draft FAQ document and share your thoughts on an appropriate platform for this type of FAQ.

Features Prioritization sub-team updateSally Vermaaten (Unlicensed)

Has been grooming JIRA stories in the icebox, going epic by epic. They are looking for duplicate stories, identifying where further detail in spec would be required to start development and adding that in or contacting individual(s) or groups that may be able to provide that detail. This grooming is largely ignoring prioritzation at this stage.

Testing sub-team updateNo development sprint so no update. They expect to start some activity again soon.
Migration sub-team update

Have done migration support and consultation for Smithsonian, West Virigina, and Athens, GA Public Library - these orgs were referred to group by program staff.

Responded to requests for spec-ing assistance from Features Prioritization groups.

Responded to proposal from Mark Custer to update EAD import logic re. publication status.

Starting to plan out activities needed to support EAD3 - ranging from simple trial plugin to export EAD3 to potential changes to data model.

Bug Wrangler sub-team updateNo update - have not met since last call.
Integrations sub-team update

Last met on 14 June. Group reviewed new responses to integration forms, including from Litchfield Historical Society and Harvard.

There was some discussion of the group's role for different tiers of integration and the group was thinking that regardless of integration tier, the optimal role for the TAC sub-team may be as a collector and disseminator of information. Will discuss again in July meeting.

5 minKicking off 2016 / 2017 year
  • Membership - June marks the official end of the year for 15/16; all TAC members whose terms were set to expire have chosen to serve a second term. However there may be up to 2 vacancies.
  • Call schedule - Voting results: 13 for holding general TAC calls every two months (similar to UAC); 1 for holding monthly calls. Should we continue with same day of week & time? ACTION - Sally to send out Doodle poll for new regular time.
  • Work plans - all sub-teams encouraged to develop 16/17 work plans and discuss in upcoming meetings
  • ACTION - if you'd liike to switch sub-teams, email Sally. If many folks would like to switch, we may run a matching process like last year but if members are generally happy where they are, that may not be needed.


5 minOther announcements / questionsAnyone with a discussion item or question-
 Next meeting time --

To be scheduled - will be in August


  • Max Eckard and Patrick Galligan - Integrations sub-team to examine the two Github common script repository options a bit further and if they feel ready, set one up.
  • All TAC members  - encouraged to review the draft FAQ document and share your thoughts on an appropriate platform for this type of FAQ.
  • Sally Vermaaten (Unlicensed) - send out Doodle poll for 16/17 call time
  • All TAC members - if you'd like switch sub-teams, email Sally