Work Plan - 2015-2016
Work Plan - 2015-2016
Develop pre-processing and validation tools for imports (start with EAD, possibly extend to other import formats)
- Test ASpace EAD importer with large test batch of EAD, identify issues - Former user (Deleted)
- Submit feature request for improved EAD import logging / diagnostics - Former user (Deleted)
- Develop/refine preprocessing tools for EAD: https://github.com/tcatapano/EAD_Archivespace_Import
- Document known ASpace-imposed EAD constraints. Include on github and with other import/export documentation at: http://www.archivesspace.org/migrations
- refine schematron assertions
- develop profile for subset of EAD2002 schema for ASpace imports - Former user (Deleted)
- develop/refine/deploy web application for validating EADs against ASpace (Dave Mayo, Harvard)
- move tools and documentation to ArchivesSpace github repo - Former user (Deleted); (Dave Mayo from Harvard)
- Develop / publish documentation for community on how to run schematron batch-validation in Oxygen (see Mark Custer's post: http://campuspress.yale.edu/yalearchivesspace/2015/07/22/validation-scenarios/)
- Explore options for providing schematron validation as a web service or part of the application. See examples below:
- Nathan Stevens' pilot site:
- Harvard's archivesspace checker: https://github.com/harvard-library/archivesspace-checker
Review outstanding JIRA Issues related to Import/Export
- Clean-up, normalize labels for ead import/export issues
- Clean-up, normalize labels for MARC import/export issues
- Review this document and add any new issues to JIRA: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wMGPDSdhfh3FsFZmJ3tngMWtmFNkRUHqwfFcxZp5Txk
Archon Migration script testing
- Continue testing Archon migration script, log issues, report to user list or JIRA (Former user (Deleted), Phillip Suda (Unlicensed))
Review data import/export mapping documents for accuracy (http://www.archivesspace.org/importexport)
- EAD - Michael Vandermillen (Unlicensed) EAD import map review, initial pass https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/17g5MOObpNcsmDYy8MGRIGT2eD_hb0Gb0SnvxUqWOdQo/edit#gid=1971542908
- MARCXML: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CDCt5n1hNyj0BYr1MdPDUvLLKUwRji17jNeYbGmlyYs/edit?usp=sharing - Noah Huffman (Deactivated)
- Accession CSV - Michael Vandermillen (Unlicensed) (can contribute)
- Digital Objects
Support for EAD3 (longer term)
- Document changes to the ASpace data model needed to support import/export of EAD3
- Make changes to data model and import/export code
"Background Work" - responding to user list queries
- Monitor ASpace user list, serve as first responders for migration and import/export related posts, create JIRA issues as needed
- Serve as a resource for members migrating data to ASpace from various legacy systems/formats (Access, FileMakerPro, etc.)
, multiple selections available,