2022-05-03 Meeting notes


May 3, 2022



  • @Matthew Neely

  • @Daniel Michelson

  • @saron tran

  • @Angela White

  • @Tom Steele

  • @Althea Topek

  • @Randy Kuehn

  • @Christine Di Bella

  • @Brian Hoffman (Unlicensed)


 Discussion topics

Topic / Who




Topic / Who




@Matthew Neely

  1. https://archivesspace.atlassian.net/browse/ANW-1466

  1. Not been able to recreate this in the Sandbox using a resource record, linked to events and a top container. Top container deleted with no error.

2. Dev-Pri previously reviewed this ticket in May 2021 and queried whether ANW-1131 would solve this. No further comments have been added to ticket since Dev Pri reviewed it. Recommend closing?

3. Ticket requests adding all notes to the bulk importer plugin, expect Index and Bibliography as these are not text based. Recommend passing as useful for institutions using these notes.

  1. Close

  2. Close

  3. Pass

@Daniel Michelson

  1. No reason for the importer to reject text based TRUE values, pass.

  2. This request has come up before, so there’s clearly more than a couple institutions desiring this feature. Seems like a low lift, so pass.

  3. Nothing has really changed since the last time we looked at CUIs, it’s used in a lot of different ways that makes changes hard to make. The one ticket that was passed based on this is still awaiting implementation. Suggest punting for now.

  1. Pass

  2. Pass as a text field, tooltip indicates that it’s just staff side, etc.

  3. Close. 1 is passed, 2 maybe already done (PUI vs staff)?, 3 not a good idea (plugin?)

@saron tran

  1. pass

  2. pass – i think what Christine is saying it should be included in the common / staff / public yml files? vs currently there are a lot of directories / files to parse through?

  3. close – op stated they developed it

  1. Pass, Andrew Morrison might have a fix in 2.8?

  2. Pass

  3. Close

@Angela White

  1. I was able to verify this bug--the column exists in the export, but is not populated. Pass

  2. The “from the collection” extent is overridden by an extent at any lower level, which seems to be causing confusion? Maybe the answer is to add the “from the collection” extent regardless of whether there is another extent at a lower level.

  3. This ticket has already been addressed. Close.

  1. Pass

  2. Pass for adding “partial extent” for all partials

  3. – Need to understand how people use CUI before passing

@Tom Steele

  1. This ticket has been closed.

  2. This one appears rather complicated to me. Wouldn't it be better if the accession record is not published if it has fields that should be private?

  3. This ticket is well written and spot on. Pass.

  1. Pass

  2. Close. Recommend putting this data in an unpublished agent record or not publishing the accession records

  3. Pass

@Althea Topek

  1. pass - but not sure to what extent. It seems like line and paragraph breaks are it?

2. It’s a bug - this should probably count the accessions in the selected repository.

3. This ticket wants the CUI to display in the “Container Inventory” view in the PUI. Top containers series inherit CUIs from series parent archival objects. This could look really messy if one container is linked to multiple archival objects with different CUIs (shared boxes). Should look the same in staff and PUI but be configurable (turn off or on).

  1. Pass for fixing line breaks. Putting EAD tags in a non-EAD record is weird

  2. Pass

  3. Pass

@Randy Kuehn

  1. Pass - Error demonstrated in sandbox (https://test.archivesspace.org/staff/digital_objects/45#tree::digital_object_component_19)

  2. Pass - I don’t think a related resources field will be redundant (???)

  3. Pass - Typeahead does not adhere to expected behavior

  1. Pass

  2. Close. Too complex to link internal resources

 Action items
