2022-05-05 TAC/UAC Coordinating Committee

2022-05-05 TAC/UAC Coordinating Committee


May 5, 2022

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@Valerie Addonizio

@Regina Carra

@Randy Kuehn

@Daniel Michelson

@Gordon Daines

@Christine Di Bella


Discussion topics









30 min

Continued discussion on TAC surveys



Valerie’s notes organized by themes in this Google Doc


During the discussion Valerie highlighted ideas in the Doc that people were particularly interested in implementing. Some include:

  • Adding a question to the nomination form about where people heard about the openings

  • Continuing sub-team participation in the Online Forum

  • Asking in upcoming Council retrospectives whether people care if there are icebreakers or not with an eye toward freeing up that meeting time for other activities

  • Making the orientation longer, and have more time for people to do hands-on activities with the different communication and productivity tools

  • Be sure to record more of the sub-team and Board activities at the Online Forum and elsewhere so that the content can be reused

  • Ask cross-Council groups that have similar purviews to meet together at least 1-2 times per term

  • See the doc for more (not all were discussed in the meeting because we ran out of time)

15 min

TAC discussion of leadership training/ideas for 2022-23


TAC discussion indicated that almost no one utilized the training videos. Reasons ranged form lack of time and interest to wanting the sessions to be more specific to the TAC experience or working on open source projects in general. UAC did more to incorporate the training into its meetings and discussions earlier in the term, which meant more people overall had participated. They will revisit the topics in the upcoming retrospective.

The training this year was designed as a small lift to get a sense of what people wanted and whether they would participate. From the TAC feedback, it seems it was too small to make a determination. We will need to make some decisions about whether to put more effort and energy in to tailor the training more to the specifics of Council participation (there are some ideas from the survey results - something in between would be organizing our existing orientation videos into a YouTube playlist, and supplementing them with some additional requested content on things like the organization of Jira and the wiki.

5 min

Status of leader recruitment/status of sub-teams for 2022-23


Not discussed

5 min

Anything else?



Action items

