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Lydia planning to create a summarizing blog post for ArchivesSpace in January/February
Smith had a meeting to talk about the priortization survey and had some questions.
Some of the choices/prompts seemed vague while others seemed specific. Not much explanation of definitions.
Unclear how developers work and priorities get determined.
Q: Will this survy have an influence over what the Program team/Developers work on? A: Not necessarily.
The Dev Roadmap. Christine goes through the tickets passed by Dev Pri and picks quarterly themes based on those tickets. Tickets then grouped and then the Dev team works through them.
After survey closes, we will share results with the whole Dev Pri sub-team.
Ticket tags
“Metadata” tag (Link to board) conflates tickets that deal with metadata with tickets where we want MS sub-team to weigh in. Could we create a new tag for the sub-team?
Does Usability have a similar situation?
Another idea is to add another column to the Kanban boards for “For Subteam Review” where someone from Dev. Pri. comments on the ticket which subteam needs to view it, and once the ticket is ready for Dev. Pri. again, the subteam person comments on the ticket and the original Dev. Pri. person adds it to the next agenda.
Consensus that a new column “For Sub-team Review” would work well.
Do we also need another status for “Waiting for specification”?
Do we need a definition of the statuses? Does Community Dev include plug-ins?
@Laney McGlohon (Unlicensed) will bring this to @Christine Di Bella and talk about documenting the statuses and go from there.
Ticket theme for today’s meeting: Mostly bug tickets, with “older” Awaiting More Info feature request tickets
This seems like a browser issue specific to reporter. Is not an issue in sandbox PUI.
This only affects text sub-notes in multi-part notes. Recommend moving forward with development.
Have not been able to replicate this issue in 2.7.0.
@Daniel Michelson will ask colleague to add info to ticket (trying to pull width of right hand side nav bar). Move to Awaiting More Info.
@Lori Dedeyan (Unlicensed) leave comment to ask them to upgrade to v2.7 and let us know if issue is resolved. Move to Awaiting More Info. Look at this ticket again next time.
Confirmed in v2.7.0. No scroll bar and cannot key down the list either. Could not scroll or key down via the container record either. (Browse view is workaround.) Rec: pass.
Helpful hints aren’t appearing in v2.7.0. Still only appears hint if an additional assessment attribute has already been created. Rec: pass.
New options added. Choose and pass? Or I can do a flash survey on listserv, update ticket with winning option, and pass it.
@Maggie Hughes will comment that issue happens in Resources, too. Pass.
@Maggie Hughes leave comment that screen reader needs to understand what is indicated visually/alternative text “Unpublished”; the accessibility of the options should be tested; circle back with Usability if needed. Pass.
My personal opinion is that this should pass. A useful feature that has been painstakingly spec’d out by Cory
Usability looked at this ticket and felt that, even though it would be nice to have a feature to display digital objects on the resource view, this is too Repository-specific and should either be a plug in or more flexible configurable option
Usability looked at this and felt it was useful for both staff and PUI, to maximize the ability of dynamically generated finding aids.
Usability felt this was a useful feature. I forget if we discussed this and said the programming architecture is too complex to fix?
This is a new “bug” that would be nice to fix soon. Endorsed by Usability
Also endorsed by Usability
Also endorsed by Usability
@Laney McGlohon (Unlicensed) will leave comment and talk to @Christine Di Bella about sending this out for community comment.
@Lydia Tang (Unlicensed) will leave to explore as a plug-in or configurable. Move to Community Dev.