2018-06-01 Meeting notes

2018-06-01 Meeting notes



Discussion items



Scott notes that this might be the last meeting before he and Rachel rotate off.

Our blog post was published yesterday.

 Pull Requests and Issues

only open issue is #19: Container management documentation

Scott asks: is there anything else that we wanted to try to forge ahead with in the last couple of weeks?

Bobbi Fox (Unlicensed) will make sure that there's a link in the tech docs to Dallas's new Hello World ReadMe.

Rachel wouldn't mind submitting pull requests on the external solr, and running under a prefix. Has anyone noticed if prefixes work with 2.3?  Rachel will update the tech docs with the latest versions that prefixes don't work for.

Need a more systematic review of the other sections of the documentation, which we're suggesting for the next iteration of this subcommittee.

Laney intends to include the techdocs to the release process with the next release; which the next group should review.

Trevor: we need more outreach to the community about the tech docs; more active solicitation for review.

Config documentation

Trevor: nothing has changed since the last time; just converted the config file documentation to Markdown.

In terms of updates: the developer will be the one to keep up with it. Trevor never did a pull request, so it's still in his fork, but he'll do the pull request.


Trevor: we need more outreach to the community about the tech docs; more active solicitation for review.

Laney thinks the group functioned pretty well, and the process of managing the updates is working pretty well.

See Scott's 2017-2018 Retrospective Notes

Action items
