2021-5-10 Meeting notes

2021-5-10 Meeting notes




Mark Cooper (Unlicensed)

Alexander Duryee (Deactivated)

Brian Hoffman (Unlicensed)

Steve Majewski (Unlicensed)

Dave Mayo (Unlicensed)

Lora Woodford

Gregory Wiedeman (Unlicensed)

Jessica Crouch

Unable to Attend

Meeting information:

Zoom information is no longer being shared on publicly available wiki pages.  Check your calendar appointment or email from Jessica (Jessica.crouch@lyrasis.org) for connection information. 


5 minJessica CrouchWelcome and Announcements
5 min 

Old Business


Developer Onboarding wiki pages for review and enhancement - /wiki/spaces/ADC/pages/894533891

The tech docs sub-team is open to merging the necessary docs.  This team will spend 20 minutes each meeting going through the wiki pages and doing a quick assessment to determine if the page should be moved to tech-docs, kept on the wiki for historical purposes or trashed.  

For those that should be merged, they'll be assigned to a core committer to merge to tech docs. 

Dave Mayo (Unlicensed)Anything from the Ad Hoc API group? Any forthcoming PRs?

Lots of things being updated and making forward movement. 

30 min

New Business/Open Discussion


3.0 update


Brian gave an overview of the issues that arose during the release process.  The group discussed some of the larger issues related to various dependencies and issues related to how the software is built/packaged.  Going forward, this group may deliberate some larger development policies and procedures when the developers want some advisement. 

EveryoneTeam project: Pull request / commit history policy and documentation

This is a worthwhile project that the team will back burner until after the development docs review. There may be some content to poach from that. 

It is worth identifying how much of what we need from people submitting PRs can be automated (review of the check boxes/requirements at the bottom of the form) and if/how to apply GitHub branch rules.


Core Committers Mission/Community Engagement

One primary action item from the last meeting was the team's desire/need to move away from the current role of the group as primarily reviewing PRs to play a more active role in fostering a community of developers in ArchivesSpace. We discussed the possibility of hosting quarterly calls similar to the “office hours” the training corps is testing. These calls would include as many of the Core Committers as possible with a theme or topic for the call that would require about 10-15 minutes of “presentation” from a team member and then we’d take questions from a feedback form and on the fly. Hopefully community discussion will spring up naturally. I mocked up a working doc for us to keep the ball rolling on this discussion between meetings. I already put lots of my own thoughts on the doc, please do the same. You can find that at https://docs.google.com/document/d/168Je7iVUb2QspI_EdKpCCiQR-jO2vqcwA8RRwIcXwfw/edit?usp=sharing.

The team affirmed this is something they want to do. 

Mark suggested offering a very broad conversation topic for the first call like "Bring any question you've ever had about ArchivesSpace development."

Please review the google doc linked <<< and make comments and suggestions before the next meeting on June 14. If the team makes some movement on the docs, then Jessica will send out doodle polls to get the ball rolling on this series.

3 minEveryone

Closed Pull Requests since April 12, 2021
(is:pr is:closed base:master merged:>2021-4-12)

44 closed

10 minAssignee

Open Pull Requests (is:pr is:open base:master assignee:[name])

Link to open pull requests: https://github.com/archivesspace/archivesspace/pulls


Mark Cooper

Alexander Duryee (Deactivated)

Brian Hoffman (Unlicensed)

Steve Majewski (Unlicensed)

Dave Mayo (Unlicensed)

Gregory Wiedeman (Unlicensed)

Lora Woodford

5 minEveryoneOur next meeting is June 14, 2021 at 2pm ET


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